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so..i toned it down looooooooooooads..to a simpler form..IMO i fucking love this style..and im sticking with it....! :D .. obviously um ppl will think its shit..but its whut i like at the end of the day..anyways




i had sum beatiful cooool grey highlights..but the fucking scanner didnt pick them up..


ima do the same style of 3d in my next new stylized peice :D


im happy !


Crits !! Thanks !!

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that felt throw isnt bad, there is relationshit between all the letters, the t strays the most, but there is relationship. who really cares about a throwup though. its only meant for getting your name up, its not means to be pretty. if i were you i would work on your tag though, the f and e dont mesh at all, but thats just my oppinion.


yeah thats not really my tag, that was just a screw around.

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you got it twisted


that one right up there...Hepos never did..i did that..he just gave me advice..here is the on HE DID !




I DID NOT DO THIS HEPOS DID ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


for all the dumb shits.." omgz..you bit hepos...omgz..im gunna have to e-punch you "


I D - I - D N - O - T - D - O T - H - A - P - E - I - C - E


q66666666666666666666666 .. nothing sumin up mate

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you got it twisted


that one right up there...Hepos never did..i did that..he just gave me advice..here is the on HE DID !




I DID NOT DO THIS HEPOS DID ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


for all the dumb shits.." omgz..you bit hepos...omgz..im gunna have to e-punch you "


I D - I - D N - O - T - D - O T - H - A - P - E - I - C - E


q66666666666666666666666 .. nothing sumin up mate


oh i see.




its not biting he obviously did a sketch for u to help u out with ideas... so yea...

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naw man..i dont like that style...im gunna stick with the simple style the mith is in..nice and phat..like Bates / Can Twos shit..thanks anyway :D


true that but u can make letters fat or skinny and still style them the same if u try i just think that you would be able to flex more if u try that other one for a bit although with what u are workin with now will still look good on a wall anyways if u can paint it clean

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Mith... latest piece is nice BUT bring the right end of that "O" up just a bit in the future. It looks like a "U" otherwise. But good stuff.


I wish everyone here brought it as fresh as you.


marko's piece painted looks decent. Don't worry about can control. That will come to you.

I'm new at painting too but it just takes time.

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