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i love how motherfuckers make a sticker, stick the sticker, take a picture of the sticker, post the picture of the sticker, and then give it a caption like "CAUGHT IN.....". like that sticker was just rolling through.



thought that myself....

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When I think boogie...its more of a word thats derogatory....say what you mean.

British/busted/disgusting/std/run for your life...same thing. Well unless its that one in a million insanely hot British girl who is even hotter because she has that little British charm and accent.

But yeah Bump that Kolun blurrr and that clean Sour.

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When I think boogie...its more of a word thats derogatory....say what you mean.

British/busted/disgusting/std/run for your life...same thing. Well unless its that one in a million insanely hot British girl who is even hotter because she has that little British charm and accent.

But yeah Bump that Kolun blurrr and that clean Sour.


I don't see how the word boogie is derogitory at all.

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i love how motherfuckers make a sticker, stick the sticker, take a picture of the sticker, post the picture of the sticker, and then give it a caption like "CAUGHT IN.....". like that sticker was just rolling through.

yeah shit is weak,it reminds me of the interview where obey says that the money he makes goes back into buying more stickers and posters for bombing.its not that hard to use a marker.

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yeah shit is weak,it reminds me of the interview where obey says that the money he makes goes back into buying more stickers and posters for bombing.its not that hard to use a marker.


:rolleyes: ok i gotta back the slap tag kids on this one...sticks are just another method, fast and effective. Hello My Name is... weak? that shit is Classic. if all you did was stickers then yeah, that would be pretty weak but if it's just more ammunition for ya, then there isn't a damn thing wrong with it...slap away kids!!!

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:rolleyes: ok i gotta back the slap tag kids on this one...sticks are just another method, fast and effective. Hello My Name is... weak? that shit is Classic. if all you did was stickers then yeah, that would be pretty weak but if it's just more ammunition for ya, then there isn't a damn thing wrong with it...slap away kids!!!



yeah I think the issue is that if all you do is stickers then that is weak but as far as including it in your arsenal, more power to you. The delicate balance of aerosol should not be overpowered by the stickers....damn I need to fucking pain and not talk...


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stickers are boring..........drippies look much better


not saying I aint ever put any up but its been a minute.....

stickers dont leave ghost...

drips are more attractive to the eye...more noticable

if the sticker doesnt get removed then it will fall of soon enough...


but the main argument was self promotion of you or your boys STICKER.....BORING!!!

...if it was a hollow or fill-in or piece it would be more understandable...

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