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NC graf.


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I love the fact that this comes and goes every few months, everybody needs to chill and do thier own thing - walls legal or not, layups, stickers or bathroom etch tags, skateboard shows, concerts etc.. you guys have it easier these days than you think, instead of talking on her go out and do what you want, take criticism (both the good and the bad) and move on...

The world is a big place, lots of places to show your skills because at the end of the day all this arguing is for repping NC??

And I am going to get slammed for saying this but...

I am telling you there aren't many writers known from here - outside of here.... ya dig?

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haha wow the shit talking..but hey whos getting talked about..not the pussy anonymous shit talker. lord i dare you to even try and burn any one of those flicks that ghost posted, it just wont happen..bump them all by the way!! :)










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I know I have nothing to do with all of this e-beef and I'm not involved, but I think a jam is in need. Man we all live in north Carolina, so why not get together, show eachother some love. Talk,eat, and just relax.......


How about taking all of this negative energy, and chanleing it towards somethin' positive...

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nice fliks bloody....bump em all

caught a grifter

a bars RS, door was covering the rest of it

a drake - crook - jerx simplot

and a gyser sicr

.....all today!!!!

....i'll post em later after I upload them


and bump that kolen truck...hotness

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AHhahahaa, all i'm sayin is that i could burn jerx and gyser anyday. you guys need to start giving props where props are due and not only to your own crew, i see dope shit up and all that gets bumped is jerx.....seriously get your game on. You heads are all wrapped up in your own shit graffiti circle jerk. ALSO maybe gyser should stop painting the same piece over and over, same goes to jerx.


It's time someone put moms in their place (exept for celm, because he's not a total shit spewer) and im sure alot more people would agree with me but dont want to deal with the hassle of you fucks trying to act hard and write checks that cannot be cashed.



BUMP that oldy lawst!


well lil homie i will tell you this much i for one will beast you at anything and i will speak for myself but if you ever step up to me i will crush your fucking emo face in.


i dont randomly diss people, or even diss people because they paint in "my" spots, when people diss me i diss them, i will diss you until i get tired of doing it or you meet me and show how much a pussy you are and apoligize for dissing me like all of the other toys i have ever met have done. i know who you are lil motherfucker and you better hope i dont see you anytime soon. i will paint over you or anyone you know as much as i want and theres nothing you will ever do about it, i have an endless supply of paint you just encourage me to go paint more over your bullshit.

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