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You guys have obviously never actually SEEN My Blue Heaven apparently.


I've heard of it..those screen captures look really cool. I really need to get out to the country side and do some good old fashion shooting on film. Maybe get some awesome cow shots like decaying sketches.

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recently i decided i needed a digital SLR now that they're affordable. i bought a fancy magazine yesterday to read up on the current world of photography, and was reminded of just exactly how much i hate it. i used to like photography, then one day something broke inside me, and i just loathed it. it became so cliche and boring to me. im trying to let go of that, but im not sure i can. unfortunately the only way ill really know is if i invest the money, but im hesitant to drop loot on something i feel like ill get sick of in 11 minutes. it's so hard to decide.

thats my story about photography.



ps, anyone have any experience, comments on the nikon d40x, or the pentax d100x (i think thats what its called, the new 10.2 one). oh, and is the d80 worth the extra gwop over a d40x? thank you.

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Seeks, I rock Nikons so I can try to help you as best I can. I currently use a D200, but I used a little Coolpix 8700 before that (non DSLR).


The D200 is nice if you're a wee bit advanced and have the funds to drop. If you're brand loyal you can always start small, say D40 - D80 and upgrade to a better body later on down the line.

The lenses for Nikons are rather badass.

At the moment I am rocking an Nikkor 18-70mm and a Tokina 10-17mm. Don't forget that many AF lenses made for Digital Nikons are interchangable between the D40 on up. Here's a great site to check out more about the lenses for Digital Nikons.


Not sure what kind of features you're looking for in a camera or what your actual price range is, but any photographer will send you to dpreview.com to look up everything. You can use the feature search to help you pick the best camera for you.

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ive spent the last 3 days on dpreview. that sites rad.


i dont really need anything fancy. i used to shoot with a basic minolta SLR from the 80's. if they made something simple as fuck like that in an D-SLR, i'd be so stoked. all this extra shit they have now a days...i hate it. i dont want to re-touch my picture right in the camera, thats stupid. for a hundred years people used regular film and the 4 settings available to you, now all of a sudden thats not good enough. it annoys me. anyway, i cant see myself ever wanting or needing something like a d200. im just not that dedicated. all i want is something that will take good film-like photos.


so far i really like the d40x (d40, but 10.2mp). my only 'gripe' is that it doesnt have image stabalization built into the body, only on the lenses. this is only an issue i guess because id plan to probably rock old lenses, since they're plentiful and cheap.


other one im looking at is that pentax. ive always believed pentax to be sort of an 'also ran', not sure if thats true or not though. thing is, ive aquired two old pentax slr's, and probably 7 lenses, all of which i believe i can use on the D-SLR. that would be nice, although none of the lenses are amazing. also, it has stabalization built into the body. not sure how huge of a difference thats gonna make for me, but its something.


basically, i want something simple. as simple as possible.


thanks for the help.

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I would say that the basic level DSLR's are you main goal then. The prices are good.


As for the stabaliztion... shit man, buy a $10 tripod. And don't give me shit about carrying it around. You never know when it can double as a weapon.

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ha. im not gonna carry around a tripod. i actually own one. a nice one. again, im just not that dedicated to photography i dont think. i already have a lot of creative outlets, this is just something to fuck with when on vacations.


how much was that 10-17mm?

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yeah. ive got 3 slr's if i wanted that. theres no way i could go back to shooting film. its been too long. im too used to poin and shoot digitals, taking 15 shoots to get one decent one. if i had access to a dark room, i might consider it, but no thanks.


i was reading up on soem camera, cant remember who's making it, but it has a 'film simulation mode', where it automatically reproduces the color/feel of a bunch of popular films. that was pretty fresh i thought.


oh, this is something ive been wondering for a while, i'm sure someone has come out with a filter that accurately reproduces the grain of high speed b&w. anyone know of such a thing?

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naw, that always looks like shit, and doesnt actually recrete film grain.

i love the way b&w looks, shot at super high speeds so its grainy as shit. almost looks like pointalism.

when you shoot at high speeds with digital, it has that moire look and just looks...digital. i hate that.

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my problem with the noise filters (and im not sure if this article addresses this, since i havent read it yet) is that the 'noise' pixels were always tiny, where as film grain wasnt. i always wished there was a way to increase the dot size.


god, i have so much to re-learn about photography, i dont remember anything. pushing shit, depth of field, all of that is totally lost on me.


appreciate all your help, and since i was so self absorbed earlier i forgot to say it, congrats.

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come on isaaaaaaaaaaaaaac, id considered all that. i dont know anyone who has one. plus, i like wasting money, i just wanna make sure i should waste it on this, instead of more guns or something even more useless.


Allright then its settled, go for the camera, dingus.

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congratsss dood. coming on june 13th and 14th. you gonnna be around. i dont have much time but maybe at night we could do some shooting


Yeam man, I'll be in town. I work Wednesday from like 5-10p, but we can hang out whenever's good for you.


I'll have your Polaroid name ready to hand over too.

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