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arizona bus insides


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maybe i'll get on the bus


yepp... if nobody documents it, it's gone forever. i only wish i had a digital camera when i was riding the buses in Boston all through the 1980s.


i wish people would start destroying buses in my city


Confucius say, "We must be the change we seek in the world."

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Re: documenting


Originally posted by cpickle

when i was riding the buses in Boston all through the 1980s.


The busses... the insides of the trains... platforms, rooftops all along the elavated orange line running thru washington st...

now that was killed...

these days it just seems lame, maybe it's because I never ride the busses anymore, and I havent for years, maybe I'm out of touch, it might just be something mainly for teenage writers... but, the scratching glass thing just seems a little out of hand... it's like, okay, when should we stop scribing a piece of glass?? when you can't tell what anything says cause everyone has the bright Idea of going over each other... or when there are holes in the glass from layers upon layers of scratch tags and the city never replacing the panes (should they? I know I wouldnt).. what ever happened to markers? and when they buffed your tag you put another one up plus five more??????

I mean, it's ok to a certain point... after you can hardly see through the windows, that should be a hint. and I love catching a nice scribe (done with a dremel piece or scribing pen) with a hot handstyle, skillfully done inside a burger king bathroom where there are no other tags within miles... but it gets a little bit too much when you run out of space (like in alot of those pictures)

maybe it's just me.

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Re: Re: documenting


Originally posted by mud_buddha

Just a day's worth of documentation of the 39 bus from 1988


YESsssss I rode the #77 almost every day 1983-1988, and the #39 after they killed the trolleys.... remember the buses with the soft seats (7400s for the bus-spotters), totally trashed....

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Originally posted by GLASS*ETCH


i think freights give the oppostite. i see tags from the same writers i paint with on the local lines going back 5 or 6 years. still chillen unbuffed sitting on a high traffic road. and they change up every few days. and as far as freights go. i think its the best way to archive a regional narrative. granted you must educate yourself so you know what region the writer is from and about that region. so for instance, i caught a Jase and Cycle from 97 next to a Jbue and Mber from 99 next to a A2M end to end with a fat old Sacer tag in it. and then there was some High and Jets from the 90s to. We still catch all that LA stuff from the 90s you like untouched for the most part since it was painted. all full peices unfucked with for the most part chillen for me to flick. And the best part is, i seen it in person. not on the net or secondhand.

thats why freights are cool.


i see your point, but the fact that you saw 5 pieces of graff from 5 different regions makes freight regionally ambigious.


i like the busses in pheonix cause i see people that i would never know existed was it not for the pics of those busses being posted.


its like now i know pheonix has some habitual graffiti writers that arent in "the scene" on a national level which makes it cool. frieghts are sort of detached from a certain area. even the styles are pretty hand picked and not developed over time in a certain area.


either way its just my take, i dont expect everyone to agree with it cause my taste is really wierd. i like unknown writers that get no credit and dont know anyone or much about graff besides tagging.



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i see your point, but the fact that you saw 5 pieces of graff from 5 different regions makes freight regionally ambigious.


what provides the regional narrative however is the fact that im moderertly familiar with those cats history, so in addition to seeing their work on the net and in flicks, i got see the real deal up close and personal...which cant be beat.



i like the busses in pheonix cause i see people that i would never know existed was it not for the pics of those busses being posted.


i agree.


its like now i know pheonix has some habitual graffiti writers that arent in "the scene" on a national level which makes it cool. frieghts are sort of detached from a certain area. even the styles are pretty hand picked and not developed over time in a certain area.


i dont think it gets more habitual than freight writers though. freight writers are in the yards and about their numbers. i mean these days to get daps you gotta smash out at least 300 hundred peices. and thats a hefty number but some cats are doing triple that a year. i still paint the same styles i have from the get go. i take my influence from what i see up and from the people i paint with. which are developed over time in a certian area. besides that...i started painting freights in 92. the freight "boom" is kinna irratating if you ask me. hella no ones with no graffiti scene think they are the shit cause they bought a graff mag and have a lay up near them that pulls in shit from the east and west coast and texas. fuck that. allthough that opinion is one sided its from one person. i came up off freights and have done time for painting them. you can go anywhere in the country and find a freight yard and know that theres a good chance if you put in work your gonna see you or some one you know. or some peice from some writer whose style you like.

by all means dude, come paint some with us..


either way its just my take, i dont expect everyone to agree with it cause my taste is really wierd. i like unknown writers that get no credit and dont know anyone or much about graff besides tagging.




its all good, right on for having a intelligent articulate exchange of veiw points. it seems thats how every writer should start. thats how i did.

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Originally posted by GLASS*ETCH


its all good, right on for having a intelligent articulate exchange of veiw points. it seems thats how every writer should start. thats how i did.


yep. i respond to the way i am approached. you came with a good attitude and a valid commentary. see im a dick when people pop off and take jabs at me for no reason. maybe people will learn to actually approach me with a level head if they dont want to get told.




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Guest kode1three

dope grinding tools for sale...


gots the dope grrinding tool.using sand paper gets hot form the friction.replacable heads.fucking professional lookingi got stopped by 5-0 they didnt even realize what it was...you get mad leverage to grind real deep,wood,metal,plexi,glass.will trade flicks.or cash,$8 bucks.its worthevery dime...hit me off


~> kode1three@yahoo.com <~

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Originally posted by sixteenvandals

i always figure it is mexicans scribing busses.


are there a lot of mexicans in pheonix?








"I always figure it is white people painting on commuter trains.


Are there a lot of white people in Europe?"






...hahaha...is there alot of mexicans in phoenix???

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