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RUK - Yo on that ruk sketch it is pretty nice...Only a couple of problems with it...First off the R looks like a B because you brought the bottom limb too close to the vertical one...Second those straight lines going to the swirls are kinda lame looking so I would have lost those...Lastly the drips are too much...Lose those and its a nice piece

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Bugs..you crave crits..the thing is..people on here anrt going to make you a better writer...do it yourself..its okay asking for crits..but those crits are to improve on..i think your expecting people to tell you how to change the entire peice..and the fact that you ask for crits sooo much..and without the decentsie (sp) to give other people crits..


infamous writer..you fucking right..100 % .. i have been concetrarting on karaks..but i dont mean too

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yer u have a fair point but i only comment people if its different which is why i comment rarely. its usually the same old shit, different day on here (not callin ne1 shit btw, figureof speach) and itr just seems pointless comenting sumfin whihc is the same as b4 with a different add on on it.

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Changing the style to add some curves and making it simpler yet again because I have finally learned that even if I think I’m ready to go more complex, I should still work simples till I really get them down completely…





Bump because all I got was "it's looking nice..."

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this is the answer! ;-) http://freewebpostcards.com/answer.html




supa. the 1st one is the way 2 go. simple, clean good shading. good work. and for blart... i dont post it. everytime i make a post it automaticly does it....

Ok for your second one cola.. your highlights need to follow your lines. see how uneven the highlights are? try to keep those as symetrical as possible. looks good..but still the first one is where your money is at.keep with that look

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