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Graffiti is vandalism. Graffiti is a crime. As blart said, if you want to be an artist, go to art school. If you want create and destroy, write graff.


i know it's vandalism and a crime.

it is also art.

there is no point debating it though as the question 'what is art?' has a different answer for everybody.


iv'e loved graff for the past 15 odd years because it is creative and destroys.



also, look into definitions of art, you'll find that 2 of the main ideas behind it are.





destroy (wether it's social boundries, concepts, taboos or in this case walls.)


no beef man, lets get back to normality.

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iit wud be extremely ignorant to say that graffiti isnt art; but on the flip side graffiti is also generally disliked by the population and therefore illegal, as are many of the rebellions in peoples historys. I dont wanna glorify graff but it is THE MODERN ART movement fuck that color a canvass black and sell it for thousand dollars bullshit.

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let me hop in on this look graff is art hence they teach it in art history.... if graff aint art then a fresco is someones shit smeared on a god damn wall.... if graff aint art then what pop art... think about what you say and study up on your art from all eras

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Art is in means of expressing yourself in different ways or media. Acrylics, oils, photography, music... Graffiti is hard to define as an art, the fact that it has a history and many cultures behind it like hip hop and metal culture(if that's how you would call it).


You look at a certain painting on a canvas, you know that person has expressed themself through that. Some paintings don't necessarily mean that that person expressed themself, maybe they wanted to paint something pretty but it's still considered an art. You look at a piece, expression? Or maybe they just wanted to paint something pretty. It's whatevs.


But like I said, different ways, graffiti just happens to be an art with Letters, characters, welded metal, concrete tikis that just happens to be on walls or wherever public is and most of them would be illegal. ... no permission, that's graffiti.


Abate, your B is fine, change up the rest of your letters. They need help. Your 3D is out of it too, remember, should only go in one direction.

Noir, I looks like a T. Rest is fine

Serk, S too thin, E doesn't match the style with your R and K.

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serk yea thats not one of our better sketches the s is 2 complicated compared to the e i like your old style better


well that was the point of it..to have the S and K more complicated than the E and R....


heres a better version of it



felt good to color in a sketch :D havent colored one in in months

any crits?

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OK i practiced my simples for a lil' bit then i started to change the letters around. i seperated them into segmants and changed each segmant. i like the "S" and the "P" and i think ima make the r like the p. also the tag on the left says alex. any feedback is highly apreciated




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