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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllooooooooooooooo *echo's* :confused: *sniff* where is everybody.......... nightowls????????????pssssssssh riiiiiiiiiiiiight. its 4 am over here and not a owl in sight......dammit you gotta have a least one mutha fukin owl on at night....like me. ah well. ill see you heads later. boooooooooooooooring. nobodys posted for like twenty minutes......xcept moogle. later moogle since your the only kat on.

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its weird watching kids get around.. before even knowing how to crawl..they just scoot everywhere super fast and get into everything they arent supposed to.. you'll have the most colorful toy next to them and then a bottle of baby powder and they go for the powder.. mischevious lil things they are.

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(old jewish man voice)

aai vaat is thiiis, yeew see thaat, thuh booii will hit up people hes nuveh met but he wont hit up thish ole shmuck who drives him around, what is theees? oooi vey my liver!

(/old jewish man voice)


yeah, my old jewish man voice sucks

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:static:Ayo, Alure.....hahaha....Tell Rags I give him and the Fam a pound...oh yeah, good lookin' out on your new-found baby..even though he/she hasn't graced the planet just yet..right?..even so..congrats!..peace..455..over and out,10-4...:static:

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haha thanks 455.. yeah ill let him know if i can ever get a hold of his ass.. i havent seen or talked to him as much anymore since i've been pregnant cause im always tired and he knows that so parties without me these days. boo fucking hoo. haha

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this is about last sunday night:


when me and [friend 1] dropped off [friend 2] last night, both of us pretty loaded, i tried to punch [friend 1] in the face for some reason... big ol fuckin haymaker, that landed kind of on his ear and on the joint of his jaw... he dropped whatever he was holding and i guess it hurt him pretty damn bad... so i told him he could punch me back... after convincing him i was totally serious, he hauled off and nailed me right in the mouth... knocked the my labret piercing out and cut my gum (lucky it didn;t take out a tooth now that i think about it)


my lip is all swollen... it hurt so fucking much to try to put the barbell back in this morning...


god i love whiskey nights...


(i dropped $35 at $1 drink night that night...)

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

this is about last sunday night:


when me and [friend 1] dropped off [friend 2] last night, both of us pretty loaded, i tried to punch [friend 1] in the face for some reason... big ol fuckin haymaker, that landed kind of on his ear and on the joint of his jaw... he dropped whatever he was holding and i guess it hurt him pretty damn bad... so i told him he could punch me back... after convincing him i was totally serious, he hauled off and nailed me right in the mouth... knocked the my labret piercing out and cut my gum (lucky it didn;t take out a tooth now that i think about it)


my lip is all swollen... it hurt so fucking much to try to put the barbell back in this morning...


god i love whiskey nights...


(i dropped $35 at $1 drink night that night...)



at least one of us can still get drunk.. and rowdy ;]

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