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its funny how non snow sport people don't understand my love for the cold wet stuff. you should see the look on my face whena noreaster rips up the coast paralizing the major metro areas. im like a pig in shit. so for that dibs, i emplore your positive attitude. btw, killing ton is open, hahahahahaha :)

al-skidding is more about the pull then the push...think about it...

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Originally posted by alkaline


I’ll be practicing my track stands (no handed and otherwise). I also want to learn how to skid. Do you guys have any advice for that? I don’t need to be a “clifford the jew curl noisecore maniac “ but any tip would help.



alkaline,not that im a pro at either of these things,but heres my 2 bits.trackstands,i find are easiest for me to do when ive been ridding,when ive already got a groove goin and my balance is alraedy in focus.i try not to concentrate hard on it, i just slow down and balance.i turn my wheele to the foot that is forward,just slightly higher than the rear foot so that if i need to i can rock back and forth.i cant do em in my living room,i get to doin it and i try to hard and get frustrated,for whatever reason i can only do em while ridding places.

skids.i feel is all leverage.lean forward,off the seat,and put ypur wieght more forward towards the front wheel,close to the bars.now its all timing,when your forward foot is in the 10 0r 11 oclock position starting to go down,and your rear foot is in the 4 or 5 oclock position comming up,lean your foward knee into your top bar alil and push down on your rear foot,instictivly your forward foot shouldcome back up as you pull on it to keep the skid in control,all the mean while push down and back on the rear foot.the "push pull"action should be a a movement done together,cooperatvly reversing the turn of the wheele.its sounds wierd to explain,im not sure this makes any sence.its all in the timing and the leverage.its easiest if you have someone you can watch.and its easiest when going faster too i feel.hmmmm.i dont know if this helps at all.maybe someone else can shed a better light on the subject.its much harder to explain than to do.timing.its all timing.

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Originally posted by boxcarwilly


i also raced gs from the age of 8-13 at waterville. i grew up there. wv bbts. owwwww.


I vaguely remember going to Waterville on a ski-vacation once. I think I had some wickid white hot chocolate there....


I SUCKED out in GS (slalom was even worse for me). The only discipline I excelled at was super G, and Downhill. Neither of which you can do on the (itty bitty) hills around here. I did go all the way across the country to Whistler to race in a few Downhills, and did a few super G's as well. It was the most fun I'd ever had in a race. Downhill all the way. I miss it so much.


We need a skiing/snowboarding thread.

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personally i like the stonecutters snowboard team and think it should stay that way because i honestly dont care what anybody thinks because i am an elitist fuck and they dont ride bikes so the shouldnt exist fuck em.


i hated gs but i had to race it all iw anted to do was down hill down hill downhill thats all i cared about until i fell and quit racing. then ruined my knees on the bumps.


track skids take 5 seconds to learn em rite get your balls/girl stuff over the stem of the bike and your legs will lock... then once you get that feel engrained in your muscle fiber then you will know how to sitting leglock, skip whatever you have to do not to die out there. and take your brake off when you are learning leglocks/skids because youll be tempted to use that shit.

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hesh,i am soo jealous man.have fun there,i just got this bookcalled "no brakes:track raccing in the u.s."it talks alot about t town velodrome.that place has alot of history.i keep trying to make arrangments to go down to the velodrome in san jose,but being its 45 minutes away and i dont have a car,its very hard to get there in time for races.when i do make it though,ill have a big report.

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well i just got back. unfortunately i got nothing. it seems as though LARGE mega chain bike shops like to use the idea of a "swap" as an excuse to trans port their store to another location for a day. no good deals really. there were sosme good buys but alt of stuff was out of my price range. hells bells i guess. dibs, i feel you mang. now that im not not working anymore i really wanna start racing. i to will make a huge post about my experiences. weeeeeee.

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hesher. what's slangin babey?


dibs. i knew you checked this often. i wanted to tell you your site is dope. i just had a pretty thorough looksee. i'm diggin your stuff. you guys keep rocking. or riding. or whatever it is you doods do. drink. you guys prolly drink a lot. yeah, that's most definately it.


hesh i brought the fellas over to the famous burger stand last nite. cheese fries and burgers had by all. cept dusty. beardo must be wearing off on the guy cause he got a grilled cheese.


later gents.

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Originally posted by Joker

. And try to find a riding partner




[This message has been edited by Joker (edited 08-28-2001).]


Who wants to go for some rides in the new york area? And I've got a Gary Fisher Wahoo, front shocks, I know its a frankenstein, but I bet I can burn your ass on it.:) (not directed at joker, although I bet I can burn you too ;) )

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Originally posted by fr8oholic

dibs. i knew you checked this often. i wanted to tell you your site is dope. i just had a pretty thorough looksee. i'm diggin your stuff. you guys keep rocking. or riding. or whatever it is you doods do. drink. you guys prolly drink a lot. yeah, that's most definately it.



whats up fr8oholic?how are you?thanks for the complement on the site,its been a while since the last update,im slackin on it lately.havent painted in like a month,but i ride every day.drink quite a bit to come to think of it.but im on the chill with the acholol right now.feel free to email me anytime.hesh,sory it didnt work out at the swap meet.i totally feel you on the shops taking advantage of it,its kind of a shame,its the same way around here.when we both make it down to ride the velodromes we should compare notes,im excited to get down there,i just gotta get a ride or get someone as interested in it as i am that has a car and wants to go.either way im not giving up hope.

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fr8ohhhhhhhhhh, my man. sorry i couldn't be there. trust me, i wanted to, REALLY BAD! lets just say i didn't do shit and i hated every second of it. Im off to ct next weekend- but im free the one after that, so watch out playa.here i come!

dibs, i've never ridden on a track before. so im kind of in the dark as to what i need to do to actually be able to ride on the track???im sure i'll figure it out and put a retarded amount of time and money into it though.

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ok.. i tried going thhrough this post.. but i got to page 7 or 8, and it was too clicky for me.. anyway.. i'm thinking of getting a bike. only have 2 priorities really, in order:





it's mainly for city riding, and the occasional ballast in the yard. Here's the catch.

I'm a big guy. So some nilly frilly bike prolly isnt gonna cut it. so i kinda assumed that i should get a mountain bike, simply because they're made a little tougher, cheaper, and some 10 speed aint ognna dcut it on the ballast. in all 8 pages, i gathered that all i need is a 'fixed gear,' really.. dunno if they make fixed gear mtn bikes though. any other suggestions?



i used to have a trek 6000 or something? it was one of those flourescent bikes w/ the black speckles. couldnt wear nylon shorts w/ it... they'd rub up against the break wires and shock the shit outta ya. it was expensive.. my dad got it when i was 14, but i outgrew it... and fractured my wrist on it too.

and i used to sport those bike hats w/ the short flip bill for ever. thanks guys. besides.. this 'll give you kiddies fuel for the thread..

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vanity, if your gonna be trying to ride on ballast you really shopuld get a mtn bike. you can get a good entry level (no shocks, ok components) for $300 or less. check out your local shop. if your feeling saucy, buy a cruiser. a bmx bike w/ mountain bike wheeels essentially. good fun in the city, probably ok in the yard....

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Hey i was just wondering if any of you guys on this thread are into CYCLOCROSS because i fckin love it. cyclocross is why i ride it's the love of my life. the one thing that pisses me off is im a junior (18) and when ever i race i never have any competition. it's starting to get boring but im planning on going up north like philly, baltamore, new jersey to do some races. basically i want to do the MAC-series. i live in richmond va and if any of you guys are from around here or want to know where some races are hit up my email. the US nationals are in baltamore if you going let me know because i'll be there. l

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Originally posted by HESHIANDET

fr8ohhhhhhhhhh, my man. sorry i couldn't be there. trust me, i wanted to, REALLY BAD! lets just say i didn't do shit and i hated every second of it. Im off to ct next weekend- but im free the one after that, so watch out playa.here i come!

dibs, i've never ridden on a track before. so im kind of in the dark as to what i need to do to actually be able to ride on the track???im sure i'll figure it out and put a retarded amount of time and money into it though.


no sweat mang. we did fr8s by the pound, ate burgers and i got really damned drunk. give a hollar and we can set up the festivities.

$$ later mang $$


dibs i'll give a shout.


you guys be safe, later

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friz8oh. its as good as done dun.

toast crunch, all i know about cyclocross is dudes ride drop bars in the woods. inform me on all the gory details, im fuckin down for that shit.

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Originally posted by HESHIANDET

friz8oh. its as good as done dun.

toast crunch, all i know about cyclocross is dudes ride drop bars in the woods. inform me on all the gory details, im fuckin down for that shit.


so you want to know about cyclocross let me give you alittle history just remember im not a writer


cyclocross started in europe in places where it snowed a lot and the snow didn't clear until late march. the road cyclist had a hard time training for the upcoming road season. They took their old road bikes and put nobby tires on them and made courses that were between 1.5 and 2 miles long. they had one problem because of the extreme cold their feet were freezing so they made barriers that forced the riders to get off of their bikes and run. thus the feet will not freeze. the courses usually consist of of 3 sets of 3 barriers and one short really steep hill that you must run up and a short climb and a short down hill the most of the course is on grass and there is usually a section on pavement. cyclocross combines the elements of mountain biking and road riding into one. it's away to cross train in the winter. and where the road weenies prove they are men










cyclocross is fucking an hour of complete hell were you can't feel your face or your toes and your tounge is hanging out of you mouth for and hour and at the end you ask yourself why the hell are we doing this. i don't know why i do it. i think im addicted

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The classic image of cyclo-cross is the high speed dismount-remount manoeuvre. This takes place when the bike is to be carried on the shoulder up a particularly steep or muddy incline, or else when an obstacle on the course cannot be ridden.

In terms of technique, cyclo-cross is one of the most difficult forms of cycle racing. The bicycle resembles the road machine, with its dropped handlebars, 700C size wheels and relatively narrow tyres. Yet the conditions for these two disciplines could hardly be more different. For a start cyclo-cross is a winter-time sport. Woodland trails, open meadows, and short, steep hills are the main features of a cyclo-cross course. Normally the circuit is in the region of 2.5-3km, and the race duration around one hour.



The sport had its first world championship in Paris in 1950. In the early years, cyclo-cross was thought of only as an accessory to road racing. The intense work of the one-hour race and the use of narrow tyres on muddy hills made a good combination to hone both fitness and handling skills.


Gradually cyclo-cross specialists emerged, and the sport became dominated by riders who were little known in road racing. Apart from some notable exceptions - led by Adri Van der Poel - this remains the case today. Yet cyclo-cross stars do feature prominently at the top level of mountain bike racing - a sport far closer related to cyclo-cross than to road.


Where cyclo-cross and mountain bike racing differ in ideology is in-race technical support. In mountain biking, the rider must be fully self-sufficient to carry out in-race repair work should his machine malfunction. In contrast, a cyclo-cross racer is allowed to use up to three bicycles in a race. Since this is a winter sport and the tracks are often very muddy, a clean cyclo-cross bike can weigh in excess of 10kg less than a muddy one!


The handicaps of excess weight and mud clogging have resulted in a highly organised pit stop system. Trained teams of mechanics work quickly throughout the race to ensure that the rider may have a clean, oiled bike once each lap. Normally two machines are in the use/cleaning cycle, while a third is kept in reserve in case of mechanical failure.


In 1998, trade teams have been replaced by national teams in the UCI Cyclo-Cross World Cup. This move is intended to increase interest in the sport from the mainstream audience.



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cyclocross is really dope. there are tons of guys into it around here. i've been planning to go see some of the events around here and i've fucked around with a couple of bike which were real fun.


i went for a crazy mountain ride today. over 40 miles. out on some really technical singletrack with slippery rocks, roots and leaves and shit. oh in a steady rain all day with some intervals of complete downpour. really almost ate some shit hundreds of times, but i managed not to kill myself. my boy nearly knocked out all of his front teeth though. but he's okay.

soaked to the bone.

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Originally posted by TEARZ

cyclocross is really dope. there are tons of guys into it around here. i've been planning to go see some of the events around here and i've fucked around with a couple of bike which were real fun.


i went for a crazy mountain ride today. over 40 miles. out on some really technical singletrack with slippery rocks, roots and leaves and shit. oh in a steady rain all day with some intervals of complete downpour. really almost ate some shit hundreds of times, but i managed not to kill myself. my boy nearly knocked out all of his front teeth though. but he's okay.

soaked to the bone.


damn 40 miles on a mountain bike much respect to ya. where do you live?


:D for your boy with no teeth

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Originally posted by cinnamon toast crunch804


damn 40 miles on a mountain bike much respect to ya. where do you live?


:D for your boy with no teeth


ha ha, that face is really funny. i should show that to him.

today was really intense man. my boy isn't really a great biker, but he's into pushing limits. he's the type of guy that runs triathalons and iron mans and adventure races and shit. he'll drive around for 2 hours trying to find the cheapest gas prices but he'll galdly pay 250 bucks to injure himself and kick his own ass.

i'm all over the place but i kind of live in the northeast now.

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Originally posted by TEARZ


ha ha, that face is really funny. i should show that to him.

today was really intense man. my boy isn't really a great biker, but he's into pushing limits. he's the type of guy that runs triathalons and iron mans and adventure races and shit. he'll drive around for 2 hours trying to find the cheapest gas prices but he'll galdly pay 250 bucks to injure himself and kick his own ass.

i'm all over the place but i kind of live in the northeast now.



word i hear that i catch myself going to the limits sometime.


i live in richmond VA

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tearz,40miles is a good one huh?i went for a gnarly nite ride last nite,and a long road ride in the morning,felt real good at the end of the day.hope your friend gets well ok.you got to ride in mud!i miss the mud from michigan,in cali its always dry,its rained once in the last8 months,all dust out here.i would kill for some mud!cinamon,mr cyclocross,dang.i would like to get into it.it seems so fun,in a very insane way.the new velonews has dedicated about half this issue to the cylocross season as a preview.some really good stuff,got me all amped to get a cross bike and go for it.a few weeks ago i saw this beuatiful "kelly" cross bike,metalic green with orange lettering,a mix of xtr and ultegra and hayes disc brakes.it was so sweet.a dream on two wheeles.thanks for all the pictures and cross info,check out that velonews if you havent already.

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the mountain bike is up for sale....i've had it for a few monts and ridden it 3 times. total waste of money. when i sell it im gonna buy another track bike. haha.

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Hey, Cinnamon, those are some killer pics. That looks like a lot of fun. The other day I got a check in the mail that I wasn’t expecting, and this weekend I almost bought a straight bar for my track bike. It would have looked all weird; like a mix between a road bike and a mountain bike. So I took my bike down to the shop I used to work at and all the customers are freaking out. “Wow! Is that your bike? How do you ride that with only one gear? Where are the brakes?” I tell you what, that was some crazy shit. I ended up not replacing the bar, and I still can’t find a front brake, but it was really nice to be able to go to the shop again and buy the things that I need. I almost bought a new bike (with gears, for those easy days), but I talked myself out of it so I could buy a ticket to SF. What an exciting weekend … too bad I didn’t get anything done.

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one of THE LAW's main homies is all up on this cyclocross business. While THE LAW fully endorses bicycling in all of it's many forms, he has difficulty understanding the fun of picking up your bike and junping over barriers with it. THE LAW IS, however, pretty fucking amped on his friends new cyclocross ride and is angling to jack it in the near future.


Winter is coming. The ride to work was unnecessarily unpleasant today.

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Originally posted by alkaline

Hey, Cinnamon, those are some killer pics. That looks like a lot of fun. The other day I got a check in the mail that I wasn’t expecting, and this weekend I almost bought a straight bar for my track bike. It would have looked all weird; like a mix between a road bike and a mountain bike. So I took my bike down to the shop I used to work at and all the customers are freaking out. “Wow! Is that your bike? How do you ride that with only one gear? Where are the brakes?” I tell you what, that was some crazy shit. I ended up not replacing the bar, and I still can’t find a front brake, but it was really nice to be able to go to the shop again and buy the things that I need. I almost bought a new bike (with gears, for those easy days), but I talked myself out of it so I could buy a ticket to SF. What an exciting weekend … too bad I didn’t get anything done.


i have mad respect for you kid with the one gear. Is it a fixed gear? my dad is building me a fixed gear bike. i road one for the first time scary shit. fuck SF buy a CROSS BIKE.

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