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yes Oink does fade. but its probably because you didn't shake it up enough.


^^Beat me to it again.

Same deal as with the DED inside Red.

The more the mix is shaken, the better the

results. You gotta shake before each use, as

in just before writing. My Oink experiences have

also varied, but I will say that I have used Oink

in the rain before... I suggest trying it. Nothing

special, other than the fact that a wet surface

and actual rain don't really affect it at all.


Different surfaces may vary, but painted

surfaces will take it quite well in the rain.

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I filled a mop with ink containing 40 pens ink, nail polish remover and potassium permanganate, an hour later I lifted the mop and the bottom was quite hot, not burning. So I poured everything out. That was scary. What reacted with the potassium permanganate? Really the nail polish remover!?

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^^Beat me to it again.

Same deal as with the DED inside Red.

The more the mix is shaken, the better the

results. You gotta shake before each use, as

in just before writing. My Oink experiences have

also varied, but I will say that I have used Oink

in the rain before... I suggest trying it. Nothing

special, other than the fact that a wet surface

and actual rain don't really affect it at all.


Different surfaces may vary, but painted

surfaces will take it quite well in the rain.


i bombed a wet bus stop bench(painted) the other night and i didnt experience that at all, im not hating on oink, just letting people know my findings.

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heres is a flick of that red on a canvas after two coats of silver and two coats of rusto...




i also spilled some on my floor in my kitchen and when i found it, it was dry so i figured well fuck i need to get this off and i tried some paint thinner and other buff type cleaners and it pulled off the initial red but left a nice pink ghost



care to fill us in on what you made that red with?

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i bombed a wet bus stop bench(painted) the other night and i didnt experience that at all, im not hating on oink, just letting people know my findings.


The few that I did were on vertical walls

that were wet in pouring rain. I was just

fucking around and didn't expect too much

of anything. I had the tale end of a mini

squeezer and just figured I would make a

big mess on a stupid walk home in the rain.


But as I think about it in detail...

A little less than 1/2 was DED as well.

I forgot about that, but none the less it

stuck. It was streaky but it worked.


Oh yeah... If you have some DED inside

black, drop some in your toilet water...


Well don't actually.

It might fuck up your toilet. I did it once

on accident and got really weird results.

My toilet is fine.

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care to fill us in on what you made that red with?


just put the same thing in the marker thread cause someone else asked the same thing... but i'll save you the trouble of going there


it's just pen ink from some shitty 50 cents package of 10 pens... 40 pens to a half cup of 91% isopropyl alcohol let it sit then add some dot 3 and then a full bottle of kwiki shoe whitener... i used a full bottle of the kwiki with a full cup of the ink, it ends up being a little thicker than ink so it has to be in a mop so it can be free flowing



have fun

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You know the kiwi shoe whitener you used is what made it as opaque as it is, because the whitener is sort of like very thin paint with little pigment, what the red in did is simply change the colour. This could have turned to goo (as many ink/paint minxes tend to do) but the proportions were such that you suceeded in creating a nice opaque red mix that will hopefully stain as well as well as having a nice thick flow like paint. Or the pen ink will fade and you'll be left with a white smear. Eh, whatever floats ya boat, I might give it a go myself. But I'm lazy and probably won't.

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