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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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sup bats. i been mad busy with work, not much time for internet enjoyment. aaaaaaand, my girl is in the hosptial. :(


totally sucks. she got a kidney infection. reeeeeal sick. freezing cold, shivering uncontrollably, under the covers in my room without AC on. in case you didn't know, hong kong is fucking HOT. so i knew she was mad sick. took her to the hospital, shes been there for 3 days already and the doc says she probly has another week in the hospital. they say shes ok but need to keep her for observation.


my guess is that the problem is a result of a big white weiner in a tiny yellow vagina, but hey, i'm no doctor.


so i've had a great 3 days of working 9-6, hospital 7-10. totally not fun.


i'm sure she'll be fine, so i'm done bitchin about it. i seriosuly hate fuckin hospitals tho. ok, now i'm done bitchin about it.


so whats up with the crew?


yeah DETO, maybe some heads do gotta roll. i havent been doing my part either, but i'm the prez. and it's the prez' job not to do his job, nahmean?

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Originally posted by EyeforAnEYE

Damn man, I hope she gets better, send her a huge knightbat get well from us. Maybe we can make a card on here and you can show it to her or something.


As for me, I'm straight bored, listening to music, that's about it.


thanks holmes. what u listening to?

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Originally posted by iquit

really fucking good indeed. they been around for a while, right? wait, am i mixing them up with cap'n jazz? no, i know jazz june. yeah, really good.


Cap'N Jazz is awesome too. Yeah jazz june has been around for a while. I think they might be still around, but I'm not too positive.

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Originally posted by EyeforAnEYE

The singer died right? or someone in the band did.


I saw them once or twice with bane, kind of weird line up but still aweosme none the less


shit, i never heard that. like i said, its been years since i paid much attention.


i grew up on long island new york, we had a really great hardcore scene in the mid to late 90's. a lot of fun. really one of the best hardcore scenes in the country from what i've seen and heard. but i havent been into it for about 5 years. i still like a lot of the music, but it's rare that i have the urge to listen to it.


maybe i'll try to get back into it a little, i been real bored with music lately.

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YI think it was an OD, but that is jsut a rumor I had heard.


The NY scene in those years produced tons of great bands, Boston produced a ton as well, more of the straight up Youth Crew style bands like In My Eyes and Ten Yard Fight and so on.



You should dust off the old CD's and records and play them out and let the memories flood back. Put on some Kid Dynamite and rock the fuck out.

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Originally posted by iquit

kid dynamite was sweet. lifetime was a personal fave. jadetree was usually pretty good all around.


isn't the singer from lifetime, ari, in a band? are they any good?


Lifetime is indeed awesome. Jade Tree had tons of great bands.


Ari and his wife and I think someone else from lifetime, i can't remeber who, I think an earlier member, do Zero Zero. It's very different, it's kinda electro-pop, I don't really dig it all that much.


I think the one of the best bass intros is from the song Myself off of Background.


Here's a link to a Zero Zero mp3 if you can listen to it http://mp301.epitonic.com/files/reg/songs/...o-True_Zero.mp3

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Originally posted by EyeforAnEYE

Lifetime is indeed awesome. Jade Tree had tons of great bands.


Ari and his wife and I think someone else from lifetime, i can't remeber who, I think an earlier member, do Zero Zero. It's very different, it's kinda electro-pop, I don't really dig it all that much.


I think the one of the best bass intros is from the song Myself off of Background.


electro-pop? haha, weird.


Myself is a great song. i love it all. hello bastards, the old seven inch stuff, background, jerseys best dancers. all awesome.


hey, i might lose all my hardcore credibility by asking this. do you like lagwagon? they are a pop punk band. but ya know how lifetime is a hardcore band with a touch of punk and emo? well i think lagwagon is a pop punk band with a touch of hardcore and emo. it's weird. i'm not a big pop punk guy, but i fuckin love lagwagon. quality lyrics are always a big factor for me tho.

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So I'm sitting in bed trying to sleep and all of a sudden I get this image in my head. And its not just a regular thought but like a crazy vivid image like I'm living it again. It's a summer day, must have been about 16, its around 7 PM and my family and I are just leaving this mexican spot we all used to go to a lot. And my cousins are there and I was just drinking a coke and eating mexican food. And I'm full and feel I don't know, loved or something, like at ease. I think that might have been the last time I was really at ease in life. Wow, this is too deep for a friday night at 11:00. I need sleep, anyway this memory all of a sudden made me scared to leave for school, and I don't know where I'm going yet. I got into UCLA, but I'm on reserve at Columbia and NYU and I'm on the summer waiting list at Cornell. So if any bats can pull any strings, give your boy a holler. But anyway, I feel all weird now and I don't know what the image in my head means, but im pretty sure it means something. Oh well. I also emailed my crackhead ex the other night while drunk and gone off pills, and I emailed an old professor to see if he could write me a recommendation, I wasn't drunk or high than, but neither have emailed me back and it pisses me the fuck off. You assholes, its been over a week, email me the fuck back. And the other day I saw this chick that said I took advantage of her cause she was drunk and I was high and I tried to kiss her goodnight after she was basically all over me and telling me that she liked me but didn't know if it was because I dated her sister or not. And she said "I don't want to like you just because my sister does, and shes in love with you, she has pictures of you two together up in her room." And I was like "the bitch made out with other guys while we were dating, and she didn't seem to mind when I stopped calling." And girl was like "I don't know, all I know is she has pictures of you in her room and she talks about you all the time." Then I said okay, lets go for a walk, so I go on a walk with her and my man gets in this car with her friend." And pretty soon she's trying to go back and check on them and I'm like leave them alone. I'm high as shit, I was eating a turkey bacon sandwich. Anyway she finally convinces me to check on them and as soon as she opens the car door my man is in their getting a blowjob and the girl is trying to pretend like it didn't happen. I don't know why I'm bringing this up. Hmmm. I need sleep.




"Nirvana saved rock"


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Originally posted by Milton

So I'm sitting in bed trying to sleep and all of a sudden I get this image in my head. And its not just a regular thought but like a crazy vivid image like I'm living it again. It's a summer day, must have been about 16, its around 7 PM and my family and I are just leaving this mexican spot we all used to go to a lot. And my cousins are there and I was just drinking a coke and eating mexican food. And I'm full and feel I don't know, loved or something, like at ease. I think that might have been the last time I was really at ease in life. Wow, this is too deep for a friday night at 11:00. I need sleep, anyway this memory all of a sudden made me scared to leave for school, and I don't know where I'm going yet. I got into UCLA, but I'm on reserve at Columbia and NYU and I'm on the summer waiting list at Cornell. So if any bats can pull any strings, give your boy a holler. But anyway, I feel all weird now and I don't know what the image in my head means, but im pretty sure it means something. Oh well. I also emailed my crackhead ex the other night while drunk and gone off pills, and I emailed an old professor to see if he could write me a recommendation, I wasn't drunk or high than, but neither have emailed me back and it pisses me the fuck off. You assholes, its been over a week, email me the fuck back. And the other day I saw this chick that said I took advantage of her cause she was drunk and I was high and I tried to kiss her goodnight after she was basically all over me and telling me that she liked me but didn't know if it was because I dated her sister or not. And she said "I don't want to like you just because my sister does, and shes in love with you, she has pictures of you two together up in her room." And I was like "the bitch made out with other guys while we were dating, and she didn't seem to mind when I stopped calling." And girl was like "I don't know, all I know is she has pictures of you in her room and she talks about you all the time." Then I said okay, lets go for a walk, so I go on a walk with her and my man gets in this car with her friend." And pretty soon she's trying to go back and check on them and I'm like leave them alone. I'm high as shit, I was eating a turkey bacon sandwich. Anyway she finally convinces me to check on them and as soon as she opens the car door my man is in their getting a blowjob and the girl is trying to pretend like it didn't happen. I don't know why I'm bringing this up. Hmmm. I need sleep.




"Nirvana saved rock"



you got too much on your mind you scatterbrained fool. focus on one thing at a time. don't focus on shit you can't do anything about. and don't focus on any of it while you're trying to relax. just some advice from someone who thinks about shit too hard as well.

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Lagwagon was the first hardcore/punk band I ever heard, I had completely forgotten about them until right now.


Lyrics are always what makes me like a band. It could be the best band in the world, but if thier lyrics suck, I'm not gonna give two shits about them. That's why Kid Dynamtie is my favortie band, their lyrics are just so applicable to everything. The singer of KD is in a new band called None More Black, very pop-punkish, but I love it. And Dan Yemin is a singer of a band called Paint It Black, very raw hardcore/punk

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Originally posted by EyeforAnEYE

Lagwagon was the first hardcore/punk band I ever heard, I had completely forgotten about them until right now.


Lyrics are always what makes me like a band. It could be the best band in the world, but if thier lyrics suck, I'm not gonna give two shits about them. That's why Kid Dynamtie is my favortie band, their lyrics are just so applicable to everything. The singer of KD is in a new band called None More Black, very pop-punkish, but I love it. And Dan Yemin is a singer of a band called Paint It Black, very raw hardcore/punk



niiiiiiiiiice. you're givin me lots of good shit to hunt for on limewire. good lookin out.

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Originally posted by iquit

you got too much on your mind you scatterbrained fool. focus on one thing at a time. don't focus on shit you can't do anything about. and don't focus on any of it while you're trying to relax. just some advice from someone who thinks about shit too hard as well.


Thats totally me. I know exactly why I can't sleep, thinking too hard you know. But I can't help it, I used to smoke reefer to like calm that down but ehhh, I've grown out of it. I might drink a beer and pop an aluna...

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Originally posted by Milton

Thats totally me. I know exactly why I can't sleep, thinking too hard you know. But I can't help it, I used to smoke reefer to like calm that down but ehhh, I've grown out of it. I might drink a beer and pop an aluna...


i hear you, bro. try to live in the moment. best advice i ever received. think about whats going on at the moment and stay focused. don't let your head swim all over the place behind a bunch of bullshit. muuuuuuuuch easier said than done but good advice anyway.

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