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"out of character"-things you do


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so, what would your friends or family deem out of character for you to do, but it's almost habitual and maybe a secret?


what i do:

-watch robert tilton (sp?) late at night to hear him speak in tongues...then i found the greatest the on kazaa, the farting preacher...

-stargate sg-1 is one of my favorite shows...i don't tell many people about that.

-sometimes fart near a girl and walk away so people think she did it.

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not booty dance when they play "baby got back/ sir mixalot


not spend more then 5 dollors at a arcade


not wear some sort of hat


not try to mack with the ugly girls.



and the number one thing that freaks my friends out is . walk into a sanrio store and not squeal like a stabbed bitch while jumping around with i shitload of bad badtz maru merchindise in my arms, yelling about how i'm gonna buy 300 kero keropi sticker and put my name on them and slap every single one of them up in the next two hours..


yea....that only happened once cause i was broke.

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hey, you're probably being honest...



know what? i've only got a few more days at the house with my folks, and my cousin and his mom are still here...i tried, but the kid keeps fucking with my shit...i finished a bottle of brandy, and hid it downstairs wheer he sleeps...and i'm gonna take a shit in his shoes on my last day.


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i watched "the wonderful life of brad pitt and jennifer aniston" and after learning the insane amount of flow they generate have started acting like i was brad pitt. i don't mean pretending that i am brad pitt, just dressing and carrying myself like he does on the red carpet and shit. it's weird, but i figure fuck it, he made $100,000,000 in the last five years and is married to jennifer aniston...he's got his shit figured out. i'll keep ya posted on my inevitable failures.

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Apparently my friends are really stunned when they hear I'm awake before noon, even though I get up around 7 or 8 usually around 4 times a week...


There are MANY people who I have known for years that have never seen me without a baseball cap...


My neighbors seem to be suprised everytime they see me, calling me 'the ghost of my street' and offering me beer...

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