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The 3d isn't complete, i always leave it until i paint it to do the fill/colours/3d.


After crits on my structure mainly! All intelligent posts appreciated!!


Bump for more!


And thanks to those who have already. I kind of already did the connector in the 'A' before i realised it didn't fit aswell as it could.

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That's a fresh style man, i'm not really one to say anything but i think if anything needs to be worked on, it's the edges and proportions of your bars in pic #1. They seem a bit sloppy and less thought out. The last two are better.

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'kyes' work on your "y" and "e" the fills pretty clean. but you can still see the shit you went over.




'reverie' they're kind of disproportional and your dimentions are off a little bit there.


d probaly work off the first style. and tone down and cut off all the negative space in the 3rd on and it's be alot better. i'm not feelin the middle one at all.




'aer' yeah i do that shit alot when i'm sketchin', it's straight though. put out some more work. your style is a nice change of pace for this thred.




'slik' SIMPLE SIMPLE SIMPLE. you can't come out of nowhere trying to do some wild styles. you need to start out simple and work from there. start with straight letters. bend them in the right places, and you've got some style. do some add-ons, throw in some connections. make it flow. you're not gonna be a great writer if you don't start at the basicks. and those fills are whack. start with solid fills. and maybe fades.





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Haha, no need to be a dick about my hand style man. I know I'm a toy and that's why I'm posting here, people like you aren't going to stop me from practicing graf. At least i'm not writing any of this stuff on walls yet, right?


I wasn't being a dick. Read what I said again... I gave you instructions on how to improve.


If I was being a dick, I would have said you sucked and left it at that.


It's one thing to admit you're a toy. It's another thing to keep doing the same toy thing over and over after you were told several times that it's wrong.


Since you apparently missed it the first time, I'll repeat it:


Break your handstyle down into simple letters. No arrows, not connections, nothing.


And post some simple straight lettered pieces too.


That's as straightforward as feedback can get. If you think I'm being a dick for telling you not to do something that you are doing badly, you really need to look around on this website to see what real dickery is.


Check yourself.



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I wasn't being a dick. Read what I said again... I gave you instructions on how to improve.


If I was being a dick, I would have said you sucked and left it at that.


It's one thing to admit you're a toy. It's another thing to keep doing the same toy thing over and over after you were told several times that it's wrong.


Since you apparently missed it the first time, I'll repeat it:


Break your handstyle down into simple letters. No arrows, not connections, nothing.


And post some simple straight lettered pieces too.


That's as straightforward as feedback can get. If you think I'm being a dick for telling you not to do something that you are doing badly, you really need to look around on this website to see what real dickery is.


Check yourself.




Yo E_B_A, I wasn't talking bad to you, my bad if it seemed that way. I was talkin to "my nine rides....", that elitist fuck. I saw your feedback as positive and very helpful. Thanks bro.

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