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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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ok, well lets kick around some "themes" or background ideas. that's always a good start. obviosly the bats theme is cool. what about a giant ^O^ on the entire wall (3-D and all of that good shit) then pieces over it in various spots. kind of like that fx wall with the giant fx logo. yes it's unoriginal but it's a start (and kind of easy to pull off).

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i'm thinking fame city is a nice central spot for everyone. also, it is roomy and plenty of people can paint. i know of at least 6-8 people who will be down to make the trip from my area. a saturday would be dope and we can always have the following sunday as a rain date.


i say we pick one color spray for the background and get it color matched. with that, everyone brings a gallon of the agreed color and we can take it from there.


we can do several ^O^ throughout the walls, insead of one big one. but whatever let's keep kicking around ideas and shit. pick some cool colors that are easy to get and match for the background roller color.

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Originally posted by Ethreadzny2@Jan 9 2005, 06:57 PM

fame would be perfect, I got a few people from my crew that would also be down if that is cool. I am think brown for the background, what do you all think?


ok sick. yeah man, the more people the better, we should rock that entire spot all around. brown is cool, but we need a nice midtone so we have a darker one for shadows.


should we all rock the same color combo's for fill and outline? that would look kinda cool if all of fame city had this uniformed theme. anyone feeling that?


yeah i am definitly hooking up the out of town kb's. all the kb's there should do a little str8 letter for the crew who can't make it.....grove street for life....haha.


yo, we should do a san andreas theme, and instead of grove street, make it kb.... haha. in the san andreas old english font do a knight bats, and possibly some other stuff going on. is that too much??? haha


my ideas for walls are always odd....lol. i once had an idea to do a wall with the theme from the board game operation. instead of body parts to place in the guy on the board, it would be peoples tags/pieces....hahaha. too much ganja back in the day....haha.

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ok, ummm let's figure out the mid tone and shadow. brown works for me. let's just pick which ones from whatever company. then we can let everyone know that they need to roll with a gallon of that color matched or whatever. i mean i am down to lay out for a 5 gallon pale if everone painting with me agrees to kick me some cash. that way we can all split it and it will ensure that it all looks uniform. but whatever, let me know what you are feeling.

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haha man, if this goes down at fame every writer in the tri state area will be there.






bats who know bats who know bats.



PS: If any Bostonian bat would be so curtious as to go to I believe Boylston St. By the Fenz and NEU behind the fenway area and flick the rooftop black and white piece with the light blue border thats easily seen by the street.


Id by a happy bat.

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i just got your package.


thank you, you are the fucking man.


i'm doing some very serious thinking right now about how me and you are going to make some hong kong cashola.


my friend who distributes montana sells it out of a booth in a borderline flea market / shopping mall.


the rent is dumb low. why the hell wouldn't i open up a oneseriousthreat store in hk and try to blow this shit up?


hong kong consumers are hard to figure out tho... they'll spend stupid cash on a supreme shirt, because for some unknown reason, supreme is cool. the trick would be doing a little grassroots or guerilla type marketing to hype shit up here. like, i could photshop a pic of 50 cent wearing some 1st gear and wheat paste it all over the place. hehe.


anyway... i have some thinking to do, and people to talk to. but whether i just supply to retailers here or something, i really think we might be able to make a buck in hk with this shit.


^o^ knightbat world domination begins ^o^

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