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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Machai is the middle name ? I like the name Connor. I think Blake is a cool name too. im dredding to go see the boss, i got to tell him im quittin at the end of the month to start my apprenticeship. eeeek!:eek:

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been a while since i seen the night owl thread... b eenee a while since i looked too...

i'm drunk...

i started at my new school today and i'm qwuiute stoked on it...


willie, i showed a friend some flicks of yours yesterday and he was totally blown away... cheers owls... i'll dig thu hrer tomorrow to see what;s been up...



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yo when

whats the pool hall ? swimming pool ? or a place with pool tables ?

just got home from the gym

i like going late, no ones around or everyones starting to leave, most the machines etc are free. i watched this movie 'slackers' earlier, was cool. one of the girls in it is banging, James King, and it is a girl! weird name for a girl though..

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mother farkin cunts

got to go to the police station tomorrow lunch for questioning over an assult that happened nov 03. damn, shit sucks. one of the witness's is my ex-gf, i just know shell fuck me over too if they ask her about what happened. i was so smashed i can barely remember what happened myself. think im just gona front up and cop it .. :( never had any run in with the law before, and a mate at work said he would be my character witness

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a guy i know just contacted me, he did 18months investigations with detectives, and is currently studying law. he dealt with a few assult charges in his time. his advice to me was:




Now the police will try and get you to go into the video room to say you don't want to appear on video. If you do that...you have then appeared on video.


I would simply ring up the officer involved and say that after consideration you are aware that you do not have to say anything unless you wish to do so. Therefore you are not comming in to give a statement. Also remind him you are aware that is commissioners orders to summons where practicable and that IF the officer wishes to charge you you can be reached at your home address with a summons but due to the nature and timeframe of the offence, you will not accept arrest as a lawful course of action.


But if he's trying to get a statement from you I'd say he doesn't have enough evidence to charge you at this stage. Therefore if you go and give a statement all you are doing is giving him the evidence he needs to charge you with the offence.


I know this all sounds pretty scary and intimidating but the law and the rules are in your favour. Stand your ground and don't say anything. "


so i decided im going to call the officer up tomorrow and tell him pretty much what that first paragraph in bold says.

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Originally posted by ARCEL

how did it go


after discussing it with my dad, he said he would contact the officer and ask what its about and why he wants me there etc. my dad is good at things like this , hes a car dealer, he talks alotta shit. hes got me off plenty of speeding/drinking fines before, i doubt hell get me off this one. but hell be seeing what its about first and making sure i dont say anything that will incriminate me or make my chances bader then what they can be. ill post later tonight what he tells me when i get home from work.

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In my opinon, getting into a fight, being the loser or the winner, doesnt matter. no need to take it to the police unless you where completly fucked up (batts, knifes, etc) I doubt many people go through life without copin a punch in the face, if they do they probably are hiding in their rooms all day fearing the outside world. face it, your going to get hit sooner or later, i dont know who agrees or disagrees with me, but thats my 2 cents..

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i'm sick... my tonsils are all swollen... it hurts to swallow... i've been drinking whiskey and vodka all night, hoping thsta'll kill whatever's in me...


my girlfriend who's not really my girlfriend is out of town for three weeks... it's kinda bumming me out... i need to go find an easy lay until she gets back...

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Originally posted by When


vinyl, your package will be sent soon

sorry im lagging but i havent set foot in work since i last talked to you

all good baby... i've had shit that i've been needing to mail for months now...


ps: fuck being sick... i am currently sitting on the shitter with my lap-top because i am exploding out of my ass...

fuck being sick...

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