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i have a question for all you dudes.


i recently shot a bunch of photos for my friends band to be in their new album art. i was wondering what normal freelance photographer rates were. they're a pretty big band so they have money, but i dont know what to charge.


any thoughts?



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your time, equiptment rental (if any) film (if any) , and what you are going to give them in the end, plus what they are going to use them for.


even if its a good friend i would write up a contract that says how long they can use the image for and what they will be using it for. it sounds a little dick but if you give all you photos away with no time+usage contraints, they could become a world famous band and your photos could become iconic. on the other hand, if you dont care, charge them between 300-800 bucks depending on how much work you spent, and all that other stuff i wrote at the begining.

you and your buddy might not be friends forever and it would be a drag if practically gave the photos aways and his band went on to use them extiensivly.


remember, we photographers always will own the images, what we sell to our clients is liscensing fees. ex. '"you may use these photos for 1 album cover + 1 promo poster with distribution of 20,000 copies for 1 year." If they decide they want to use it again, make more flyers, posters, re release the album cover, they cannot do this without permission, (IF YOU BOTH SIGN A CONTRACT). If you just hand copies of you photos on a disk to them, they can do whatever they want with the photos. they make money singing, why shouldnt you make money using your skills??? thats all ffor now, goodnight

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your time, equiptment rental (if any) film (if any) , and what you are going to give them in the end, plus what they are going to use them for.


even if its a good friend i would write up a contract that says how long they can use the image for and what they will be using it for. it sounds a little dick but if you give all you photos away with no time+usage contraints, they could become a world famous band and your photos could become iconic. on the other hand, if you dont care, charge them between 300-800 bucks depending on how much work you spent, and all that other stuff i wrote at the begining.

you and your buddy might not be friends forever and it would be a drag if practically gave the photos aways and his band went on to use them extiensivly.


remember, we photographers always will own the images, what we sell to our clients is liscensing fees. ex. '"you may use these photos for 1 album cover + 1 promo poster with distribution of 20,000 copies for 1 year." If they decide they want to use it again, make more flyers, posters, re release the album cover, they cannot do this without permission, (IF YOU BOTH SIGN A CONTRACT). If you just hand copies of you photos on a disk to them, they can do whatever they want with the photos. they make money singing, why shouldnt you make money using your skills??? thats all ffor now, goodnight



Well said. Its important to practice good business as a photographer, that way, when another photographer ends up working with these people, they dont have to hear... "The last guy only charged me this... what do you mean one time only, I dont own these photos?!?" I think its good to ask questions and try and find out what other people are charging for shit, as freelancers, it helps everyone out if we try and stick to a common business plan. Just my thoughts on it...

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so i just found out that my photo teacher i had in high school past away last week. probably one of the biggest influences i've had in my life seeing as he was the man that taught me technique and pretty much everything i know about photography other than my own personal style.

my question is, would you all find in inapropiate in any way for a couple of my friends and i to leave some of our best work by his gravestone to pay our respects?

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