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not toy at all



a seven color fill can't hide bad letter structure...


'cheap' your starting out simple, that's good. i'd personally make that 'e' more of a straight letter type of 'e' and replace the 'a' with a capital one.

bang your 3-d out a little more too, there's a lot of negative space in that 'c'.



'enigma' it's good to see you're progressing, keep it up. fix your 3-d, take the little heart thing out of the 'm', and make the 'n' more traditional and it'll look a lot better.


'kirby' make the 'c' look like more of a 'c'.


'naris' the hand is straight cause it's simple, it'll definately look a lot better painted. but try making it more proportional


'cnue & duse' post some shit, it's alwasy nice to see your works


'steve wonder' shit's whack as fuck...

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'cheap' your starting out simple, that's good. i'd personally make that 'e' more of a straight letter type of 'e' and replace the 'a' with a capital one.

bang your 3-d out a little more too, there's a lot of negative space in that 'c'.



thanx 4 the tips. yea def alot of neg space on the c.....tough to do drawing so big but ill work on it. jus tryin 2 keep it simple.

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'steve wonder' shit's whack as fuck...


i disagree by the way. He is one person here with nice letter structure. Yo Naris here are some sample tags. Try and mix up your letter more, make it flow better.















i know they are pretty similar but i couldnt think of any other way to do it.

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cheap whats up


not bad good job keepin it simple, i've been sein ur hands and shit around try doin just dope simple bubble letters i think it would look good w/ ur name and some drop shadow


thanx man been tryin 2 spend more time drawing so i come off cleaner when i paint. but we should get up sometime. ill try and actually follow through with a rendezvouz next time i ask if u wana paint. pce.

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i disagree by the way. He is one person here with nice letter structure.



that was a joke, if you didnt notice i was the one who posted that about my own shit.

thanks though, i never get recognition for my shit so i felt left out and gave myself some feedback. haha


'dank' take all of the extentions out.


'serz, segz whatever' that's tight, keep it up and clean it up.


'satire' fix the 's' up and take that pointy thing out of the 't' and it's straight.


'naris' the 3rd and 5th hands are pretty tight.


'knim' it's nice to see you want to do something creative, but like everyone tells anyone else, work on making your simples fresh before you try to progress beyond your level.


'olser' more proportional and make it skinnier. it looks like a bad air brush artist's letters honestly.

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i like the red one A LOT. space out the I and S a little bit more. and work on your handstyle a lot. just have your pen flow, be all messy, maybe try script and then evolving from their.


yo maybe u wanna do a little exchange? black and white with a keyline?

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