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-;5625239']ey..i need some tips on improving my graff...i juz started 4 dayz ago...and i'm really into it.... any comments....














start simple. u wont be able to throw this on a wall for a while until u get basic shit down like block letters a good handstyle and a throwie, then u can do some wild shit in a chill spot. just start simple

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cola. your hands at time look like just a buncha lines strung together. i understand the concept of philly hands, and at times you come close to nailing a reasonably good one, but with the last shit you posted i cannot say it was a good handstyle.


the dude above me needs to 1. quit graffiti for writing bomb the system on his paper, and 2. do simples.

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cola. your hands at time look like just a buncha lines strung together. i understand the concept of philly hands, and at times you come close to nailing a reasonably good one, but with the last shit you posted i cannot say it was a good handstyle.


the dude above me needs to 1. quit graffiti for writing bomb the system on his paper, and 2. do simples.


the last one was sorte an experiment, i kindve liked it but ok

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just copped about $100 worth of copics. any tips on how to not have streaks?




you bastard... if i lived near you i'd steal them..




cnue i love and miss you brotha. soon enuff u wont need to paint during the day, well be able to paint all fuckin night long. no momma and pappa to worry about. cozumel has a few bombs, its kinda funny because the names they write are in spanish and ur just like wtf

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