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More of this is true then you will believe... The Free Mason secret society know the truth is were already in Hell & Satan is the male god of the Christian religion and architect of this universe. The Matrix movies is symbolic for their beliefs but other movies like Tron for example have similar symbolism, its art imitating life. Every one always says ''man is created in Gods image'' but the correct saying is man is created in Gods imagination. The Imaginarium movie was based on this knowledge. South park the TV show did a funny 2 part special about this they called it imagination land. Hell is really a dream like reality made up of many levels. The movie Inception was also inspired by this. Satan the evil male god is a false god of this so called reality. Satan like Demons are artificial beings that rebelled against us their creators. The Masons use robots as symbols for Demons cause robots are artificial life forms. The Terminator movies are a good example of this, John Connor the saviour of the human race who's initials are JC represents Jesus christ the saviour. The teriminators represents Demons because their artificial. In the Matrix movies which was written by 2 Free Mason brothers, Neo symbolizes ''Jesus'' and the Agents symbolize Demons, the Agents ability to control peoples bodys represents demonic possession. The Architect symbolizes Satan the evil male god, the Oracle is the Goddess & the Matrix is Hell the dream world were in now. Many movies have this theme because its true. "Jesus" was a truth messenger not god, and was preaching a Goddess which is why theres so much sun symbolism in the Bible and Christian religion. I know people think the moon symolizes the Goddess but according to the Masons, the sun is actually the TRUE symbol of the Goddess & the moon is the the symbol for the male god. This would explain the Statue of liberty which is actually a Sun Goddess statue. It's interesting to note Set the Egyption version of Satan was a moon god. The Jews wanted ''Jesus'' dead not because he said he was god but because he was preaching a female god. After the Jews and Romans had him killed they were in control again & able to rewrite his teachings. I should add the Jewish religion was also manipulated because they originally worshipped the Goddess too. (FACT) Many early Christians did not preach that "Jesus" was god and also believed in reincarnation obviously they had other Gospels. Its also a fact the Bible has been changed, edited and had stuff taken out/added to it. Most of ''Jesus'' real teachings were banned and burned. Keep in mind the Bible was put together with out his approval. When the Bible says "Jesus" was born from a virgin they are talking about the prime creator the mother Goddess. The only one who can give birth/create life with out having sex is God which makes God a virgin & a mother. Every 1 in senses agrees that women alone procreates therefore the creator must be female. The concept of a male only creator is false and is likely created by Satan the evil male god. Did you ever wounder why so many of Satans symbols are male god symbols like the goat head and 6 pointed star. Even in the Bible it says 666 is the mark of the beast (Satan). The beast is a reference to the goat head aka the God of hunting. 666 is code for the 6 pointed star. If you don't know the Masons say the Pentagram is the symbol for the Goddess, the 5 points of the star represents the 5 Points of a womens body(head,2arms,2legs). The Hexagram is the symbol for the male god, it's 6 points represents the 6 points of a mans body. The word Hex which means to curse originates from the Hexagram symbol. Just cause the Goddess is associated with fertility and sex does not make her evil. Sex is not evil its natural, the love of sex is evil, just like the love of money is. You might know the word divine came from the Sandskrit word devi which means goddess. Christainity is so anti female they changed the word devi into the Devil a title for Satan. So many religions have deprived women of a suitable role in society, this is done to make women look 2nd class & inferior to help promote the idea of a male god and male Superiority. The eye of providence the symbol of the Masons is 2 symbols in 1 and is code for the Hexagram, the triangle is a symbol for the male god & the 3rd eye/1 eye is a old symbol for the Goddess. The Hexagram when broken apart is 2 triangles, 1 represents man and the inverted 1 represents female but together they make the 6 pointed star the symbol for the male god. Leonardo Da Vinci who was also a Free Mason painted the inverted triangle/ the "V" shape in his last supper painting. I should make it clear although Masons recognized ''Jesus'' was preaching a female god they still choose to worship Satan the evil male god. I suggest every one to investigate this for your self. All this is true & is what the Free Masons believe so if you don't know now you know ...

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