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yeah i love my new york chain,it is heavy.but its the go anywhere lock to anything dont fuck around or catch a fast one chain.its so burly.well worth the $$ i paid for it.its gives me a piece of mind,i know my bike is safe while im away when its snuggled up to the ny chain.it keeps honest people honest.

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i think the only difference between the ny ulock and the evolution ones is the locking mechanism. i have the small pocket sized evolution and its worked fine.

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70 miles today and my right knee is killing me. Then the wifey gave me a good thrashing for not wearing a helmet. Women... don't they understand that biking is about how slick you look and not about safety?


Hills that are six miles long are not fun... till you get to go down the other side.

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joker ask a certain guy about how cool he looks on his bike, he could write a book on it.......


i stopped messengering about month ago, maybe a month and a half i guess. i went to the doctors on friday, ive gained 15 pounds!!!!! WTF IS THAT???? i really hope doc's scales were tipped because i feel horrible. not what i needed to learn a month before it becomes too cold to enjoy riding...grrrr



hesh/feeling dumb for eating fried bar food and drinking pitchers 2 nights in a row!

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i love mountains going down them scare me too much... im a puss


cyclocross yeah some on please send me some competition. I HAVE NONE. yesterday in my race i did a 5:15 first lap. gained so much of a lead on everyone that my second lap was 6 minutes and the next three i just had to keep a steady pace. 2nd place finished ove a minute and a half behind. And then in my second race of the day i road most of the race in 3rd place i had the second place guy in my site I fuckin crashed on a set of barriers and dropped my chain loosing a good 20 secounds. but see the thing is im pissed i fuckin gave up i never give up. i usually fight till the end and my damn bike was shifting like shit. i just got so pissed. and i was thinking to myself what if this situation occurs at nationals what am i going to do give up, fuck no. I guess that why you race/practice before the big races. now i know what i can't do. And i was riding a brand new Redline Conquest frame shit rules it's a lot lighter then the fuji i had . well enough of my rambling i lost sleep last night thinking about it.


nationals are only 3 weeks away

there in Baltimore so if you live near there you should come out and watch the race its a really good spectator sport. and you can see my kill in the junior race.

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Yo they show track bike racing on TV in germany oh did i mention I'm in Berlin and hella people ride bikes here.And aint nothing better then seeing a beautiful euro girl role by on a bike other than having a beautiful euro girl role up to you on a bike :idea: but that hasnt happened yet but no biggie.:eek: I was passing threw some small places on the rail and some people dont even lock their bikes up can you imagine that a place where people respect your ride and dont rip you off!

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My dad goes to Europe every summer to run a marathon in the Netherlands. He takes my little sister, and they bum around Europe for a few weeks. He's always telling me how much I would love it there. He says everybody rides a bike in the Netherlands. People ride 20 miles to work on their bike, work all day, run errands after work, and ride home. "Nobody locks their bike up either," he says. "It's amazing the way that their society functions. You would love it there. And there are soooo many beautiful women." I want to go so bad. Everybody rides a bike, pot is legal, and there are so many things to see.

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SKOTREL!!!!!germany eh?no wonder we havent seen you in here in a while,have fun up in there and drink a pint or 5 for me!

i went for my first road ride in the rain the other day,normally i shun the rain,but i went out and did it,30 or so in the rain.i couldnt believe what i'd been missing,the rain was sweet,never overheated,there was fog rolling through all the little valley's in the hills,it was truely amazing.and desending on a road bike in the rain is a whole different game.sketchy!!!

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Cinnamon... I'm sending out good vibes for the nationals for you. I wish I could be there to cheer you on. I have some cycle-heavy friends in B-more so I'll make sure they go.


Skot... I know it looks as if they don't lock their bikes but they do. I thought the same thing when I was over there. I found out one night when I was drunk as shit and had a long way to go to get back to the hotel. I was going to steal a bike to make the trip quicker, but my "guide" said they have a locking mechanism in the rear hub area. So it looks as if it's left unlocked... but it's locked. Have fun in Germany and the rest of Europe!!


Dibs... the rain is very unfriendly when the road heads south. Make sure you clean your brake pads and rim sidewalls after every wet ride. Or you could be looking at a blown sidewall in the future.


Happy riding everyone!!!!

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Originally posted by Joker

they have a locking mechanism in the rear hub area. So it looks as if it's left unlocked... but it's locked.


in related news:

raliegh also used to make forks that had a key whole partialy hiden in the side of the crown. it locked into the stearur toob somehow, so the wheels rolled but you couldn't turn. i always wanted to put one on a beater with no breaks, leave it out near a busy street, then just sit back and enjoy the show. thievs would get broke. :o

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haha, some motorcycles have that same thing...i always thought it would be funny to watch some ass try and grab a fixie, get going on it then try and stop coming into an intersection...booyaaaaaaaaaahhhh..

funny theft story:

my coworker and i are sitting next to this bike rack. my bike was locked and my mans wasn't. the guy i was w/ was a courier but he was one of the couriers thats just a guy from the ghetto working his ass off. not into the scene, could care less about bikes or any of that. therefor hes got soem regular mtn. bike and doesn't look like hes even out riding bike. SOO we're sitting there and this crack head squatter kid comes along and is looking at the bikes on the rack. noticing that my mans bike isnt locked he goes in for the kill.. my man kinda laughs for a sec and says to the kid "man, i saw the guy walk inside, hes gonna be pissed when he comes out and finds his bike gone" the squatter kid goes "yeah, hahahah" and my man goes "yo....it my fuckin bike nigga!" and just drops the crusty ass kid right there. hahaha i was running around like smokey screaming "you got kncked the fuck out!" well because he did. pure comedy......



want more war stories?

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similar story:


several couriers after work were sitting around and bike were laying in complete disarray, all the couriers werent near their bikes and we watched some idiot ghetto kid try to ride a fixie away to take home. no imagine no suspecting this bike is not going to stop pedalling, needless to say the boston couriers dont let something like this go easy, so aside from the insane laughter that ensued when he was thrown shamefully from a bike that shouldnt be ridden or stolen by the naive public, a boot party (should i say bike cleat party) took place leaving the little ghetto child bloody cold and jacked for his money and jacket.


do not steal bikes. you never know what kind of karma youll get.

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in other violent news:

while pushing in pittsburgh, the best 'call' to get over the radio, was the one that went like this: ' uhh guys squelch my bike just got stolen, and the doodes heading towards uptown on forbes'. this type of call was quickly responded to by every rider that decided to show up for work that day. everyone knew it was a race to stomp the thief, and grab up whatever braging rights came with their own version of tuff justice. the 1st time i heard the call the rider was able to take the thief solo, by hopping on a towtruck, then having the driver chace him down. the kid gave the bike up without a fight.:( The one time i was able to respond in time, so did 5 other riders. 23 watched a guy roll off on his mtn bike, and directed us towards the 10th st. bridge. we all waited at one end of the bridge as the bum peddled towords us drunk on life, and to dumb to figure out what was going on. #4, who was the team fighter, and who had just 2 weeks earlier closelined and mangled a kid at 20 mph, (an aquaintence from a previous disagreement) gets off his bike, and tells everyone to relax, and just act normal. he starts jogging towards the guy whos still a good ways off on the side walk. this doode was so oblivious! anyways we were in for a show. rider4's joggin along and the bum must have thaught he was actually excersizing. they were both moving at a good clip when they met up. at the last second 4 leaves his feat and nails this guy lindros style. the bike ghosts to a crash, and their bodies fall to the ground like bags of bones. we were rollin up as they hit the dirt, and i thought for sure they were both knocked out. 4 hopped up a bit dazed, but still mad as hell. the top of his scull had caught the bum undernieth the chin, and his fists had quickly followed and nocked this guys face in 3 different directions. this guy had it worse than most i've seen, but his eyes were still open and he was breathing, so 4 took the opportunity to stomp his wrist into the side walk hard as hell just to hear him scream. he broke that shit bad, and just picturing it again makes me cringe. i laughed cuz everyone else did, but damn that doode got it bad.

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hello yellow


woooooow 21 pages like fucking whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry i havent been around but shit just happend and i am rarely on the net. here's the lowdown, yo :crazy: well they closed down hifiart.com, the only website that i was moderator on. oh well. i got laid off. it's okay!!! i'm over it, plus this means that i can find a better job. i just turned 22 on saturday! happy birthday to me...my boyfriend threw me a surprise birthday party (of course with a woman's intuition, i knew there was going to be one). there were bike messengers and writers at the party. ahhh i felt so elite! trackie yackies and blackbooks. i have flicks but i'm not sure if you guys would like to see them. my hair is officially a hint of red. it looks good. and i havent been on my bike for months!!! dont hate me. i still hold down the stonecutties. 5ALARM broke his cinelli cuz he rode it too hard. any suggestions as to if cinelli will take it back to re-tube it? and if not, you guys know any places that they can re-tube it? he still has a back up pimpin bike, jewish task force knows about it. i've also been searching for a new track frame. it's especially hard for me to find one cuz i am a 43-45 depending on the manufacturer. so if you guys see anything in ebay, let me know. gotta bid on that shit! and no road frames cuz i dont wanna convert it. hmmmm....i dont have any bike stealing stories to tell ya guys bt there was thsi one time, i was standing at my atm and a bunch of messengers flew passed by. luckily, this one guy stopped cuz he noticed that i was there. some dude, took one of the messengers wheels. fucking idiot. oh and one time at band camp......hehheeh one time some messengers seen this one guy that they've never seen before ride a red cinelli. now there are only like 3 people in the city that have that bike. so they thought that they stole my boyfriends bike. they were after his ass for a while until they saw my boyfriend ride up with his bike. moral of the story? dont steal any bikes from messenger's cuz they watch eachothers backs.

<whew> alright, i will be here more often from now on.:king:

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21 pages! Happy birthday, Devilush. It's good to have you back. One time, when I was a kid, somebody stole my bike. It was this crappy Huffy BMX that I had owned since before I knew how to ride. Well the guy/girl who stole it was in for the ride of their life, because the handlebar/stem was stripped. When he/she hit a bump, I can almost guarantee that the handlebars came loose and flopped down, causing the perpetrator of this horrible crime to loose their balance and fall on the ground. We found my bike in a ditch less than a mile away from my house, and even though it was possibly the most ghetto bike in the world, it was mine, and I was glad to have it back. If anybody were to steal any of my bikes now, there would be hell to pay, as I’m so attached to them. It would be funny though to see someone try to ride off on my Pista.

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ahhh my favorite thread ever


what up dlush? hold your head dude you'll be fine.

i'm being plagued by bottom bracket troubles lately.


i'm curious if anyone here has, on a converted road--> fixed bike, converted a road crankset to work on their fixie. and how this process was done... new chainring? any cuts made? i know that there's different ways that people do it...

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thats what i did with my cranks,theyre an old set of road cranks,a triple to be exact,what i did was take all the old rings off,(they were biopace)and got a 44 tooth ring for it,i then bolted it on the crankarm,but instead of putting it on the ouside were it would normally go,i put it on the inside to straighten my chainline.worked like a charm,a bottom bracket with a thinner spindle would help too.it can be done.mine works perfecto!

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after reading those war stories, i gotta say im kinda impressed, i never actually thought that there was a "scene" or anything like that for messengers, but its cool to hear about that. even though i'm only that dirty looking kid on the "bmx" bike (i hate calling it bmx, it sounds like a bunch of 'roided up fruits racing around a track...). Most of my stories involve being chased by police and security for scratching some rich mans property, my riding is an accepted part of my life now, its not "how much will i ride today" or "will i ride" or "where", its an accepted fact that i will be riding today in one form or another. around winter time this would usually not be the case, but after 8 years of riding outside every goddam bitter cold day in the winter, my boss at the shop has given me the entire basement for my own private skatepark, i feel very good right now about that kind of stuff. i work in a shop where i order what i want, get it at very very very low prices and i log a few hours in a private skatepark with no squirrley rollerbladers to run into, i cant ask much more than that. well, maybe for my knee to not be blown out as a result of meeting a rail in the incorrect mounting procedure...back to talking about roadbikes...sorry for the interruption.

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