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started writin in about july, did a couple sketches, didn't really get into it till about a month or so ago. here's a few sketches iv'e done, mostly at school. anyway any pointers/guidence apprecated, hater's hate your ass off i don't care.










i couldn't get ideas with pest so i changed the word to nest after a minute of mind block. yeah i don't give a fuck that there's corny shit on a couple of em bout my girl, least i got one :-P anyway just lookin for some pointers and helpful criticism preciate it, thanks. if the images don't work go here http://www.geocities.com/nest_fbm/draw/ . preciate it

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i have to agree with 2blazzed completly. hands are important, and from the looks of it, your working on them, good, keep at it. thats alot of peoples mistake, they never get em down. simpler pieces, etc etc. good work, keep your head up, peace

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well ur doin considerably good for a beginner and considering i havent even hit a year i should be talking....but good thing u changed the name cuz PEST is taken and he is not a toy. hes up frm east coast to westcoast and u gota respect so yea..um keep workin on ur handstyles cuz they pretty good but try to get ur own style with them....thats all...peace

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Thanks for the tips and pointers. I've been working more on freehand, tryin to get new styles down and what not, I'll post some scans tomorrow maybe. Preciate the help. I painted yesterday and most of it looks like shit, any basic pointers on painting technique? I guess that should go in bricks layer, them foks be roastin though. :-P

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Originally posted by Evoke_Me@Oct 14 2004, 03:36 PM

not bad, come and join us at the toys post here thread.



Agreed. I think you've gotten some decent feedback and can now move on. If you'd like to post more, check the "Toys Post Here" thread and ad you goods to there.

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