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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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haha. yeah for awhile i was living in an apt.. where i lived on the second floor and faced the street..where everyone cruised/raced.. i would always sit outside and smoke and watch the cars outside.. fri/and sats were crazy.. i used to laugh at all the kids that got pulled over..




i was that fucking idiot that got pulled over by a cop..while racing.. and getting rearended by the fag i was racing.. when i slammed on my breaks..cause i saw the cop. harhar. on the race strip..on my way home..right infront of my apt complex. it was a show to see.. i'm sure everyone laughed at me. saw me getting arrested and everything. hah

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Guest willy.wonka

back in cali i was talkin to this girl on the phone and i heard sirens on her line...a few minutes later i heard sirens and some car was getting chased by police and the passenger of getaway and cop car was shooting at eachother..the tire blew out and rolled up in my yard..pretty cool.



in front of my work place there are accidents every 3 weeks.my co-worker got in a bad one right when she checked out..hit by a truck and glass exploded from the crash..it was cool.

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eh, that crash wasnt that bad, some kid drove his car threw a persons front wall. i took the dog for a walk so it looked like i wasnt going down to see wot damage was done. i know the people, i waved but they didnt seem happy haha :lol:

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Originally posted by dELiSs

Nightowl slumber party!


we could paint nails, do each other's hair. play twister or something.


This is only for you and alure right...or does When get to have his nails done also? Cause he secretly told me he would like that....what a weirdo

I say...

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My brother is saying stuff in his sleep out loud. As usual but it's always kind of creepy. He is in his room across the hallway.


Everyone may join the par tay! we can play twister naked! minus the naked part. so it would just twister.


My room is always 15 degrees colder or more than the house. argh. its okay though i'm tough.


I realized that I ramble a lot of meaningless stupid crap. cool deal.

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^^^ :lol: demand some where good to sleep my friend

how tall are you ?

im bout 6 foot 3. theres no way id take anything smaller then a 3 seater couch. i just couldnt do it, when i stay at my girls house, my feet hang over the bed, pretty annoying

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ive slept in a chair outside, during a storm , that sukt

slept on tiles

cant think of wot else eh


the one when it waws raining n shit, was fukt up. it was so cold.

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