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The Street Sticker Thread


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everyone i make is freehand...i printed about 20 on my computer but thats it, i think that takes away the artists job. i mean you could come up with a great design and print it 1000 times and post it everywhere, they look nice and professional but i strongly believe in doing every single sticker freehand, that way every one is different. It also allows for evolution and improvement. each time you draw your design it evolves somehow, but when u just keep printing it clolimits your minds creativity.


however, some artists are creative with their printed designs, like FF, jet-pac, and many others...it works for them and its dope...i guess its preference. (the ink in most printers will also run very quickly outside, unless printed professionally which is costly.)



jet-pac posted these bobs in london i believe..im so excited to see bob up with some of the artists who inspire me..



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DBD said everything i would have said to answer your question Micro. All of mine are done free handed. I have made that face so many times that i could do it perfectly in my sleep, and like DBD said, it is just a little differnt everytime, and i think it just gives them thier own kind of personality. I will eventually do some stuff on computers, but that'll be later on.

Nice shots of Bob in London. Once i catch up on all the people i owe stickers, and other stuff, i would love to trade with Jet-Pac

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yea def. like DBD said; freehand = evolution, i mean if you saw pics of my first lems, and look now, it's totally different..


i've probably drawn and cut a good 1000 lems so far :eek: but w/e it's fun, gives me something to do and a stress relief..


and yea like stomah said i could def. draw my guy in my sleep perfectly.. :) :cool: :dazed: :crazy:

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Here are the rest of the photos from the other night's mission. Once again, i tried to put something from everybody up.








Faile(i think) I didnt put this one up.


Fo ob


Pickle gets the buff within 24 hours. Fuck tha Buff!


My Lady Jamify

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thanks guys. and the only reason i asked stomah and DBD is because i see their stuff the most and it was in my head. i apologize to everyone else. i am just starting stickers so i dont have anything done yet but i ordered 700 labels and they will be here in 10-14 days...I CANT WAIT!!!!:crazy:

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I don't do enough to worry about it, although the Bush HATE face sticker was done on a large run from stickerguy.com last year, started with 500 and I think I have like 30 left. They were all over the place around here for awhile, and some have made it into some weird places like Widespread Panic's amp, apparently. Need to order more because most of the ones from last year were ripped down by the population of hardcore Bush supporters that apparently exists in this hellhole.

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Not sticker related, but what the hell. I dont care. I made to really bad Slowpoke shirts. If anyone would like to check them out go to the slowpoke link below.. I couldn't post the image on here from geocities, and i didnt feel like dealing with fotango.

I need money for a screen printing kit.


And just so this post isn't completly out of context, Dbd I saw a sticker on SN of yours, I think Abe Jr. or someone had posted it, but it was the bobs that were conjoined at the head, and i thought it was way too creative. Great Job!

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Originally posted by Stomah

Not sticker related, but what the hell. I dont care. I made to really bad Slowpoke shirts. If anyone would like to check them out go to the slowpoke link below.. I couldn't post the image on here from geocities, and i didnt feel like dealing with fotango.

I need money for a screen printing kit.


And just so this post isn't completly out of context, Dbd I saw a sticker on SN of yours, I think Abe Jr. or someone had posted it, but it was the bobs that were conjoined at the head, and i thought it was way too creative. Great Job!


i cant see the shirts, where they at?

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Originally posted by Stomah

Not sticker related, but what the hell. I dont care. I made to really bad Slowpoke shirts. If anyone would like to check them out go to the slowpoke link below.. I couldn't post the image on here from geocities, and i didnt feel like dealing with fotango.

I need money for a screen printing kit.


And just so this post isn't completly out of context, Dbd I saw a sticker on SN of yours, I think Abe Jr. or someone had posted it, but it was the bobs that were conjoined at the head, and i thought it was way too creative. Great Job!


i saw that sticker too, i was like dope!

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