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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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what scene do you mean ?

I dunno much bout the snipers etc

not phased by the army and what not

i love it down under

im 5mins from the beach one way, then the other way 15mins from the city.. good lookin girls too.


Where bouts are you ?

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yeah i could see who i could get it out too

i dont know too many of them guys from that site personally

met a few of em

had a few beers with some good writers last night who would probably hit it up..

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awsome, hit my email up its in my profile, or my aim. its the same as my email. ill see what i can do about getting a book sent out. i trust itll get returned, youve always been a pretty cool guy, xcept when you started getting pissed that none nightowlers were in this thread.lol. good old days. what time is it over there?just out of curiosity.do you know bute?

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glad i went to nap early last night

i got today off


well not hoorah, i gotta go to court in a few mins.. but then the days free! going to pick up a 50 cc scooter which will be fun to burn around in parks etc.

anyways gotta go..

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damn, i sat at the court room from 830 till 1 before they heard my case.

my lawyer did the talking for me just the usual blah blah crap

i ended up getting a slap over the wrists n a kick out the door pretty much :lol: 50hrs community service to be completed within 6months, too easy.. also the lawyer asked for it to not go down on my record, and the judge said ok to it.

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I went and found out what i was doing.. im doing rounds on friday doing general shit, then sunday im doing fencing in this place up north (Yanchep bute) .. erecting fences then painting them, tis funny, cuz its actually carpentry in a way which is what im doing an apprentice in :lol:

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