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Issac Brock

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listen coupon - i dont hate you - but.. you definately have some twisted thoughts and information, you and your other boys who hate and help you write this shit sounds good.. but i know what happened, and is not what you and seeking think happened...every one from the prosecutors office and half of the graffwiters have been hating for the longest... so i wouldnt expect less from you at this point. You regret what you did, you decided to be a part of this , then you dicided it was'nt a good thing for you... that's what you have to live with - dont be angry at me and make accusations that are hurtful.


Remember we helped you and talked to your monther for hours on the phone while you were in jail, remember we helped you get paid $800 to do a mural and the DAM, i even gave you gas money and and a base so you can use the internet and make calls after you got out. Now you hate... sounds like you need to grow up, stop making up shit - and stop hating... speading lies is not the right thing to do.


when you needed help you had no problems then... now im a liar and a crook... you gettin emotional because your face is on the site, be a man... don't forget you wanted to be the star of the movie, you came to detroit, let us record atleast 15 hours with you, thought you were the man and talked mad shit - then you got ate the fuck up! when you got busted and brought back down to earth you started cracking from the pressure - now the only way you can save face with your friends is to hate and distort the situation. please, kindly in a nice way- shut the fuck up :) coupe i liked you .. i thought you were cool - but coming from the country like you and you boy do dont mean youre street, and hanging out in the city sometimes does'nt make you hard or down... it's just like that. do you really expect people to think you have some type of inside scoop with the very people that brutally locked you the fuck down and made you suffer in a jail cell like a punk... right you forgot all that shit.. they're your peeps right...werd... i forgot you signed a deal with them.... i didnt :)

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Originally posted by movie_hole

listen coupon - i dont hate you - but.. you definately have some twisted thoughts and information, you and your other boys who hate and help you write this shit sounds good.. but i know what happened, and is not what you and seeking think happened...every one from the prosecutors office and half of the graffwiters have been hating for the longest... so i wouldnt expect less from you at this point. You regret what you did, you decided to be a part of this , then you dicided it was'nt a good thing for you... that's what you have to live with - dont be angry at me and make accusations that are hurtful.


Remember we helped you and talked to your monther for hours on the phone while you were in jail, remember we helped you get paid $800 to do a mural and the DAM, i even gave you gas money and and a base so you can use the internet and make calls after you got out. Now you hate... sounds like you need to grow up, stop making up shit - and stop hating... speading lies is not the right thing to do.


when you needed help you had no problems then... now im a liar and a crook... you gettin emotional because your face is on the site, be a man... don't forget you wanted to be the star of the movie, you came to detroit, let us record atleast 15 hours with you, thought you were the man and talked mad shit - then you got ate the fuck up! when you got busted and brought back down to earth you started cracking from the pressure - now the only way you can save face with your friends is to hate and distort the situation. please, kindly in a nice way- shut the fuck up :) coupe i liked you .. i thought you were cool - but coming from the country like you and you boy do dont mean youre street, and hanging out in the city sometimes does'nt make you hard or down... it's just like that. do you really expect people to think you have some type of inside scoop with the very people that brutally locked you the fuck down and made you suffer in a jail cell like a punk... right you forgot all that shit.. they're your peeps right...werd... i forgot you signed a deal with them.... i didnt :)





Well Tony Smith I do hate you. You are a nark and on top of that some one who is only out for their benefit and gain. You really didn’t do shit for me. The $800 DAM mural project. You hooked that up just so you could film it. You didn’t have any bold nice intentions, because I remember when I told you I didn’t want you filming me painting you got crazy heated. My Mom hated you didn’t trust you at all. Giving me gas money? Shit hey how about this I’ll send you $10.00 and you can keep the change. Then you’re going to throw that I used your Internet and phone to contact my friends. Give me a break grasp for some more straws there.


You Narcing: I’ve heard it from the Turtle side. Then the prosecutor on my case who has nothing to gain from lying says the same shit. How do you explain that? Who are my boys helping me write this? I’m one man that’s all. I see some one trying to fuck over writers for their own benefit and gain, so I stand up and say my opinion and facts from what I’ve seen. How are my boys evolved in that?

I regret having any connections to you because you are a nark and very manipulative to get your own gains.

As I said before I didn’t want you to put my face on your site or the movie. Now that’s just shit on the side now. As I stated before I barely paint now. I’m going into a new carrier and pretty much leaving Graffiti behind, but I can’t stand by idlely well some one comes into a scene I love just to fuck every one over so they can make a bullshit documentary.

Now the last part of your accusations. Yeap you filmed me 15 hours. That’s true but how many times did I tell you I didn’t want to be filmed. Why was it that the first time you filmed me for an hour or so that I made sure my face wasn’t facing the camera? If I really wanted to be this movie star you speak of why did I get pissed when you put my face on your site? What shit did I talk? When I said that Detroit is a playground for writers because there are so many abandon buildings and the cops have bigger fish to fry? It’s the fucking truth.

The only difference between a year ago and now is this.

The cops and the prosecutor: Duggan wanted a better job so he got a ton of media attention to himself on small quality of life crimes. He got that better job. He was the one who locked me up. Now the current prosecutor wants to focus on shootings and bigger shit.

Me: Last year I was painting hard and traveling a lot. Now I don’t and I’m learning a new trait.

You: Last year you were a corrupt individual manipulating people for your own gain I.E. money. Currently: You’re a corrupt individual manipulating people for your own gain I.E. In the past when you were a rave promoter you were a corrupt individual manipulating people for your own gain.

Every one has changed except you. So why don’t your shut the fuck up.


The last thing though. Who the fuck are you? I’ve never claimed to be street. I live in a fucking small town now mother fucker. So hay go fuck yourself buddy.


I'm done typing about you fucker. The proof is already out there. If any one gives money to this fucker for his documenty you're supporting a narc.

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Originally posted by movie_hole

do you really expect people to think you have some type of inside scoop with the very people that brutally locked you the fuck down and made you suffer in a jail cell like a punk...


This is a quote from the paper to clear up the "inside scoop" your talking about. You aint no writer, you just trying to "document" and

leach of writers balls. You fake fuck


"they cracked the case too late. The new prosecutor, Kym W***hy, focused on Detroit's increase in violent crime and hindered by budget constraints, has made graffiti a low priority. She's not interested"


dont ya get it, "There were 800 people shot in six months in Detroit this year," they got other things to worry about and Duggan was an idiot like you leaching of other mutherfuckers for self gain. All you gotta do is read.

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You guys have to stop beating around the bush and realize that no matter what kind of thread you make, there is going to be a lot of bullshit to go along with it... There will always be bad pictures and stupid comments for ass cakes to comment on..


That is the name of this sport we call "graffiti".


Lets let this fucker riiiiiiiddee..

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Originally posted by TwoForFifty

You guys have to stop beating around the bush and realize that no matter what kind of thread you make, there is going to be a lot of bullshit to go along with it... There will always be bad pictures and stupid comments for ass cakes to comment on..


That is the name of this sport we call "graffiti".


Lets let this fucker riiiiiiiddee..


yeah, good point. im not really serious when i say delete this thread. its just funny how much bullshit there is right now. we have entire pages about just beef and shit.

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either 12oz or my cable is sucking ass tonight.


as i said (just so i'm not accused of editing my shit): lets get back to our other favorite past time, internet self promo.


that 'salad' wheat paste is interesting. ive used that exact same style font for years. not saying he bit me at all, just saying....'interesting'.

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ATTN: all real artists


in all seriousness.

i am going to start working on putting together an art show of all detroit graffiti artists. im not looking for graffiti only, just art by graffiti artists, wether it be paintings on canvas, photography or actual aerosol on whatever.

im gonna try for sometime in the winter, if anyone is interested please send me an IM or E-mail. if you want you identity to remain a secret, thats cool, if not thats cool too.

i know that there is soo much talent in detroit, and i think it would be rad to show off some great artwork...

i know some of you guys art art students too, so thats a start. after all, we are all artist in one way or another, wether it be on the street or in a studio.

so post any comments, if you like the idea or hate it.

im interested to see what you guys think about it.



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do us all a favor and just don't.

the only people who might possibly have something even half worth contributing would never do so, which means that in the 100 to 1 chance this actually happens, it's going to be you and 3 of your friends making detroit graff look bad in some shitty coffee house that no one goes to, while the manager get's hassled by his boss and keeps repeating 'i'm sorry dude, they said it was gonna be cool, i had no idea...'


no offense, but you're just not on the level to be organizing shit like this.

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im not trying to be a dick, but, are there even any people out there who are real artists? are ther just a bunch of kids trying to be cool, trying to get that street cred. trying soo hard not to be sellouts? but of what? i might suck at graff, but i dont give a fuck what any of you guys think, i do it for myself becasue i love it.


a lot of doors can be opened for people in the art world, i know not everyone on here wants to be a dog groomer or a baker forever. maybe i have a different concept of this shit talking mess you call graffiti. and i guess im stupid for that, and having any ideas at all. anyway i was just wondering what people thought, its not set in stone.


and by the way, you have no idea who i know, and im not talking about writers, thats what i posted this for. and you dont know what im capable of organizing. if you or anyone else do not want to be involved, then i could care less, its not gonna break my heart. you guys take this shit way too seriously!


i know, im a fag right?

no need to post i already know what your going to say.



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Originally posted by MCCP

im not trying to be a dick, but, are there even any people out there who are real artists with street credit? are ther just a bunch of kids trying to be cool, trying to be real artist?


a lot of doors can be opened with street credit, and being on The Real World. I know not everyone on here wants to be on MTV forever, but it might be fun ya know? I guess I have a different perception of what real artist do in their 'real' world, and I guess Im not real for that. But yall niggas is bitches F'real!!


i know, im a fag right?







this kid is making no sense:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by MCCP

im not trying to be a dick, but, are there even any people out there who are real artists? are ther just a bunch of kids trying to be cool, trying to get that street cred. trying soo hard not to be sellouts? but of what? i might suck at graff, but i dont give a fuck what any of you guys think, i do it for myself becasue i love it.


what is a 'real' artist? i'm a published photographer, writer, producer and designer, i'm an aspiring welder/sculpter, i've got a whole bedroom full of half finished canvases, i can probably draw circles around just about everyone you know, does any of that make me a 'real' artist? cause as far as i'm concerned, i'm a guy who amuses himself by making things occasionally, i'm not an 'artist'. labels like that are pompous bullshit. anyone who devotes him/her self to expressing something in any way is an 'artist' in some respect, be it the art of hackey sacking or paper clip origami.

i know a lot of people that think they're artists, but IMO they suck. i also know a lot of people that could care less about being an artist, yet everything they do is dripping with style. only difference is one needs the title to 'be' someone, and one doesn't.

art and graff have nothing to do with one another, the people who insist otherwise, are either trying to sell you something, or sell themself something. there is an artistry inherant in graff, but it's like the 'art' or 'martial arts'. its the art of action, not just of putting some letters on a canvas and calling it art. that's boring as hell. if a writer also paints traditional landscapes, that is no more related to graff than them playing the guitar or making femo beads for hemp necklaces.

so to answer your question, everyone is an 'artist', some are just more insecure than others.


a lot of doors can be opened for people in the art world, i know not everyone on here wants to be a dog groomer or a baker forever.

spoken like a true outsider with no understanding of how thigns work in the real world. earth to ashes; the 'art world' is bullshit. it's like politics, but more fickle. everything is based on who you know, the buzz you can generate and the schools you've attended. agent's are 100x's more important than talent. so no, not all of us want to be bakers forever, but plenty of us that don't want to pimp 'art' to try and make a living either.


maybe i have a different concept of this shit talking mess you call graffiti. and i guess im stupid for that, and having any ideas at all. anyway i was just wondering what people thought, its not set in stone.

you have no idea about this 'shit talking mess' called graffiti. that's not being a dick, that's fact. you know what things are like after a couple months in detroit. i was the same way when i started. i thought i understood, but every day i learn somethign new and i'm reminded how little i did.


and by the way, you have no idea who i know, and im not talking about writers, thats what i posted this for. and you dont know what im capable of organizing. if you or anyone else do not want to be involved, then i could care less, its not gonna break my heart. you guys take this shit way too seriously!

i have no idea who you know, but i know which writers you don't know, thats all that matters.

and maybe you're the one taking things too seriously. if you didn't like my input, pay it no mind. end of story.


i know, im a fag right?

no need to post i already know what your going to say.




you're not a 'fag' at all. you're young and still wide eyed with the world. i used to be the same way. i thought i could change things and make a difference and open peoples eyes up to the 'beauty' of graff, but later i realized/decided that the only true 'beauty' of graff is akin to the 'beauty' of a forrest fire. i'm not trying to crush your dreams homie, i don't think i've ever insulted you and i'm not trying to now, i'm just blunt and honest. if you wan't to hold your little art show, go right ahead, but when it goes off as i described, do me a favor and think of this exchange, then turn to a ficticious camera and in your best sit-com voice say 'damn seeking, he was right all along!'.


seeks/que laugh track

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