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hey den man your seriously gonna hear this 100 times, but simple letters are where youve gotta start, check out that NYEVE piece up earlier on this page, or the last one i just posted, should hopefully give you an idea of what i mean by simples


well, those are pertty simple, i mean, i dont know, i think they are....but if you mean REALLLY simple when you say simple then i guess yeah, they could be more simple

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i dont think bump is too bad man. its just i was looking for your bit earl considering u gave me the advice. ill go fatter next time.


agreed the a is a little skinny. i think i was worried i wouldnt fit the next 2 letters at that point.

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well im on this page ima ask, anyone got any crits for me on that DIRE peice i just posted up, aside from not using lined paper, oh and freak, shit looks real nice, id like to see it colored though, cause the stuff behind it makes it look confusing for me, so if you dont wanna go through the coloring just like go over your lines with a thicker black, it would make it easier to see, but yeah thats all i got, nice work man

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dire...the d and the e are kinda shaky...i mean the d is really bigger..and the hole in it should be bigger...the bottom of the e is not always the smae thickness.....umm it would look better if all the letters were capitals..and if it was a lil more spaced out...and yea like said before try computer paper instead..and just do a cup of pen sketches...

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hey kaos heres your piece, sorry bout the coloring, my first time wit paint pens, although i think it turned out really well, to my standards at least, and joewindsor ill have yours up as soon as i can


dude i think i ill have urs up by today

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here's that craze trade man. sorry the coloring is messed. fucked it up a bit. fucked up the attempt at highlights or whatever those are called too... sorry man. i'll do another if you want.





new letters cuz i got bored of wease and weaze... like louise without the L so its kind of wease... ish.


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