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Canvas Thread

Harpo Marx

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Originally posted by Swift Ninja@Jan 18 2005, 11:19 PM

wurd up to RYKE and Architect... shits HOT




this is my second canvas.... im paintin it for my girlfriend and im scared to go threw with my plans and put a boarder around it.... im too worryed about fuckin up what ive already got


anyways, feedback/advice appreciated

try some painters tape it may help on the border. It's that blue tape in case you are not familiar with it.

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clean up the border in all white.


Make it super hard edged, and let the rose petal flow over into the border.


The piece doesn't look finished to me.

I would have a better tonal range. Add a few pure white hilights, and add a little dark purple to deepen the shadow area slightly.


this would make it POP!


Hope your girlfriend likes it!



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Originally posted by AW@Jan 19 2005, 10:22 AM

clean up the border in all white.


Make it super hard edged, and let the rose petal flow over into the border.


The piece doesn't look finished to me.

I would have a better tonal range. Add a few pure white hilights, and add a little dark purple to deepen the shadow area slightly.


this would make it POP!


Hope your girlfriend likes it!





so your sayin to do an all white boarder eh?..... seems like it would be a little bit plain?... u think i should give it a black outline at least?


and yah i was thinkin about addin some white in key spots of the flower, but purple too eh?... sounds like a good idea


thanks bro

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just a little bit of purple, and only in the deep shadow parts.

white where the highlights would be. right now it looks totally unfinished.


white border would be good. just dont make it straight edges, give it a little 'weathered' sort of feel so it has some texture where the green meets the white.

you'll be surprised how much a border brings things together.

stay away from black, its not a cartoon.


hecz is just still pissed because i made him look like a complete fool. nice signature btw. ha.

it's a public forum, everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how right or wrong it might be.

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you would put the white highlights wherever the light would be hitting it the most, which is wherever the pink is lightest.

right now the thing has very little contrast, which makes it look sort of dull...by adding high lights and low lights, it will give it more 'life'.


if you're really not sure, open up the pic in photoshop and mess with the contrast settings. you'll start to see which parts should be lighter and which darker.


also, you need to learn to not be so afraid to screw up. no offense, but thats really not a very technical painting. no matter how badly you might 'screw' it up, you can always fix it pretty easily.

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A recent canvas of sorts. Its Kind of canvas kind of collage, it started with the middle board as a palette for a mural my girl and I were doing in our kitchen. (We painted above the chair rail the bright green color, and below we did faux bamboo chutes with the yellow and brown.)


My girl had dumped out some yellow to use but it was way too much ... opened up to some cool texture effects. You can see some of that texture in the middle also the tries at bamboo are on the upper right, where it’s divvied by brown lines. The paint stir stick in the middle got stuck when we were working. At this point I thought it was calling to be something more than left over paint. I added the other two stir sticks to continue that line. Then the stickers came out and it grew, then I did the cardboard background, ripping the corrugation apart to separate it and continue adding texture.


The cardboard wasn’t very supportive so it grew again. The background is a sheet of masonite framed on the back with 1/2 inch strips of wood to lift it off the wall. Painted flat black and sanded by hand to have some deep swirl marks in it. Lastly the police tape ... I had a roll hanging around the house for years and thought it broke up the flat back well. There you have it ... it is a monster 42" x 48" staying on a friends wall for now.


I've been saying I have new shit to show and just not posting, here you have it. any feedback is welcome.

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Originally posted by AW@Jan 19 2005, 06:33 PM

I did this in Photoshop so you can see what I was talking about.

Seeking said pretty much the same thing.





yo man, that looks so fuckin nice, with the light shineing from the center of the green swirlyness and all


you obviously know what your doing.... im gonna have to try and recreate that as well as i can


really apreciate u doin that for me, much respect



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