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Don't Call it Frisco


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Bump Optimist, 4geter and 40 thieves.





















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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


amaze what the fuck would you know about this shit you fuckin haight street sell out


as typed by retired:


About the whole swastika thing.


That symbol has so many different meanings in so many different cultures.


Of course some people will get offended while others dont.


Its all in the context in which it was used.


White southerners saying nigga sounds a whole lot worse than a brother from the jets saying nigga.

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i aint fronting. i am influenced by the history of graff as is every other writer, and i never claimed im not. but it has its place....back in the 70's and the 80's. there is this thing called evolution. writers should evolve their styles. just because it was good back then doesnt mean its still dope.




Lets compare Graff to music for a minute.


Music is definately evolving every second.


New instruments, computers, better production, etc.


Listen to some of your favorite songs, no matter what genre.


They all have sounds that have been used before, melodies, rhythm, etc.


Alot of music now emulates music from decades past.


Rock took it back to the 60's and 70's.


Electro takes it from the 70's disco scene.


The music itself is definately progressing, but its not forgetting its infleunces.


You hear those influences project through the music.


This rings true in every art form. From sculpture, to painting, to movies....


So if we consider graffiti to be an art form...


How is a hip-hop producer using a guitar riff from a 60's rock song dubbed over a cumputer generated drum beat any different from doing a 70's piece remixed with some 80's funk with a little of your own flair thrown in for good taste?

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