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Okay... for reals... EAMAE and I are the same person.


I have been having a rough spot in life lately...


I feel like everything I have ever done sucks and I haven't felt good about

any pencil sketches. I thought maybe a name change might do the trick

so I tried out some letters I like and put it all together. I've been fucking

around with handies, throwies and pieces for days now.


I wanted honest feedback without the reputation I have, good or bad.


So I whipped that up, but I guess it's too close to my old material to fool anybody.

Not that I was trying to fool anybody. Or at least fool anyone for devious reasons.

I just wanted some honest feedback without people I consider friends and foes to

have their previous opinion of me cloud it up.

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like 3 kids thought someone was biting your style... that says alot in itself to have any sort of definitive style for yourself.. you're hard, just bored.. go rock a wall man.. it will awaken some inspiring flowness to your tablet..

haha, or if you need something new, add 'pre' and start writng sparetire..hahaha

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Edit: To EBA.

There seems to be too many awkward extensions and inconsistancy in the width of your lines.

With a palindromic name like that, symmetry and balance in the letters would make it look less cluttered.

The colour scheme is an interesting choice, the orange outline doesn't do the piece much justice, the blue and purple do accent each other well though.

However, I love the throwy at the bottom, the letters have a consistant flow.

And yes, fuck my mother.

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