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Nah, no crit for me today. The wife had a bachelorette party here last night and I went till the wee hours so I had zero sleep. Didn't seem smart to go down and race. Sorry to hear you went down... hopefully you're okay. I took an easy day and went out to Sauvies and did intervals till I thought I was going to puke. Then I limped home.


TT on Tuesday? Do you mean at PIR?

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so at the risk of sounding newb-ish...

im doing my damdest (damnedest, damndest, dammdest...hmmm) to try and learn about building/fixing bikes but due to my as of yet undiagnosed learning disorder i have a hard time with it...as i do with everything else..

so how did y'all learn about bike stuff? granted i realize that people on here have been doing it for years, but did anyone take any classes? apprenticeships? etc?

i got some people im learning off from im probably just impatient (i am) and want to know now)


I figured some stuff out on my own thanks to being somewhat mechanically inclined, then I got to work with a non-profit that teaches kids how to build bikes for a year and that filled in all the gaps. Look online and see if there's any used shops that teach classes or have repair clinics near you. They're usually inexpensive if not free.


Or you can get a weekend job at a shop working the front end then pick things up as you go along.

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my bike almost came off the bike rack on the city bus today. the back end of it was bouncing and bounced off the rack and that put a slow leak into the back tire somehow and by the time i rode it 10 blocks it was all the way flat.


any idea of how i can get some compensation from the bus department? because i dont have the money. and theres also some other things wrong with my bike.. in fact, i think the frame has a crack....

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okay, im going to wake up at 4 in the morning to make the ride that takes a car 45 minutes with no traffic. yea, you do that every day to get to school and get home from work and see how long you last. oh and do it on a single speed.


your statement is essentially saying "why own a car when you fly within the US"

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this brings up a question i have for the pdx folk..


are there any bike paths you guys recommend that are primarily flat? id like something that's chill for a nice sunny day and isnt going to have much uphill (single speed hipster oner). id like to strengthen my leg muscles up a bit before i even attempt the fixed side of my hub. as of right now, if i couldnt periodically coast, id probably fall over and die.

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Im pretty sure this is going to sound like some noob ish, but I have a quick tech question... What is the purpose of a chain tensioner when one has a single-speed.. Ive seen a couple cats around here that have them on their bikes, and I am curious to see what the purpose is and what benefits it offers. I typically see this setup on the street trial looking mountain bikes.



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hooooolly shit. This weekend I went to Diablo Freeride park to pre ride the slalom course for the dh series my team and I are doing this summer. I will never ride an mountain bike the same again. I was hitting jumps and drops I wouldn't ever dream of doing on my own. Also doing the Snowshoe race series dual slalom and dual stunt. Does anyone on here ride downhill? this is my first season

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dropped my bike off at the shop for a "tune-up" before i went out of town.

i missed riding so much, i couldn't wait to get home and go for a long ride.

not sure how, but i ended up pulling some muscle group in my back - and it's fucking KILLING me.


i wanna ride.

stupid back muscle bullshit.

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let someone ride ahead of you, the spiders are out now.



im about to make some aerobars out of some aluminum tubing we have at work. or maybe steel. because im lazy and the prospect of almost laying my head down while riding my bike is insanely awesome. and aerobars cost ALOT

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