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ofb puts in work on the north side, the only other writer i see up there is love (ld). everyone else is too scared to take mommies car anywhere but the county, or chill spots. and as far as the haters on me, ask kenr or hoax. i didn;t beg to be in any crew, you have a problem take it up with them, or obc.

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you'd be surprised, the only people doing anything big in st.louis is the ld tko heads. ater avik, did a nice little spree and ender came through and spot jocked a buncha spots, and got a couple nice ones near other spots, but thats about it. o and loaf and dems, came through just for a min, and did it pretty big.

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^^^toy as fuck^^


speaking of which, OFB sucks. stop trying


give me a fucking cryin ass break, OFB this, OFB that. all you bitch ass scribes can do is pout like a bunch of 6th graders on the inet. blah blah blah. post some more flicks and quit cryin shitbabies. maybe mommy will let you take out her navigator this weekend, and possibly if your lucky you can get the discover card and get some nice walmart flat black.


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D






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Your saying Shame, Ecks, Vamp, Redfoxxer, Almost, and Solo need to give it up?


yes. you heard me.


shame and redfox ARNT BAD. vamp sucks balls, no questions asked. i have honestly never heard of or seen anything by this 'almost'. and solo is alright, i see a few of his hollows here and there, but thats it.

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some dude mentioned that only two "legit" writers in springfield were kink and durag? you must have not seen any of 6ER ONE or SEZ shit! Both those dudes have all-star hand styles yo. 6ER is by far the best writer in springfield, obviously not the most up, but dude is by far got the best styles.


i haven't seen anything by any of the people you mentioned, only shit i've seen up is kink, durag, years (but he isn't there anymore), and pilot, and pilot's shit is...eh...

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You could have the best style in the world but if you dont paint it who gives a fuck. ofb has put in some work and a lot more than others on the north side, which is more than half the people who talk shit on this site can say. great you have knowledge..that's a start nnow how about getting some spots.

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some dude mentioned that only two "legit" writers in springfield were kink and durag? you must have not seen any of 6ER ONE or SEZ shit! Both those dudes have all-star hand styles yo. 6ER is by far the best writer in springfield, obviously not the most up, but dude is by far got the best styles.


is that possibly the same 6er thats up in Tokyo???

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