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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by Zack Morris

i need to get back to nightowling...for no apperent reasons unless I am out with the rest of the "drunker than you crew" I have been going to bed around midnight and getting up at 10AM...what the fuck is wrong with me?




that's right ZACK.....it is time to get down to business.....I better see your name on the roster until at least 4am or you're out.....hahahaha.....just kidding man....fuck,I'm wasted.....all hail the dirtbag......yes!.....haha.....Willy,that picture is ill,I hope you are giving 'lil Tangies some shit over there,I will be disappointed if you don't....hahahahahaha.....peace to the NightOwlers holding it down.....I'm a loser baaaaaby,so why don't you help maaaaaaaaaayyyy....

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Guest willy.wonka

i seen intangible at teh beach..i didnt really recognize him.. i thought he was some marine eyeing me out..he was sitting on the sand under a tree..i just came from the water...i started to approach him and about to ask whats he lookin at,but then i seen him smile..i knew it was him..kinda funny.

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^^^^^^^hahahahahaha......that kid is super funny,he doesn't like to talk much(which can be good and bad at the same time)......ask about him about the heads he hangs out with sometimes back home---we are all a bit on the nutty side.....he is a cool kid,though....I am seriously suprised he has hit as much as he has over there....that's dope---I'm hoping yall like his shit-it's getting better.......and I hope he hasn't shown everyone and their brother the 3 minute shit I drew in his book....man,I just didn't feel like drawing anything that day...hahaha...oh well.fuck it.

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well im only gonna be on for a few minutes cause i have to get some sleep for work tomorrow... blah! bullshit huh?

but yea new job for a few months and industry connections = good shit

nice stuff willy! hope i find some time to paint soon, it would be nice

im in a new area now so there are alot of new places and such to be had

i heard there is a legal wall down here somewhere, it would be a new and nice experience for me i guess

well im gonna be on for a few more minutes my nightowl brothers

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Hey yo When,you know that "Talk Dirty" thread by retnips?...or something like that-----keep it going.....it is turning into a mechanics thread......except for some geek quoted you"your reply to me" and mentioned something about talking shit.....whatever.give this kid some knowledge Whener.........I have a feeling this kid could an asset to our businesses.

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Originally posted by 455

.give this kid some knowledge Whener.........I have a feeling this kid could an asset to our businesses.


who splinter? <-retnilps

yea he doesnt live too terribly far from me


and whats up with dirty habit ? what the hell did i say

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^^^^^^I have no idea......I saw his quote and was like "wtf?".....it made no sense.......whoever he is needs to get his head out of his ass and start looking at things closer......we were just messing around...talkin' a 'lil shit.

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