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THUMPER! (what are you eating?)


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Originally posted by krie

how cool is my mum, she cut the crust's off my bread !


dude, you don't even know. appreciate that.


i had thai food cooked for me tonight. massaman curry, some shrimp curry, some gingery chicken with tree ear, and some more too, so good, so good.

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Gas in my apt has not been on allll week, thus my breakfasts have been HORRIBLE!

this morning:

waffles (except i think they were freezer burnt so they tasted like cardboard) with syrup.

Horrible coffee


My heat should be turned on today, then i could use my french press again and make real food :yum:

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Originally posted by CinchedWaist

Gas in my apt has not been on allll week,


this has been my problem for the last few days as well, cold ass showers fucking suck. and ive been hitting the mcd's drive thu for food

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