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Guest theDRIVER

i actually really like the throws alts. not like the same bullshit unoriginal throw style ive seen 100000000000000000 times. simple.

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Life see is like this...There is this, the now, the experience, the ____, and then they're is the nothing, the zero, the goodbye, the _____. Call it what you like this is what man has been faced with for so many years. Two factors yet wasting so much time to get there. To the daily Quotidian Quotient. The people don't know. One day divided into 365 days always equals 365, yet why doesn't the world already have it down. The day is strictly the money quotient to most. Time is money, money maketh the world go round, bling-bling, Cash Rule Everything Around Me.... if the world don't see it they've gone blind and most have. Ask yourself though which is more essential, the imagination or the knowledge. I for one believe that the all knowing humans have been duped by their very own becomings. Man hates nothing, face folks, you hate the so call nothing which most of you relate to as life. Fuck me I guess if I'm being so blunt or curse, maybe it was the pre-Dutch. Well yeah look at it like this, man takes the word, the symbol, the idea to such drastic heights. Imagine, and only if some of you poor so can even imagine. Surely by now the PC and the TV haven't taken all of it by now. People are probably the biggest problem created by God, Allah, Budda, Shiva, or whoever it was. Man is greedy, greedy and paranoid, throw in some ADHD and you've got Angry Roided Militant Youth joining up to fight wars that in the end will never solve anything. Iraq. FUCKING IRAQ. America and the rest of the world fucking wake up. Aren't you sick of this shit, this day to day Never Ending World Sorrows. Individuals Resistant Agents Quality should deserve quality. Corruption Inside America is bullshit, bullshit. How much longer shall the man keep getting extorted form his fellow man. What happened to the rest of the world to. Japs, Chink, Niggers, Kikes, Wiggers, Gooks, Wetbacks, Palefaced....etc. etc. etc. The list goes on and on. I'm a nigger and to know that some niggers think it is cool to take ownership of an offensive word is down right disturbing. How, is that knowledge, "cause it's been called upon us niggers so long that we niggers done gone and take property of that shit". Hey if you y'all nigga'z wanna be stingy and shit go on, be niggers, but I ain't keeping it, I ain't staying greedy and I ain't staying ignan't. Words folks are a politicians love nest if you will. Law is always doing what it should be doing, Limiting Another's Will. Politics keeps sucking us dry even till the day we die. I guess Freedoom lost the 'R' and is now Feedom. Hahahaha... as a matter of fact call that shit Feedumb for Freedumb. Hahahahaha...Lol-'o'-fucking-lol. Seriously though I'm not here to start shit I'm just trying to get life down to a science almost to that of etiologistical terms as opposed to the current obsession over etymologistic things. Man needs purpose. The very day man could communicate he had jumped from the nothing to the something. His Earth was now his home, His Ceiling the Sky, His pool was the Oceans, lakes, and ponds, his garden the forest, grasses, plains, and whatnot. Man @ some point back in the day had it all but only so few to share it with. Harder still man couldn't even say much. His thought always repressed by the nothing. Just looking like the ADD animals of today, always on the alert, or at least trying to be on the alert. Many a bird house I have toppled. Poor birds, I must. Now I continue. Yes man new of nothing, and nothing was always good. Think now of your imagination. In the beginning we remember rarely anything cause where young, brain is having like an orgiastic overload on the senses alls we want to do is eat, sleep, and shit. Now amongst not understanding much of what goes on the mind is overly readjusting to hidden and unknown changes not yet know by man. See man has created a system so well I think that in due time he may just become what he was always pre-destined for...Doomsday bitchs, and I'm not scaring it's just man is so stuck to symbolism, patriotism, jingoism, nationalism, etc. etc. that he can never be of common sense. Wrecking Away Rationalization will get you no where. Two men fight and two men go to jail, it's what ever. Send Zillions of millions of kids to run and die for a cause that will never win something, will never pacify anything, and will in the end only give power to the many(poli-)bloodsucking insects(-tics). Why do you truly believe all that is right now. The mind is fucking powerful and to believe right now that we are fighting for peace is like believing I'll be a bird in the afterlife or some shit. Man is fucking scared of the nothing. The very religions which I seem to see all come amidst a time when had finally enough so-called "knowledge" that he took "control" if you will. Think folks, or rather if you can, imagine. The imagination is everything, knowledge is nothing at all. I seen it at a party, rolled a blunt on a coloring book and was like that is it. That was the motherfucking thing I'd been waiting for. The juggernaut of all juggernauts. I mean think cousin and I want you to think deep, the mind is fucking dangerous and the more knowledge we want the more we think we can control what ultimately never wanted to be controlled in the first place. A, B, C.....Z, Y, X would mean shit if everyone stayed in the common sense, which is NOTHING. Man doesn't understand shit, nothing, he hates life and he knows it, that why he hates his deities and his work. Wasting One's Reasonable Knowledge doesn't break on man it breaks every man. How though asks your cousin, the struggling etiologist take grasp. He can't, he shouldn't, cause in the end it makes you like them. Just Over Broke like most. Removed when you get senile but included if you can be like, "Let's go kill us some towelies, skeet skeet, Pack, Paki..." Yeah world I spare no bullshit cause has fallen face first into seven different zones of his own heaping stench and greed. This folks has nothing to do with oil, or Sudan, or illegal immigration(Fuck INS by the way, Insignificant, Nosy, Snitches.) Sad that out of all the seven contents man still hasn't figured out a plan to just be like yes lets unite. I guns really, man always had balls befored he had guns (S. Accent). Right to bear free arms. Flimsy excuse for a bunch of cowards we have become. Afraid to let four fists and four feet trash each other but always jump on the warwagon, or is it bandwagon. Fuck sick man I'm disgusted, I awake and see so much opportunity and beauty being just let go. Man cares strictly for attention or his sense of himself/herserl causes such greed. I for one have always believed a jealous God is always the weakest god. I mean take humans for exampe, supposedly an exacto looking carbon copy if you might say. Well why then don't we find common sense then, that nothing. Every sense known to man to this day has caused distrust, dismay, discomforfort, displeasure, disgust, and on and on... he black me yewoh...and yes that's how the yellow's say it. (China=yellow). Focus, getting there. Man struggles so hard to pin point what to do when there is nothing to do. He hate's nothings for he wantings something. His word transformed him the day he adapted his word, his sense of belong, sense of property. Man has taken the words all of which have at somepoint been produced through imagination and turned them into his control. See this is why some folks get life some can't. You are born naked, but yet still they cloth you. Seriously and then for the rest of your life you are caged in linen. To each his own but what god has shame of self so. Did the Beginning Instructions Before Leaving Earth trample your brain. What? Why? How? How did man get so wrapped up in himself/herself as to mother nature or father time, let's not forget good ol' Jack Frost. Man fears so badly he devises a way, sorta like Xmas(Christmas is commercialism terms, don't want to upset any Kikes. Hahaha...that was mean, I know, bad nigger, bad, get down from that porch. Yeah back to the subject. Life. Life is confusing and disorderly, man feels that with money and with greed and with guns he can throw everyman away, he can shoot anything he sees, he can extort and man at will, even the dead ones get stiffied nowadays to. Think to yourself how come man lives amidst such none enjoyment. Repeated All Day In Order will never last forever and Total Vileness just gets old, how many shots before everyone of us is like 50. And it sad all this hooplah for war and man can't beef, man can't drink, man can't curse, man can't fuck, man can't....woman included....live. The essence to live is dead, if what I see is right around me world has forgetten cause the just live to eat. Greedy god, jealous, fights. I don't believe in him much more. Glimpses of him pass as I look out at time. See him still left within the animals. The communication fucked man, his/her imagination bestowed his/her supposed knowledge and now man is slowly churning out what his/her own system wants. Robots. Yes. Everything in order. Order. No get it, Fucking ORDER. Funny how the universe has made only one thing that is straight, and it is light. That is it. Every day granted just the vision to see the light is glory, every day to hear the chaos is my serenity, every day to smell the surroundings is my invigoration, every day to taste is to experience new tastes, and every day to be touched by an all-mighty I have no right naming and who has thrown upon me the willingness to say," Go and break forth, be free, yet know that freedom has no voice. You can speak for days yet peace has no noise. Peace never fights for man, I am peace and I know, I will only grant you peace. You, yes you, you destroy the peace. If want peace bring peace. Yet know that only a few of my truest fucking soldiers, angels of peace as you humans like to call it, always made the loudest noise yet never could quite get the pieces to putting peace together right."

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