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Get off the nuts faggot. Give me a break. You don't know what i've done and have not done in person. And for christ sakes haters. I'm not even talking shit. FACTS ARE FACTS.

facts are facts you bite asic you get fonts off a computer you are not from akron you live with your parents you sneak paint and the clothes you paint in out without your parents knowing which is sad cause your twenty three or so and you wouldnt be shit if it wasnt for webs i didnt pay you the time of day because i know your a snitch plus your a faggot rich kid who has no heart your just searching for quick fame which you got your know as a punk the only thing you need to worry about is the fact that i let you slide the last time i seen you and you were being a bitch stay out of the yard like you have been or go when you want because no ones going out of there way to look for snakes like you and your friend but im sure you both know when we do come across you in the spot you will get handled



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facts are facts you bite asic you get fonts off a computer you are not from akron you live with your parents you sneak paint and the clothes you paint in out without your parents knowing which is sad cause your twenty three or so and you wouldnt be shit if it wasnt for webs i didnt pay you the time of day because i know your a snitch plus your a faggot rich kid who has no heart your just searching for quick fame which you got your know as a punk the only thing you need to worry about is the fact that i let you slide the last time i seen you and you were being a bitch stay out of the yard like you have been or go when you want because no ones going out of there way to look for snakes like you and your friend but im sure you both know when we do come across you in the spot you will get handled




snitching sounds like your doin a little bit of dry snitching right now yourself and get your facts straight before you talk on someone just sayin someone post some flicks

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facts are facts you bite asic you get fonts off a computer you are not from akron you live with your parents you sneak paint and the clothes you paint in out without your parents knowing which is sad cause your twenty three or so and you wouldnt be shit if it wasnt for webs i didnt pay you the time of day because i know your a snitch plus your a faggot rich kid who has no heart your just searching for quick fame which you got your know as a punk the only thing you need to worry about is the fact that i let you slide the last time i seen you and you were being a bitch stay out of the yard like you have been or go when you want because no ones going out of there way to look for snakes like you and your friend but im sure you both know when we do come across you in the spot you will get handled



Okay Pale:


0.5. GrA551ti RuL3ssssszzzzzzz!!!!!!!!

1. I respect you and have, along with Webs/Fixer.

2. I can write a complete sentence.

3. So if I bite Asic, then who did Asic bite...the first guy to put 3-d on a peice? Or wait... maybe it was that guy that first did Mango to Summer Squash with Burgandy outline?

4. Everytime I've painted with Webs, I would have my clothes in my car. Because I came straight from college, you know a class room where you learn things? A place of learning. A higher education.

5. I'm pretty sure my parent's are pretty aware of my painting. Seeing that they've noticed I've obtained a charge for shoplifing a heafty amount of spray paint. The same spray paint I at times shared with you. Just like the food my parents made to give to you and Webs on holidays.

6. I racked enough paint for a whole year that everytime I went out I packed a full Bag for Webs. What a nice guy I am!

7. I'm twenty three, yes. You got that one right.

8. Searching for a quick fame? So is that why I started painting? When's the last time you painted a coal car or gondola? Gondola> Coldtrain. You only paint reefers? Talk about fame game?

9. For all the people out there in OHIO. Webs/Fixer BK whatever...went over a Heist memorial peice. Everyone knows, Heist has passed away and was a great graffiti writer. He also was painting the 76 yard way before Webs moved here. If you want to know the rest PM me.

10. Wouldn't airing me out on 12oz just like you did be a snitch move?

11.Finally, I'm not talking shit, I don't want to fight you or anyone. I'm just making myself clear. I will stay out of that yard. Because I do have better places to paint. And graffiti is the least of my worries. But at the same time it's one of my favorite things to worry about.


FOR EVERYONE WHO THINKS ALL THIS IS A SNITCH MOVE TO DO, go fuck yourself. Now you all know, so you don't have to act like you do.

ACET- Team Hater/Freshly Made

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