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nice little style u got goin there kiro. i like it

vose that top simple is hot.

kord the ltters dnt work together.. like the O and D dont maths the K and RR.. and the R is more rounded thatn the others... keep it conisstent



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like some crits on these - new so i tried keepin it simple and get that good




on the throwie i know the e looks a little small - other than that any comments/crits


ahah, sorry, but i'd like to get some crits on these, and some new stuff:


some more throws i've been doing - i'd like crits etc, tell me which letters you like from each - i want to mix and match, cause i like some and don't like some - i changed the s again since people thought the old ones looked wierd





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wtf PSC jank


whats with that


PSG. a jokey little min crew of me an my m8s. ignore that.. wot u think o the page apart from that? plus it was for a ballte on puregraffiti and u had to ahve a PG in there somehwere


freek thats nice. i like the top one sept the wierd bit off the A that joins the R. hot tho.

i like the 2nd down too, nice simple shit. real gd.. the other two not so much tho.... gd work tho man.

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throw and 3 pieces i think that one piece with the blue fill i skinda wack though. Please critisize!




you are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing. Your letters are simple, clean and look like they are forming a good foundation for you to begin tweaking and experimenting further. I really like how the colors are complimentary to one another and don't clash.


What too many beginners do is try to bite off more than they can chew and attempt stuff that is way too technical for their skill level. You obviously undertsand what you are capable of and take steps accordingly. I could see the lower left sketch on a boxcar.


You obviously have the sort of patience to get good at this and all i can suggest for you is to stay on the course you are on and keep practicing!


post more of your work as it comes along.


edit: the first two pieces are good but the lower right....hmm, yeah, the fill isn't awful but not great either. Keep practicing blending colors and study the pieces of established writers to see how to fit jagged patches of color together. All those stars and squiggles look like a bunch of awkward 6th graders trying their best to mingle at their first dance. You want those colors bumping and grinding one another like me hitting on a bunch of asians at the club homie.

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Hmm, where do i start......don't try and go big until you get better....way better. Drawing it big like that only draws attention to the fact that the letters are whack. And please, please please, do not compensate for a lack of talent by relying on overuse of graffiti effects (i,e, stars, bubbles, arrows).


Things like that are supposed to accent a piece, not prop it up like what you have attempted. Have all your letters face one way. When you have the basics, then you can practice making your shit look all weird and artsy.


Practive your straight letters like how I applauded Creso above you for doing.


You get the straight letters down, then you have a good platform for going on to do great things.


the word which i want for you to become your mantra is PATIENCE.

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please, no more distorted/creepy/evil takes on childhood favorites like teddy bears, rabbits, childhood icons.


Those sort of things are best left up to people that can rock that shit proper (eg CRAOLA). Worry about that kind of ish later.


pay attention quasi.......you do have a good basis but have you been practicing your straight letters? hmmm?


I chewed out what's his face for doing the same thing you're doing and that's using "crazy graffiti effects" to prop up your letters (yes, i am referring to those weird squiggly lines arching all over the place).


Same thing goes for characters....i used to do that all the time starting out....I would draw a detailed ass character next to all my so-so letters to prop it up but the problem is, most people see right through that. Even worse when you've got some cliched and played next to it (i.e. ooooo, scary bear, all bent out of shape! angst! misfortune, oh, the horrbily twisted emotions of a childhood icon gone graffiti!)




please, all of you kids, stop stop stop using the following to compensate for lack of skill








The more of these you use, the more obvious it will be you're trying to hide something. All the things I listed are meant as an accent to a piece, throwie, etc......like icing on a cake.


Have you ever tried to eat a cake that was all just icing? no, of course you haven't. it's disgusting to look at, hard to swallow and people see it for the fake that it is.


You need that nice basis, plain old cake....THEN you spruce it up with a little icing, some nice candles, etc......


Get it? good

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