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The quick run thru of clevelend.


Alot is holdin it down, cant go a damn place without seein his shit, met him briefly once with pork, both seemed real cool, gota love porks style.

Tems is the shit regardless.

had a quick chill session with Berf n Shuk, both real cool people, n Berf be holdin it dwn.

BIG UPS TO Kiloz he is the ONLY person holdin his crew dwn wen it comes to the street bombing, he got shit everywer, east to west, wer the fuk is the rest of CAS at. Erie is cool peoples, n does it, Done got ill ass style, but wer he at. its like he got part of the graff thing dwn, but his diet is NOT well balanced.

Iv herd from people that Hoer is a bite, well, hs doin his thing, get off it n do yurs.

And i deffintly dnt kno why people was hatin on Enz, becuz of a backwards e, he puts in more work on the streets then a lot of people in here tlkin shit, yall cud lern sumthin frm kid.

Ceps is a egotistic asshole, get off the comissions n do wrk, n stop tryin to teach people how to paint, that shits lame.

I wud never call Hek a toy, he puts in hella wrk, n hits crazy spots, so stay up homie, but cool dwn on the ego trip.

Gotone got true style, Tip is teh shit hands down, Poke n Prae, gota fuks with them, Sym is the truth, N so is Ridle. Hides a crybaby on here n cnt stop tlkin bout how he dsnt care, then stop typeing 12oz in the address bar on your computer evryday. Now i like hides style, but i mean damn, since wen do we go over our own homies wen they aint lukin.

feel free to hate, feel free to laugh, feel free to pm, feel free to cry, just feel free to tlk all the shit yu want, bcuz if yu jus read all this, then yur a 12oz groupie jus waiting for sumone to post shit, sitting up all nite jus wating like a crack fiend in an allyway, yu fukin losers. HAVE NICE SUNNY CLEVELAND SUMMER DAY YU FUCKS



That shit made my day, thanks for letting us ALL know whats really good.:lol: :lol:

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For all the taggers bust sum peices ever now again, shit i see Alot doin ill fills n n doin real nice shit, other then jus throw ups n tags, cus he got that shit mastereded.


and all yu hard core peaice heads, get in the street n get dirty, stay up late n bomb, hit tags n broadday lite, jus say fuck it n hit spots, dnt focus so hard on the peices, that shit jus gona get gone over n only other writers gona see it, put that shit in the cities face, bomb everything to the point that people make yu a household name amongst the young graff groupies of our dear city.




dmn grammer?


naw ming


kepp it rellah


real g"s move in silence lolz

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So tiger hoods is gona comment on the grammer, thats sad, its like, nomatter wats posted, someone always got sumthin to say, but then again, so do i. like how c walk gona catch a fly ass mouth on wat was spoken in the last post i pertrayed on this haters paradise of a fan site. but its cool, he probly just making up for the fact he wasnt mention. here yu go homie, mabey this will make you feel better.



C-walk, Man this dude is ill as fuck, i mean the way he just layes those hatin ass sentences down with out ever thinking before he speaks, i mean phewww, hes a king out here in the hatin community, yall mutha fuckers must be proud. just waiting for somthin to tlk about, you shud say thankyou for giving yu sumthin new to hate, sumthin new to tlk about, n comment on.


your welcome

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For all the taggers bust sum peices ever now again, shit i see Alot doin ill fills n n doin real nice shit, other then jus throw ups n tags, cus he got that shit mastereded.


and all yu hard core peaice heads, get in the street n get dirty, stay up late n bomb, hit tags n broadday lite, jus say fuck it n hit spots, dnt focus so hard on the peices, that shit jus gona get gone over n only other writers gona see it, put that shit in the cities face, bomb everything to the point that people make yu a household name amongst the young graff groupies of our dear city.



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The quick run thru of clevelend.


Alot is holdin it down, cant go a damn place without seein his shit, met him briefly once with pork, both seemed real cool, gota love porks style.

Tems is the shit regardless.

had a quick chill session with Berf n Shuk, both real cool people, n Berf be holdin it dwn.

BIG UPS TO Kiloz he is the ONLY person holdin his crew dwn wen it comes to the street bombing, he got shit everywer, east to west, wer the fuk is the rest of CAS at. Erie is cool peoples, n does it, Done got ill ass style, but wer he at. its like he got part of the graff thing dwn, but his diet is NOT well balanced.

Iv herd from people that Hoer is a bite, well, hs doin his thing, get off it n do yurs.

And i deffintly dnt kno why people was hatin on Enz, becuz of a backwards e, he puts in more work on the streets then a lot of people in here tlkin shit, yall cud lern sumthin frm kid.

Ceps is a egotistic asshole, get off the comissions n do wrk, n stop tryin to teach people how to paint, that shits lame.

I wud never call Hek a toy, he puts in hella wrk, n hits crazy spots, so stay up homie, but cool dwn on the ego trip.

Gotone got true style, Tip is teh shit hands down, Poke n Prae, gota fuks with them, Sym is the truth, N so is Ridle. Hides a crybaby on here n cnt stop tlkin bout how he dsnt care, then stop typeing 12oz in the address bar on your computer evryday. Now i like hides style, but i mean damn, since wen do we go over our own homies wen they aint lukin.

feel free to hate, feel free to laugh, feel free to pm, feel free to cry, just feel free to tlk all the shit yu want, bcuz if yu jus read all this, then yur a 12oz groupie jus waiting for sumone to post shit, sitting up all nite jus wating like a crack fiend in an allyway, yu fukin losers. HAVE NICE SUNNY CLEVELAND SUMMER DAY YU FUCKS



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