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Issac Brock

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there are some people changing things up that i cant stand, and some people who do the same things, that i like, so i guess it's kind of subjective as far as i'm concerned. and usually judged more on the person painting rather than what they paint. attitude is what seperates learning from biting. either way, i know that when i start seeing flics and i can think of 5 different people who could have done it, that there is a serious problem. and that has just as much to do with people changing their names every 4 days as it does having 'generic style'. when tvg came out under several names, it had a purpose and was understandable. plus, you always knew it was them. now a days kids come up with new names just so they don't have to come up with new letters for their old names. they get 'bored' of doing the 'same letters over and over' again. which i suppose makes sense...till i think of cats like bates, swet, hense, sever, revok, screw, etc. these cats keep the same name and push the fuck out of it, they don't just pick new letters. if you get that bored, that easy, you're not pushing yourself hard enough.

but that of course is just my opinion, which seems to go over like a lead balloon in this city. either way, atleast people are painting.

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Originally posted by seeking

there are some people changing things up that i cant stand, and some people who do the same things, that i like, so i guess it's kind of subjective as far as i'm concerned. and usually judged more on the person painting rather than what they paint. attitude is what seperates learning from biting. either way, i know that when i start seeing flics and i can think of 5 different people who could have done it, that there is a serious problem. and that has just as much to do with people changing their names every 4 days as it does having 'generic style'. when tvg came out under several names, it had a purpose and was understandable. plus, you always knew it was them. now a days kids come up with new names just so they don't have to come up with new letters for their old names. they get 'bored' of doing the 'same letters over and over' again. which i suppose makes sense...till i think of cats like bates, swet, hense, sever, revok, screw, etc. these cats keep the same name and push the fuck out of it, they don't just pick new letters. if you get that bored, that easy, you're not pushing yourself hard enough.

but that of course is just my opinion, which seems to go over like a lead balloon in this city. either way, atleast people are painting.



Whoa.. Thats funny seeking.. The other day i was accused of being a hater based on the fact that i said i was getting kind of sick of guys biting Tgv..Not just the money and eggs bite but it seems as thoguh a lot of writers seem to be doing this trend now.. I said i was kind of tired of all the names that are meant to have humor to them and a lot of styles looking exactly alike. After i was called a hater i kind of just let it go and let it not bother me, thinking nobody would agree.. ehhh.. whatever.. i hate all of you..

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yeah, i dont have anything to back me up but i agree...just look at eggs, teeth, i would never write those names cause they both have at least two of the same letter in the name...but theyre funny to be writing, and most of those writers like them and ears and stuff just have really simple styles. its true, i dont really care but it is true.

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Lets be specific when we're talking shit here


you know what detroit needs, just a little bit of beef


you know theres people watching, there are people who will cut you up if you slash the right person. then you can stage a battle and everyone will have an excuse to paint. its to the point where we can keep it strictly streets now. unless its the wrong drug on the wrong day


so get specific


make the shit fun again

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Originally posted by justin case

money eggs ador oar hunk salad mason far rib rodeo beans piano ears vaux



yeah, thats a lot of names.


I am wondering if Mason knows there is a Mason crew from cali, with a couple people in detroit. I will post flicks and stuff if you want I have a few. I have seen a bit of his stuff this is not meant to be some dickhead shit, either way.


It dosent really matter, I just wanted to get that out there


*edit - in case you wonder they have only been around since like 99, the point of the post is maybee he will find this out and noone will have to line one another**

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was that direted towards me? if so, was it supposed to be taken as somewhat threatening? because i just found it to be kind of funny. if you were indeed being serious, well, i'm still just kind of laughing. slashing people?! before you go running around cutting people over some glorified, hand-me-down JA and saber stories of what 'beef' is supposed to be about, i'd suggest finding a hobby first, and see if that fills the void. how about graffiti for instance?

**ahh, i just realized who you are now, i was thinking you were someone totally different. either way, i really hope you were kidding. detroit doesn't need 'beef'. this isn't the 'wild, wild, midwest.' it just doesnt have the same ring as the original.



teeth is perfectly acceptible because of who writes it. dude could write guacamole or 'i fuck goats' and he would still get unquestionable respect. eggs however...not really my cup of tea. although i like alot of the people he obviously likes, so i mean, he's got that going for him. ;)



obviously i dont know who you were talking to, but i assume it was probably 3 or 4 kids with 37 names combined, right?

i understand why kids are coming up with a bunch of different names, it does keep things interesting and it's just fun to think of the most ridiculous shit you can come up with, but it also keeps things from ever evolving much past the initial amusement of writing 'oyster' or 'platypus'. justo could get away with it, because dude had so many styles, it was silly. sadly, most kids only saw his later stuff with esau. they didnt get to see him doing technical style pieces, or the stuff he did with dibs back in 98-99. there was a good 5 years where it didnt matter what he wrote, you knew he did it. now a days i'll see shit and can't tell if it's him or someone just following in the footsteps.

i'm honestly glad that people are really making a push to do simple styles, it builds a much stronger foundation for later on in their careers, but i think some cats are forgetting that simple doesnt have to mean 'the same.' i also wish some of them would focus a little more on looking at things long term, instead of just trying to amuse themselves for the moment.

i think there are some decent kids painting right now with a fair amount of interest in doing things the 'right' way. detroit is a very unique city, one where it's very easy to make your mark and set yourself apart. kids should take more advantage of that i think.

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Originally posted by Silver+Black

I am wondering if Mason knows there is a Mason crew from cali...the point of the post is maybee he will find this out and noone will have to cut each others shit up since they can coexist.


i'm wondering if the masons crew know that there's a secret organization that contains hundreds of thousands of members and dates back to biblical times. they don't really 'cut up' too many enemies anymore though. i think they're a little preoccupied with ruling the world now.



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