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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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maybe....speaking of gas you reminded me to write a note to remind myself that there is a 5 gallon jug of gas in my garage.


Its sad if it wasn't for post it notes I would go insane. Everything I need to do it written on a post it note attatched to one of the things I do to kill time and not to the stuff I need to do. Or I have to write myself notes that say I have done stuff (locked the dorr when I left, turned stuff off, called so and so)....or else my OCD kicks in and I will turn around halfway between my house and my destination to make sure I shut the garage door. Once I even had to write myself a note to tell myself I wrote a note to myself about something.

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yeah krispy kremes sound good too. i was in the mood for 'em the last few days. there's a new shopping center opening up a block away from my house and whattayaknow? a krispy kreme is opening up. sweeet

plus i have a card for buy 1 dozen get 1 dozen free, that i can use 18 times or so.

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i smoked up last weekend.


Pistol I'm jealous, its a 15 minute drive to the nearest krispy kreme...but its oh so worth it when I get to car and openthe box and the glaze is still wet in places....oh god I'm making my mouth water.


if there was Krispy Kreme a block from my place I would be so fat.


hmmm I do have that 5 gallons of gas in the garage....now for the money to get a dozen....

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Originally posted by Zack Morris

i smoked up last weekend.


Pistol I'm jealous, its a 15 minute drive to the nearest krispy kreme


if there was Krispy Kreme a block from my place I would be so fat.


yeah but us heads in CA barely got introduced to Krispy Kreme 2 years ago. The first one opened up about 15-20 minutes from me by by girlfriends house. now this one is right next to me. please believe pistol is gonna be one fat sob. about a year ago my favorite pizza place (favorite food actually) opened up a store a few blocks away less than a year ago. so the pizza combined with the donuts and the relative closeness means even if i walk i'd still turn into a fat ass in about a years time.

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Originally posted by GLASS*ETCH

donuts are nasty. even krispy kreme.

fuck that shit, its all about a bagel loaded with fresh veggies and a latte.



fuck yeah. donuts are hella nasty. im diggin knowin how to make gourmet french pastries for when i have the munchies. ahahahahaha. suckas!!



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Originally posted by Pistol

exactly. you know who else has some killer eyes? Sherylin Fenn. i also have the issue of her in playboy.


if you want the Charlize Theron playboy shoot me 3 bucks and i'll send it your way.


ITS YOURS!!!!!....I sitll have your address..I found the envelope from when you sent to oolong stickers

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not much......I went and painted some shit and then got wasted at this dudes house who had a small party---I started getting annoyed so I split and just got back.........what's up with you?

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well.later fellas.......I need to have a square and hit the sack.......peace,till tomorrow.........ThEnYtOW!leRsWiLlkiLly0U...HahAhAhaHahah.....damn,I'm toast.:spent:

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Guest willy.wonka

fuck man..i coulda fucked tonight but my friend started playa hatin..this girl was rubbin her pussy all over my leg and he kept saying he wants to go...he wants to go.....

it got to the point where i straigh up and asked if they wanna go bone and they gave me the.."lets just go to the beach and get naked,but my homie was talkin somethin about lets go to my car so i can go home...


he basicly fucked shit up...well im drunk and im kinda upset...

this fool straight hated on a playa....both of these girls was competing on me..damn..the last place i wanted to be on was 12oz..!!

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