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And just a reminder---> I don't even smoke and I hate how I smell after leaving a bar... oh well... big deal...I can get over it. If I someday decide that I can't get over it I will stop surounding myself with people that smoke (I.E. going to bars).

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wow. some really, really uninformed angry young twenties shit going on in this thread. Ok..... well here it is.... you want the truth? hopefully you can handle the truth.....

Smoking ban .......




bars, clubs, live music venues; etc, are liable for any "work related health issues" that an employee may contract on a jobsite. Let's say you were an iron worker..... and you were out walking a beam and somebody above you is welding and a spark hits you in the eye and your retna gets fucked up.... that is a work related injury and your employer is bound to see too it that your health and well being is looked after until your injury has healed. Now as an employer you would want to do the most you can to prevent such accidents from happening for numerous reasons but mainly ( lets face it ) b/c you dont want your insurance premiums to rise b/c your paying out tons of cash for prescriptions and doctors bills etc. Sooooooo..... what's really behind smoking bans is that there have been enough bartenders/ club workers/ et al, stepping forward and claiming they have contracted health issues such as emphysima, lung cancer and such as a result of thier work enviornment . ( and honestly, they probably have ),. And alot of reataurant owners and bar owners are getting shook. So rather than seem like the bad guys they pass the buck to city councilman and all and act all like " we afraid our businesses are gonna die if you ban smoking" ..... bullshit. Alcohol is a seriously addictive substance and people are gonna keep going to bars even if they have to step outside to smoke b/c which would you rather go w/out..... alcohol or tobaco? Ummmm ,,,,, I think I know which one I'd choose.

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Originally posted by frijoles@Aug 28 2005, 05:32 AM

wow. some really, really uninformed angry young twenties shit going on in this thread. Ok..... well here it is.... you want the truth? hopefully you can handle the truth.....

Smoking ban .......




bars, clubs, live music venues; etc, are liable for any "work related health issues" that an employee may contract on a jobsite. Let's say you were an iron worker..... and you were out walking a beam and somebody above you is welding and a spark hits you in the eye and your retna gets fucked up....  that is a work related injury and your employer is bound to see too it that your health and well being is looked after until your injury has healed. Now as an employer you would want to do the most you can to prevent such accidents from happening for numerous reasons but mainly ( lets face it ) b/c you dont want your insurance premiums to rise b/c your paying out tons of cash for prescriptions and doctors bills etc. Sooooooo..... what's really behind smoking bans is that there have been enough bartenders/ club workers/ et al,  stepping forward and claiming they have contracted health issues such as emphysima, lung cancer and such as a result of thier work enviornment . ( and honestly, they probably have ),. And alot of reataurant owners and bar owners are getting shook. So rather than seem like the bad guys they pass the buck to city councilman and all and act all like " we afraid our businesses are gonna die if you ban smoking" ..... bullshit. Alcohol is a seriously addictive substance and people are gonna keep going to bars even if they have to step outside to smoke b/c which would you rather go w/out..... alcohol or tobaco? Ummmm ,,,,, I think I know which one I'd choose.



So what's wrong with people that are scared of second hand smoke finding another job? People at construction sites where people are "walking on beams" are required to wear helmets and when welding, required to wear safty glasses. If someone feels so threatened by smokers then let them wear a fucking resperator! :haha:

And alot of people WILL go without alcohol before subjecting themselves to smoke. Or they can just buy a 6-pack and stay at home.


And another thing---> If somebodies so scared of other people being free to do as they please then why don't they move to a country like singapore. You aint allowed to even chew gum there. :gaga:

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wow jus, nice find...


and frij and sf i think the old adage "simplify simplify" should apply here

it should be up to the owners disgression (most of them would enforce it anyhow)

to ban smoking in THERE establishment or not. it is there buisiness and they should have the final word...

now wether it hurts there sales or patronage its on them... but it should be there decision...

and believe me no one is more for workers rights than i am TRUST me... but there are avenues you

can go down to persuade an employer to look out for your best interest... they may not be pretty, but their out there...

sf is just speaking out on some of our basic rights... which they are chipping away at an increasing rate every year...

you both have valid points though, i think we can all agree on one thing... NEVER trust a politician...


oh and btw that telephone keyword monitoring shit is FAR from new technology... you'd be supprised.

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Originally posted by Digs@Aug 28 2005, 12:26 PM

if anyone is interested

bomb the system

is on comcast on demand



I literally just came on here to put up the exact same post...digs beat me to it...who knows how i stumbled upon this in the free movies, but i didn't get through 20 minutes...it was a little too cliche and just overall not real (his 40oz swigging & peicing brother or whatever in an addidas tracksuit hands him 2 markers as a child and hes is destin to be a graff writer),...I was surprised it was in the free movies section when i first saw it there, 10 minutes in it all made sense...the el-producto soundtrack was ok from what i heard, just hard to appreciate with 1996 philosphical backpacker dialouge over top...

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yeah i went and on demanded that movie like an hour ago after reading this and i turned it off like 30 mins into it...its just really not reflective of anything ive ever known about graff, and it was just uber-cheesy in terms of things like the asian girls breakdancing at house parties and dudes racking belton paint and visiting hindu dudes on a boat for weed, etc...i just kept laughing the whole time. big ups to mark for getting it done, but man i just couldnt sit thru it.


the one scene that i thought was a good "graff scene" was when dudes are chilling at a nice party and mark looks at his hand and its like his whole index and middle finger are covered in black paint...that was something i was like "word thats real"


but then when he went on a "date" with the cornrowed b-girl so they could put up posters and compare handstyles? i had to to hit stop there.

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the asian bgirls

that made me laugh too


the out of control cop wit his former writing partner was alittle far-fetched


the racking parts were alittle out of control as well


i guess yall didnt make it to the part where the dude whos crib blest was living in was gettin blown by another dude

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So what's wrong with people that are scared of second hand smoke finding another job?


Because those are inherint dangers not onts that are the result of a personal lifestyle decision thats y.

People at construction sites where people are "walking on beams" are required to wear helmets and when welding, required to wear safty glasses. If someone feels so threatened by smokers then let them wear a fucking resperator! :haha:


ummh... yeah.


And alot of people WILL go without alcohol before subjecting themselves to smoke. Or they can just buy a 6-pack and stay at home.


And another thing---> If somebodies so scared of other people being free to do as they please then why don't they move to a country like singapore. You aint allowed to even chew gum there. :gaga: <---- does this stupid little thing imply immaturity ? wow.... that is just plain mensa.

what about non-smokers rights to breath clean air? so i as a person who does not smokes rights are second fiddle to those that do?! fuck that. I never told anyone to smoke with a gun pointed at thier head. your talking about as though its just always been like this....tobbaco is a relatively new substance to western culture. isn't city air bad enough already? Im not saying people shouldnt smoke Im just saying that it is an offensive habit and there should be limits on it. Imagine if people that drank went around pouring beer and liqour all over you would that be ok b/c its their right to drink? and this love it or leave it attitude is played homeslice.....let me wrap this up nice and concise like.....this smoking shit is a blanket issue. our air supply is probably worse than its ever been...and we are all starting to realize it but you dont see the government rushing in to stop fossil fuel carbon based emissions. the real issue behind smoking demonization is not our health ( obviously the feds are not concerned w/ that until it hits them in their corporate buddies wallets ) and smoking has certainly begun to take a toll on health insurance at a rate that was unheard of before. Health insurance is one of the nations BIGGEST cash cows and they will stop at nothing to cut their costs and increase their profits. So you possibly can begin to see the bigger picture here ....yes I DO c the civil liberties issues you are pointing out but I think its a bit of a stretch. Sure ....the government tries to control people ..... we all know that. But I fail to see how asking people to step outside to have a cigarette out of respect for those that are concerned with the health of their lungs fits into some broad mass conspiracy to rob us of our rights even further than they already do. Really.

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Originally posted by frijoles@Aug 28 2005, 07:26 PM

yes I DO c the civil liberties issues you are pointing out but I think its a bit of a stretch. Sure ....the government tries to control people ..... we all know that. But I fail to see how asking people to step outside to have a cigarette out of respect for those that are concerned with the health of their lungs fits into some broad mass conspiracy to rob us of our rights even further than they already do. Really.



Actually yes, all it really comes down to is the politicians finding new excuses to fine people. That's pretty much why they are passing bullshit laws left and right is to bring more money into CityHall (and to further condition people into submition). They don't give a fuck about you breathing second hand smoke, they just use fear to get their propoganda across and sheep like you fall for it.


The bottom line is this---> if that many people have a problem with other people smoking at bars then they can open their own "smoke free" bars instead of ruining shit for everyone else. Nobody's forcing them to go into or work at the bar to begin with.

And the more bullshit petty laws they get away with the more that will follow until eventually even your quiet old grandmother or 10 year old kid has warrants or is on probation for one thing or another. You gotta look at the big picture.

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While this is channel zero philadelphia...lets c what every washed up graff writer thinks in philly...dont people have a right 2 clean air just as much as people have a right to smoke? or even more so because it is justified? ...just a thought, im going 2 b non bias on this but those states who have outlawed smoking at bars and resteraunts have done it in the best interest of the public...

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