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NC graf.


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better left unsaid then


I heard that's what benching used to be, keeping track of who you saw and exchanging it. I was too busy being a pyromaniacle little kid and riding my bike around the hood acting tough (all 3 still true)


crazy fucking weekend. any naked hulahoop is too much naked hulahoop. good shit been posted, I caught a sicr 'tween lines but didn't have my camerr..... uh nevermind


ps your car fucking sucks if you can't handle asheville

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I'd like to thank that fucking toy I met in Asheville for being such a well behaved nice fucking toy.


I stopped there..found the toy...scored some trees...did a fill..and left.


Thanks again you fucking toy!


no one gives a fuck about you, scoring trees, or your fill in. also stop saying toy, it makes you look like a fucking dumbass

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