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Fuck This Shit Thread - no homo


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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo



i do

my standards are pretty specific though

theres something about lindsay that she used to have that made me really attracted to her

it is probobly the red hair

but kim

shes just bad

but she had that scandelous sex tape with that black dude though

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Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo


I'm really fucking pissed off right now.

After spending the last 4 hours trying to get bud when all I wanted to do was fall back with a nice L and encountering all of the asshole people I know who don't answer their phones made me realize a lot.

Over the past few months I realized how fucking SHITTY everyone I know is.

I am fucking SICK of the people I know.

I came to the conclusion that every single person I know except for 3 is now cut.

I am going to just goto the gym for 2 hours every fucking day and blow off steam and get in shape for a while, then I am going to go out and pull fine ass bitches that live in other areas, and then establish a whole new contact list full of hot pussy and cool niggas that live no where near me.

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