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Originally posted by Silver+Black

hahaha, "only new jacks putting it down" or whatever - what does that say about the city then homeboy.


im done posting pictures on this thread, whatever we put up is gone


actually i said that the new jacks are getting up more than people actually putting it down. hitting a bunch of freeways spots that have been buffed a million times and will continue to be buffed is not considered "putting it down". up is up..(i guess)...but who will last?

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is there a difference between putting it down and getting up? is it like getting down and putting shit up? im confused. also, am i supposed to like old shit just because its old? should i hate on new kids that do good lookin shit just because theyre new? i need some graffiti guidance, because i dont know what im supposed to like and what im supposed say is wak. help

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i think what our friend 'red' was saying, is that there is more to being a writer than a month of painting the same tired spots and jocking peoples styles, thats all.

when you've spent years watching the 'summer cycle' over and over, seeing kids come out for a couple months then dissapear, you learn to not bother paying much attention to people till they've been around for a couple years. if you're still around in 5 years, you'll do the same thing. its the same thing in every city.

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Originally posted by seeking

i think what our friend 'red' was saying, is that there is more to being a writer than a month of painting the same tired spots and jocking peoples styles, thats all.

when you've spent years watching the 'summer cycle' over and over, seeing kids come out for a couple months then dissapear, you learn to not bother paying much attention to people till they've been around for a couple years. if you're still around in 5 years, you'll do the same thing. its the same thing in every city.


jocking peoples styles? some of this seems pretty specific as to who its meant for, but i cant tell - either way i dont think people come to detroit thinking "ill put it down here for 5 years then ill definitely impress the locals"


if they even give a fuck about impressing anyone, or just like to be out - doing something. if you have the nuts to hack the cold in MI during winter i give you props just for living fuck painting.

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Originally posted by Silver+Black

jocking peoples styles? some of this seems pretty specific as to who its meant for, but i cant tell - either way i dont think people come to detroit thinking "ill put it down here for 5 years then ill definitely impress the locals"


no one was talking about people coming from out of town. red and i were talking about people who pop up, paint the same bullshit spots for two summers, expect respect, then completely dissapear. where they come from is irrelivent, what they do while they're here is all that matters.


as for being specific, yes, it was.

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Im not really liking most of the comments because it seems ass though the excuses just keep getting longer...


"get out and paint and get off the internet"


"get up"

(and when people do, the excuse lengthens to )


"Well paint for a more than just one summer"



"well paint for 5 years and then you will get respect"


In five years it will be..


(in old man voice)


"oohhhh there sonny, you will be up when my hip goes out"


I just dont think it ends...


One thing i do agree about is people painting the same old ass tired fucking spots....


That shit isnt very cool whatsoever..

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since that was obviously directed to me and red...


if you agree that painting the same tired spots is wack, and you agree that biting styles is wack, then you agree with everything red and i said. anyone that puts in the effort to hit new spots and come up with their own style gets respect, period. you don't have to do 100 spots, and you don't have to be some style master, you just have to show that you have an interest in doing graff 'the right way' and care about what it means to be a 'writer'. his point, and my point, was that historically speaking, many people have failed to understand that. they think that side busting with borrowed styles is worthy of respect, and it's just not.

it's also not that we cant accept new cats coming out and painting, that's complete bullshit. i'll spend hours talking to ayem about graff on aim. i paint with far. both are just starting out and both have a respect for graff and an urge to find their own place in it. it's got nothing to do with being 'new', or with jealousy, it's got to do with 'tough love', calling a spade a spade, and trying to be constructive and help kids learn. if no one wants to listen, fine, thats on them, but i stuck up for jlaw for christ sakes, i'm not just trying to be a dick

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