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it's been a long while...


life for me is good, ive been getting in all my training (little more then 50 hours for feb.) My first race of the season is on sat. 15 mile TT. should hurt like hell but that's why we ride.


riding with Team Snowvalley is great. the U23 team has met up twice for training rides... This summer should be a lot of fun.


I'll keep everyone posted and hope all is well for everyone else out there





awww what a sweet message..




remember... we fuck as hard as we ride

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been kinda quiet about coming on the 12's but I thought I would check in and shoot the shit for a bit while I'm bored on this Thursday night...


My winter training is coming close to an end, which is fine by me. The miles in the rain have been brutal this year. Though right now it's real nice out so I guess I can't really complain much any more.


Race season started about a month ago and I've already done four races this year. This Sunday is the final race in a three series race. I'm sitting in 7th place overall so I'm hoping to finish third or better in the race to do well overall. I can't win the series because even if I place in first on Sunday, it won't give me enough points to win the overall. I think third is the best I can hope for if I do well in the final race. I'm feeling good though and have been running the race over and over in my mind. Trying to think how I can win this weekend. I think I just need to let it go and do what comes naturally. Otherwise I'll over analize it.


I'm sitting fourth for the BAR right now as well. The season is early but it's a good morale boost to know I'm sitting high in my category overall.


Been getting about 45 to 50 hours a month as well. Been finally able to do some hill intervals and I've definitely improved over last year. So the coaching thing has really helped. Not to mention riding for a serious team who works hard and helps me out. Cinnamon can back me up on that I'm sure.


I hope with the weather coming to a better place that everyone is getting out and riding more.


Hope all is well with my two wheeled friends...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am going to put a BMX stem on my bike I think, a friend gave me a cool one and it is 1 1/8th so I might as well, I think it would be kind of cool. Would this be a problem, I think it would work.


This thread has disappeared, but it is spring so y'all better start riding again!

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Originally posted by Joker@Mar 11 2005, 01:43 AM

My winter training is coming close to an end, which is fine by me. The miles in the rain have been brutal this year. Though right now it's real nice out so I guess I can't really complain much any more.




you should be grateful you don't have to ride a trainer for 5 months. it really, really sucks... on the plus side, my pedal action is smoother than ever.

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woo i been out riding most every night. just street lots..ive been having so much fun riding those shopping cart things at grocery stores. you know where you're supposed to like put the carts back when youre done. the one thing i learned about them though..is that the bolts holding them into the ground..really dont hold them into the ground that well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

it's been great here.

weather is nice, even though this morning it has been chilly chill

it was good riding weather.


i've been riding my little bmx minithrasher,

it was my first bike ever, i still have it and put it back in working order a year or two ago.

so tiny, but so much fun.

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Never heard of Kevin Porter. Must be a BMXer. Something I don't know much about anymore.


The early race season is really underway and I have been getting more and more tired. The ticker is tired my friends. Tired. I've let go of coaching due to funds, or lack there of. Though I have all my monthly journals from the past two years so I have a good grasp of what needs to be done and how to progress. The weekly crit series has started as well and everyone is riding very, very fast. It's kinda nice because this weeds out the weaker more dangerous riders. One of the reasons I always try to stay in the top ten of the pack during any race. Been suffering from cramps in my calves during surges but I'm hopefully working that out. Everyone seems to have a remedy to prevent or combat cramps. Hopefully one of these will help me. I had a race a few weekends ago and I was feeling saucy. We were about a kilometer from the finish line and the road started to go up. There was about 35 guys left in the main group and nobody wanted to take off for the line first. Last thing I wanted was a mass sprint finish, uphill. So I took off on my own. Soon as I got about fifteen feet ahead of the group, my calves seized up. Hurt so bad that I thought the feeling would never go away... that I wouldn't be able to click my shoes out. I stretched the calves out by standing up and the feeling went away fairly quickly. By this time the pack was about 30 feet ahead of me. I stayed standing and gunned it to catch back on. Somehow I managed to pass up all the riders that had passed me except for the first fourteen guys. I finished fifteenth for the day but it could have been worse had I given up. All I could think about though was if I didn't cramp, I would have crossed the line in first place. When I cramped it took a bit before someone passed me. So I knew I was going good and had the energy to go to the line alone. So I was pretty shattered by the result. Oh well. Lesson learned.


Got my new bike as well. That has been a treat. The team I'm on is also sponsored by Polar HRM and RitcheyUSA so I picked up some nice treats for the new ride. We just got sponsored ny Rudy Project too so I can finally get some new glasses and retire my Jan Ullrich Tayo specials.


Anyway... here's a link to a photo of yours truly sprinting for the line. I ended up in third or fourth for this race... can't remember right now. I'm the one in Black and Yellow.



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sup yall. im looking to do some long distance touring, hopefully coast to coast, unsupported (ill be camping, bringing everything with me and staying in few to no hotels but possibly some friends places)


i was wondering if any of yall knew of some good cross country routes, tips on touring, camping, places to stay, etc. ill be leaving within the next month and going from pennsylvania to southern california. any help would be appreciated.

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well i guess i have to reply.


ive done about 12 races so far since the beginning of march. Most of it being collegiate racing. Ive had a few top ten finishes 6th being my best finish so far this year. But the collegiate season is over and it's time to race with the new team... Team Snow Valley. My bike is suppose to be ready in the next few weeks. pictures will be posted as soon as i get those. it's going to be along summer.. on and my girlfriend is moving in with me for the summer so that should be intressed... She's going to get a lot of "not tonight i have to ride in the morning" hahah but it should be a good experience...first time living with a girl. but training is going well


joker i know how it feels when the calf cramp up... i got that a lot last season.. i have no idea why it happens or how to cure it.. but i think it's either nutrition or training... it's like i can feel them tingling and then i know when the tempo is brought up i wont have anything in me to respond...



any who keep working on the spandex tan.... sooo hot



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What to do What should you do if you get a cramp? Popular remedies include massage, stretching, acupressure (relaxing the affected muscle by applying pressure to it), and giving yourself a hard pinch squarely on the upper lip. What about nutritional remedies? Previous theories have suggested cramping is related to fluid loss and electrolyte imbalance. These theories do not always hold true. (For example, musicians, who do not get sweaty, often complain of muscle cramps.) Yet, if you are plagued by cramps, you should at least rule out any possible factor that might contribute to getting them. Here are a few food tips to help you rule out theoretical nutritional causes.


Theory #1. Lack of water. Cramps often occur when an athlete is dehydrated. (But even athletes who are well hydrated get cramps.) To reduce the risk of dehydration-associated cramps, simply drink more than enough fluids before, during, and after you exercise. On a daily basis, drink enough fluids so you have to urinate every two to four hours. Your urine should be light colored and copious. During extended exercise, drink as much as tolerated, optimally 8 ounces every 15-20 minutes.


Theory #2. Lack of calcium. Calcium plays an essential role in muscle contractions. Anecdotal stories suggest that athletes who eliminate calcium-rich dairy products can become plagued by muscle cramps. For example, a ballet dancer who added yogurt and skim milk back into her diet reports her cramps disappeared. A mountaineer resolved his muscle cramps by taking calcium-rich Tums. Exercise scientists question the validity of these anecdotes, believing a calcium imbalance is unlikely to be the cause of muscle cramps. After all, the bones are a calcium reservoir and can supply the body what's needed for proper muscle contractions. Never-the-less, to rule-out any possible link between a calcium-poor diet and muscle cramps, I recommend that athletes plagued by cramps consume calcium-rich foods at least twice a day, such as low fat milk on cereal and a yogurt for a snack. This good nutritional practice certainly won't hurt them, and may possibly help.


Theory #3. Lack of sodium. Many health-conscious athletes restrict their salt intake on a daily basis, believing this will help prevent blood pressure problems. However, if these athletes are losing a significant amount of sodium through sweat, they may be putting themselves at risk for developing a sodium imbalance that could contribute to cramps. This situation is most likely to occur in extreme sports such as an Ironman triathlon or 100-mile trail run, particularly if the athletes have consumed only plain water during the event, no sodium-containing food or beverage.


Theory #4. Lack of potassium. Athletes who sweat heavily may lose some potassium, but they are unlikely to become potassium depleted. And if they did, the whole body would be affected--not just one muscle. Never-the-less, eating more potassium-rich fruits and vegetables will hurt no one.


Theory #5. Lack of pickle juice. Some football players and athletic trainers swear two ounces of pickle juice taken ten minutes before exercise prevents cramps. The reasons are unknown and untested, but there's no harm in trying...! The above suggestions are only suggestions, not proven solutions. But you might want to experiment with these dietary tips if you repeatedly suffer from muscle cramps. Adding extra fluids, low fat dairy products, a sprinkling of salt, extra fruits and vegetables, and even some pickle juice certainly won't harm you and may possibly resolve the worrisome problem. I also recommend you consult with a physical therapist, athletic trainer or coach regarding proper stretching and training techniques. Nutrition may play no role at all.

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what's a good motorcycle for a beginner?


what i'm looking for something reasonably priced, with a design commonly referred to as "ninja" or "sport"


also, what's the general routine for getting a license? i'm looking to get it by the beginning of july, at the latest.

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Originally posted by destroya@Apr 26 2005, 03:10 AM

what's a good motorcycle for a beginner?


what i'm looking for something reasonably priced, with a design commonly referred to as "ninja" or "sport"


also, what's the general routine for getting a license? i'm looking to get it by the beginning of july, at the latest.




You're probably ready for one of these... you don't even need a license.


This thread is for bicycles.

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  • 3 weeks later...

bringing this one back from the dead.


been riding a bunch in between working all the time.



so i finally got my seatpost unseized. they didn't have to cut it out, but i lost a relatively new thomson seatpost in the struggle. managed to come up on a record titanium to take it's place for a relatively good price. looking forward to building my bike back up this weekend. i haven't had it for 2 months so it'll be like riding a brand new bike.

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