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Official Battle Thread


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ok so do you all want to do a battle with numbers?


if so i can generate a word and add numbers or whatever.


Also any of you are welcome to start battles whenever you want, just let me know if you do.


and try to keep it to 2 or 3 battles happening at the same time at the most.

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I really think you should hold till hayabusa calls the word or if he is cool with it.

He was the winner, but I dont think 2 battles (of the same thing) are a good thing because voting gets complicating.

I would prefer a different range of battles though like theme, hands, and throw battles like before.. my 2cents..


and 12ounce would be cool to do, with a theme and all.


Oh and ive never seen a character battle maybe you people could set one up.

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I really think you should hold till hayabusa calls the word or if he is cool with it.

He was the winner, but I dont think 2 battles (of the same thing) are a good thing because voting gets complicating.

I would prefer a different range of battles though like theme, hands, and throw battles like before.. my 2cents..


and 12ounce would be cool to do, with a theme and all.


Oh and ive never seen a character battle maybe you people could set one up.


im with this guy

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yeah carlo you'd think they understand you? so werd. The battle is 12ounce. Does it matter

if it's 12ounce or 12oz? Would it be better to make that clear or it doesn't matter? i just don't want to waste time doing the wrong thing. But good job steppin' up carlo and getting this thing going... Type a message in like big font size so the stakes are set loud and clear.

Due date is thursday right? I say we also do a second battle. that would be tight.

peace killahs....Hayabusa any thoughts player are you alive?





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yeah someone should set up a time according to east

or west. or maybe how late you can do it because

i know some of you got lives so u cant be here at the right

time to post up the entrees. As far as voting goes i think its

Only right to vote after someone has submitted all the entrees.


Im down for a female battle, question is nudes allowed ? and how many allowed

I was thinking some lesbo shitz,

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YO SORRY IVE been away for a second



Heres my idea

how bout the "word" be ROPE 13 or ROPER 13

must include the letters and the ###


THEME: Hangman/Gallows Ropes, bondage, bitches anything of that nature, MUST INCLUDE SOME SORT OF CHARACTER (ie. anything other than letters and numbers can count, but must be to do with the theme)


can be dark, funny, cartoony whatever, as long as u got the word and numbers, and loosley follow the theme of hangman, gallows, nooses, death, being tied up and so on


DUE DATE is SUNDAY NIGHT midnight west coast time....

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YO SORRY IVE been away for a second


"word" be ROPE 13 or ROPER 13

must include the letters and the ###


THEME: Hangman/Gallows Ropes, bondage, bitches anything of that nature, MUST INCLUDE SOME SORT OF CHARACTER (ie. anything other than letters and numbers can count, but must be to do with the theme)


can be dark, funny, cartoony whatever, as long as u got the word and numbers, and loosley follow the theme of hangman, gallows, nooses, death, being tied up and so on


DUE DATE is SUNDAY NIGHT midnight west coast time....

this is the official battle. Get started

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