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which on do think is good and all that ish

yo i guess its a bad word but the U on the 3rd pic is good. thats one of the best letters i've seen on this thread. other wise the rest you need mad work. your off poportional and i dont understand your high lights on your throw

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yo i guess its a bad word but the U on the 3rd pic is good. thats one of the best letters i've seen on this thread. other wise the rest you need mad work. your off poportional and i dont understand your high lights on your throw


yeah im still thinkin of a name but thanks on tha advice and the highlights i was just bored

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fuck you are retarted, there are so many writers out there that 99 percent of writers write i word someone else does sorry there is not enough 3-7 letter words out there for all the writers to have their own you stupid shit so shut the fuck up if its not a legend or a king in your city you can write w/e you want so stop thinking the internet is reality bitch

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Fuck, you kids are retarded. Learn to look out for a word before you morons decide to write it, I wasn't even that stupid as a toy not to look up another word incase its already being used. This ecspecially applies to "just bomb it", THERES ALREADY A GUTS WHO HAPPENS TO BE MUCH BETTER THAN YOU.


well i never heard of him till now and i am actually willing to change my name so you can go back to wack your self cause you sound like you didnt bust yet.or is it that time of tha month:clown3:

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fuck you are retarted, there are so many writers out there that 99 percent of writers write i word someone else does sorry there is not enough 3-7 letter words out there for all the writers to have their own you stupid shit so shut the fuck up if its not a legend or a king in your city you can write w/e you want so stop thinking the internet is reality bitch


Why do you ask for advice and then turn around and say, "No it's not!" Quit whining. It's funny, Regs out of Boston uses straight letters too. I don't really care one way or the other, but your excuse is lame, to say there aren't enough 3-7 letter words. Gimme a break. Good writers tend to be smart and creative. You are a nagging biter.


lookit these names







why not write Urge instead. It sounds more your style, and you get to keep the R, the E, and the G.

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lol hardyhar. but no really, your shit that you did Rege, looks a lot like a Regs RB KBT bight. seriously. not only you have the same word but you bit his style too. i dont think you know shit if your not respecting taken words by writers from other cities. "oh if hes not a legend or a king" if you have any respect then you wouldnt be sayin shit. hes up in Boston and he was up in Montreal too and im sure hes been up in other cities. and you act like hes a toy like you. you act like hes some cat who goes around bombing and do pieces once a month and do some whack shit. He aint no beginner, been up since 03-04 and still runnin. you got no respect kehd. yeah there are writers who write the same shit but im pretty sure almost all of em will change there word and try come up wit somethin new unless they're lil bitches like you. and look at Justbombit, after gettin told that his words taken, what he do? did he complain like you being a lil toy sayin oh "hes not a king or a legend" or did he man up and have some balls to do soemthin about it . NOT only you got work to do on your shit letterings but you got to work on your respect towards other writers.

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Regs: Keep working, definite you letters more, your R especially, otherwise pretty good

Crave: Doing well, So you proportion is slightly off at least your letters all match up in style

Itis: pretty cool stuff, just iron out the kinks

Maso: I know it is tempting to try all this cool stuff that you see other graffers doing but dont do it yet, at least not in any sketches you post, Its cool to play around with effects and experiment and thats how you learn these techniques but for now you need to keep your letters more simple, It looks like you have a steady hand so it should be a problem



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Regs: Keep working, definite you letters more, your R especially, otherwise pretty good

Crave: Doing well, So you proportion is slightly off at least your letters all match up in style

Itis: pretty cool stuff, just iron out the kinks

Maso: I know it is tempting to try all this cool stuff that you see other graffers doing but dont do it yet, at least not in any sketches you post, Its cool to play around with effects and experiment and thats how you learn these techniques but for now you need to keep your letters more simple, It looks like you have a steady hand so it should be a problem



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this aint bad, but is that sperm floating around in that last one????

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