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oh wow, you're so very welcome! i like to hear people enjoy the zine. i get this fuzzy feeling inside.


hm, good call about the bugs. i dunno how many times a fly has hit my actual eye. but i guess there are goggles. well not really goggles. more like, plastic eye protection that looks like goggles but are really thin. if you guys saw issue #2 of my zine, a friend of mine is wearing it. he wore it out in nyc. it's also supposed to help out with the rain and stuff. real simple contraption. plastic with just a rubber band to hold it in place over your head. hard to describe though. his was the color orange. does anyone know what i am talking about?

well anyways, if you want to take a look at at, i can send it to ya via email as an attatchment. i can't post it here.


Stonecutters #1


[This message has been edited by Devilush (edited 08-31-2001).]

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i have an aero track you bum with the slanted top tube owww.. that thing handles so so so so sos os ossosososososososososo tight. tho i saw a ryffrank holy shit. extended seat tube godammn.


i need it.





teeth and flowerpots. addiction to the soul.



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DLush... I think they're motorcycle goggles. Real cheap and work great if you want some serious eye protection. And very high on the "retro" factor. I used them for a while on the east coast when the secada bugs were heavy.


Wheel laceing... On my road bike my front wheel is radial laced and It's practically bomb proof. I'm not sure if it's a combination of the rims and hubs or what. But I fear no hole with my Cosmos. At the moment I'm having my rear wheel rebuilt for my fixed bike. I chose to go with the 3 cross lace for strength. Then again... I don't know much about laceing.


Hesh... are you in Philly? I have a friend who is a messenger out there. Has been for about a year. Rides an Olmo most of the time but also rides a real nice Ciocc. I was talking to him last night and he told me he rode this century ride and finished 3rd... on a fixed. Absolutely insane.




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wheele report:rr wheele is triple crossed.frnt wheele is yet to be laced.dont have the right size spokes to do triple or radial.but i do have the right size to do double cross, so thats what its gonna be.the back wheele does look super good though,laccing wheeles takes alot of patience!eyewear?i use smith sliders,the buzz saws.they do look kinda strange,but im talking eye protection not fasion,plus they come with 3 sets of lenses,mine came with yellow,orange, and brown.you can order other lenses like clear or black.personally i dont like dark lenses, so i always wear the orange ones,its just enough to keep out some sun but i can still see clearly and i dont get bugs in my eyes or worry about wind.my glasses saved my eyes on a crash 2 weeks ago,the lens is scratched to hell,but my eye survived,i would have lost an eye without them.

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man i go away for a couple days and we hit 9!takin over the boards.recieved my rims in the mail yesterday,hopefully i will be able to build the wheeles at work today!!!ive never built a wheele.any acomplished wheele builders up in here?i think im going to lace them triple cross,for strength and to keep it simple so i can model it after another wheele.but im open to suggestion,do any of you have laccing suggestions and know theyre benifits?im not tryin to braid the spokes,as cool as it looks,thats way over my skill level.radial would look good,im i think i would lack strength doing it.any suggestions stonecutters?

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damn second paged i had to save you oh dear bicicletas post.


triple lacing does look rad as shit, and even tho i am a fan of funky lace styles for show they just dont stand up to a 3x. like a 6star radial cmon that looks sick as hell but doesnt prove shit when your ass tacos a turn.


as for glasses i wear the ones i need to see with, nothing special armani frames prescription lenses otherwise ill crash and die tho i was thinking about getting a pair of something for the sun with scrips in em rather then blted to the outside.





teeth and flowerpots. addiction to the soul.



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true willy......true. i forgot to mention the argument of lateral stregth vs. vertical strength when dealing w/ different lace styles.(little drunk).

joker: i think i got yer buddy narrowed down to 2 or 3 people. the ciocc sealed the deal. im not too social at work so the amount of people i know is rather pathetic. but hey the world seems to be pretty small. email me er spmthing.






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as for saddles, use what distance riders use a harder forming saddle a fisik or something to that effect selle san marcos kick ass. it is wierd because it doesnt really translate into what feels good when you mush your fingers into it. your ass is different i cant really understand it.

as for a custom track i saw a ryffranck and i think i want that instead of a casati now. i just need to get money, i am gonna get a road bike tho for hill spins and riding to philly or nh to go camping and shit. looking at a casati road, god damn itialian hand crafting blows my mind.





teeth and flowerpots. addiction to the soul.



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Originally posted by T.T Boy:

tekkrocks. i dont know what mine is. its silver, with skulls for air cap thingies. i found it on someones lawn too. ahh the joys of not wanting to walk home drunk.

ah werd ive gotten countless bikes that way then i just leave them in front of my neighbors house lolhahahahaah!
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well jobe, after my first real long ride on that flite gel i wasn't liking it. i was getting some serious numb nuts, which wasn't hype at all. other than that it's been great, but whatever, now i see what you mean. after going through the problems with numbness, especially on hills, i'm thinking about maybe getting an ergonomic john, but not a grandaddy joint, if anything a transam (yeah i know hesh...). shit. i still am looking for glasses; i usually wear contacts but i might get a new glasses (i need them anyway) just because most sunglasses look so stupid to me. i'm still open to any recommendations on sunglasses. does anybody know anything about solo velos? i've never seen one out here, but they intrigue me just because of the slightly more relaxed geometry. i dunno, i'm saving up my loot in earnest because once march comes around i will have my custom made track for me. hahaha.

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i too have been considdering getting a road bike,actually i am getting a road bike.i just gotta save.but lately ive been thinking of getting a cyclosross bike. kona makes a nice one called the major snake.my friend uses one for road training and then takes it to trails and just crushes with it.if not a cyclocross its gonna be the 02 lemond buenos aries,it comes stock with full ultegra at just over $1500 retail.thats a deal.but thinking of a road bike that rails on dirt sounds fun.

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i wear northface in the rain,mountain lite/gore tex jacket and gore tex pants,keeps me warm and dry,and thats important in a climate when winter means rain for 2+ months.i dont alter my bike,tires and whatnot, for rain.i use the same gear year round,slick michilan axials on my fixie and irc mythos on my mountain bike.

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as for rain, you guys are gonna hate on me, i don't really ride in the rain. i try to stay out of it. and considering that i live here, it rains for a good amount of time.


well al, i live in the bay area. i've lived here for 5 years now but it doesn't beat home, chi-town. there is a lot to do here. there comes a point where you think that you've done everything, but it will ride through. my boyfriend and i have a good amount of friends that we chill with. almost every weekend there is an alleycat, or some sorta messenger gathering. so we're never bored. i guess it all depends on the fact if you have a good circle of friends going on, it's never uneventful. we also got a new studio for $1000/month. and that's cheap. py out here is good compared to the east coast or the midwest. and i can say that with some truth. jobs are not hard to find. it may take a while, but the dot com deal is shaky. if you want to messenger, they make some money. just have to find the right company that suits you. i really do like my city, but i'm not gonna say it's the best to live in. dude, just go live somewhere for like 2 months or something. that's a long vacation. that would prolly cure your antsy-ness. you can email me if you'd like to know more.



Stonecutters #1

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Did a nice 100 mile ride this weekend. It rained on and off, creating bits of cold-ass decents after some hills but over all... very nice ride. I race today but I'm not feeling it. Kinda sluggish.


Eyewear... I wear Briko Jumpers for road riding. They're super lightweight and fit snug without being snug. They come with real nice amber lenses that block out just about everything. For tooling around the streets I wear these Spy deals. They look real similar to Arnette Ravens. If you're looking for some riding glasses that you can have prescription lenses put in, Briko makes some real nice ones for around $80. And they won't make you look like a nerd.


Rain gear... Considering where I live, you'd think I'd be fully stocked. But I actually only have one of those Castelli lightweight clear rain jackets. Cost me about $20. No frills. It's all I need. When winter rolls around I wear some nice Pearl Izumi booties and some nice Castelli gor-tex gloves. And I have all kinds of Assos winter gear. But nothing really for the rain. I can't find anything that breathes very well.


Saddles... I ride a Selle Italia Pro-Link and I love it. Not too hard and not too soft. If you're getting numbness it could be from saddle position and not the saddle itself. If you have an indoor trainer set your bike up and make tiny adjustments till it feels right. Something to think about before you drop more money on another saddle. If you do... those Fisiks are pretty nice.


Hope everyone had a nice Labor Day weekend...




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i love the trans am. it makes my bum plain ol happy. the sad thing is my dog chewed it up on the front, but its still functional.... http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb//mad.gif'>

as far as rain gear goes -i get wet. when its cold and rainy i wear this patagonia jawn. in the winter i wear either my north face or burton thermals. they keep me warm even when wet. I got alot of snowboard clothing so i just kinda use that stuff. as far as my set up, i leave it as is vittoria courriers. if its real ruggid and snowing hard as shit i ride a mtn bike. i only do that if its ike accumulating and what not.

cyclocross is hot shit!!




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ahh hesh is my long lost skins brother. vittoria courier green compound damn.


rain gear is a real sketchy thing... joker those jackets are great for a distance ride they are lite and roll up quick but working all day and bashing into things they rip easy as hell... not recommended at all for courier work. i have one and wear it on the weekends without my bag... which is another topic....


riding without my bag makes me feel insecure and loose. the road ragers probably dont know the feeling. there are days tho that i wicked love (boston) having nothing on my back. but it just feels so.......... unnatural. tho i do want a back pack so my fucking shoulders dont get all lopsidey. anyone else care to comment on the naked feeling without your bag... like i look at someone who races lately i have beentrying to picture joker on a hooked up courier bike rocking all the tight stuff... with a big ass pac designs... think about it helmet glasses race shoes hahaha not laughing at you personally just the difference in race culture vs courier culture.

like now piture hesh all worked up in jokers out fit sans bag and dickies and ulock in the back pocket funny. god i suck at life.

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hehe. i have secret dreams of being decked out like joker.

green compound all the way.

although blue compound hutchinson is tight ta def to, but $$. 20 bills aint bad for the vittoria's. oh and tuffy strips are a must. anyone else use em? i love em, some people are haters for whatever reason.


someday we will all ride together as one!!!




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Damn! I go away for the weekend and we sink to page 2?!




Eyewear: I wear prescription glasses at night. I have trouble distinguishing between open space and hard objects (especially just after dusk). During the day my eyes aren’t that bad, so I wear Smith Sliders, the Toaster model. I have a thin face, so I look goofy with the big wrap-around type glasses. The Toasters look nice and protect my eyes well.





Stonecutters #1


[This message has been edited by alkaline (edited 09-04-2001).]

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Also … I didn’t get to ride this weekend. It’s been raining on a biblical scale lately. What kind of rain gear do you guys use (types of clothing, specific tires, etc.), if any? I’m curious, because this rain doesn’t seem like it’s gonna let up any time soon.


One more thing … what do you guys think about the city that you live in? Is it a decent town to live in? Are there things to do at night and on weekends? Is the cost of living manageable? Is it easy to find a decent paying job? The reason I ask is because I was thinking about moving. I like where I’m at right now, and I have a good job and a roof over my head, but I’m getting antsy. I want to see and do new things. I guess I need a change of scene, and vacation never seems to cut it. So represent for your city (if you think your city is worth representing). You guys can e-mail me about this if you want.





Stonecutters #1

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there is a van dessel cyclocross frame at my shop that i have the hugest fuckin crush on i want to kiss it so bad, either that or that ryffranck. i could kiss em both noone woould ever know.


as for rain, pearl izumi makes really good gear, i also like straight up helly hansen for the winter, they know what the fuck theya re doing, sealed sleeves and legs, super waterproof and somewhat breathable.

the pi stuff is really breathable but if it is cold you still get real wet.

tires i stick to straight slicks at all times right now i am on the vittoria couriers 700x23 i wish they were 21's and i enjoy them they get sticky in the rain and corner real good like. i am a fan of straight slicks fuck the raised shit in the middle give me slick rubber. as for winter riding i set up a little bigger maybe 25's or 27's and some tread just to handle the sidewalks and the short cuts. almost a litle cyclocrossy. i was thinking of building something up this winter with a coaster brake the mecahnic at the shop did that and it is hot as hell.





teeth and flowerpots. addiction to the soul.



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Now that would be silly... me all gussied up delivering packages. Only Europeans would do something like that. Though I wonder if I could deliver packages faster since I'm cutting down on wind resistance? Hmmmmmm.... NERD ALERT!!


Road... Vittoria Pro-Team 23c

Track... Michelen Axial Pro 23c


Does anyone else use a heart rate monitor on long rides?






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im getting a heart rate monitor soon.i think it will help in my training and clue me in on what my body is doing a lil more.basically im waiting for my friend to upgarde his at the end of the month and ill buy his old one for cheap,its downloadable to my computer and has a coaching program,im really into the idea of it.im assumming you use one joker,do you feel it has benifited you in your training?anyone else?

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I’ve been thinking about getting a heart-rate monitor for a while. I want one a little for training, but mostly because I’m a gear nerd and I want to see what everyday activities do to my heart-rate. The funny thing is that because of my job, I’ve been able to get one dirt cheap for the past three years and I still haven’t gotten one.




Stonecutters #1

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I'm still learning how to use it properly, but the few times I've used it, right that is, it was really beneficial. I was curious about things like the loss of breath aftergetting over a big hill and not while going up it. About calories burned. How often I was above my maximum heart rate. I was really suprised with the results. Those first few rides changed the next few for sure. I concentrated on breathing to keep my HR steady and lower as I climbed hills. Which left me with more energy to keep up the pace over the hill. And as for calories... WHEW!!! If you're trying to lose a few pounds and are curious about what you're burning compared to what you're taking in... that'll really suprise you. On a slow paced hour long ride I burned over 600 calories. Not bad considering I had two big ass cookies that day.

I think they're pretty beneficial to training. I hope to have mine dialed in by mid-fall so I use it on every ride. I need to be a stronger rider come next spring if I plan to ride the Tour of Willamette. I heard even the 4/5's race is brutal in that one.


My race yesterday went pretty good. I finished the race in 5th and 5th in points. Out of 16 guys. Not too bad but I could have done better if I didn't pull for the first two laps. I would've had more energy for the points laps. 6 laps= 19 miles. What sucks is I go on vacation tomorrow till Monday and I have another race on Tuesday. Almost a whole week of no riding and then I have to race... I'll be eating dirt at the back of the pack.

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