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Buck Williams

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Everything posted by Buck Williams

  1. I have messed around with a few different Lomo cameras, but all I did was shoot a shit load of film, and never printed anything. The best toy camera stuff I did was when I got a Holga, and modified it.
  2. Thos cig butt photos make me want to quit smoking...
  3. If anyone is in SF on Thursday, August 30th... Come check out this photo show...
  4. I like this photo... But this project has been done before. But I guess that doesn't matter... like all other forms of art, you just got to do it better. I think I just sounded like a pretentious asshole, and thats not me, I like the photo.
  5. Well said. Its important to practice good business as a photographer, that way, when another photographer ends up working with these people, they dont have to hear... "The last guy only charged me this... what do you mean one time only, I dont own these photos?!?" I think its good to ask questions and try and find out what other people are charging for shit, as freelancers, it helps everyone out if we try and stick to a common business plan. Just my thoughts on it...
  6. some things I got while walking around today...
  7. Ahh shit... I need to stop eating paint chips.
  8. http://www.mathewscott.com Here is my website... let me know what you think, I am not sure if I am going to say fuck it and build my own, or keep using this template site.
  9. some shit i found on my computer... A new one...
  10. Gosh= someone that paints... allot.
  11. Some randome stuff I have been working on...
  12. I cant really see it... He has amazing work though.
  13. I usually use my Hasselblad 500cm, and sometimes I shoot with a old 4x5 field camera.
  14. I really like the images of the curtains and the can on "the Wire" box... shits tight. I like the simplicity of he images, and the color.
  15. I personally crop my images, but I dont change the original proportions, I usually shoot 6x6 and I only crop off the edges. I dont think its cheating to crop your pics... its your art, you should do whatever it takes to make it the way you want it. Also, I like the pic of the person eating the apple.
  16. Here is some shit from an ongoing project I have been working on about the interiors of Dive Bars. All of these are in San Francisco... http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m108/mathewscott_2006/kenedys.jpg
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