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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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with the numbers your using and the context plus the fact this statment has nothing to do with said disscussion, this leads me to belive your hinting your 34 years old..and given your name, Robocop, cop on robotic computer, im guessing your some hoplessly lost vandal sqaud, or antigraffiti task force member, trying in vain to collect infromation on graffiti writers on the internet......

really, dont you got better things to do....

maybe if they had as many task forces for preventing giant corps from raping working class people in the name of profit, ie: enron, savings and loan scandal, as they do out to prevent graffiti.....there would be less reasons to write graffiti...not that i write graffiti..the internet is the best place in the world to spin yarns about all your fantasies, which is all i have done on this site......

but you know, hey more arsenic in the drinking water, war in the name of oil intrests, schools going down hill, public transportation budgets being cut, the federal goverment undermining the medical will of the voting majority....im so glad everything is peachy keen here...would you like a side a bacon with your hot plate of hypocrisy?

And why is it its easier for minors to get guns than it is art supplies?

oh yeah, i forgot, powerfull corrupt lobbyists in a congress run by greed.




Originally posted by Robocop

if 17 plus 17 is 34 then what does that make me?

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Originally posted by GLASS*ETCH

with the numbers your using and the context plus the fact this statment has nothing to do with said disscussion, this leads me to belive your hinting your 34 years old..and given your name, Robocop, cop on robotic computer, im guessing your some hoplessly lost vandal sqaud, or antigraffiti task force member, trying in vain to collect infromation on graffiti writers on the internet......

really, dont you got better things to do....

maybe if they had as many task forces for preventing giant corps from raping working class people in the name of profit, ie: enron, savings and loan scandal, as they do out to prevent graffiti.....there would be less reasons to write graffiti...not that i write graffiti..the internet is the best place in the world to spin yarns about all your fantasies, which is all i have done on this site......

but you know, hey more arsenic in the drinking water, war in the name of oil intrests, schools going down hill, public transportation budgets being cut, the federal goverment undermining the medical will of the voting majority....im so glad everything is peachy keen here...would you like a side a bacon with your hot plate of hypocrisy?

And why is it its easier for minors to get guns than it is art supplies?

oh yeah, i forgot, powerfull corrupt lobbyists in a congress run by greed.





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Originally posted by GLASS*ETCH

with the numbers your using and the context plus the fact this statment has nothing to do with said disscussion, this leads me to belive your hinting your 34 years old..and given your name, Robocop, cop on robotic computer, im guessing your some hoplessly lost vandal sqaud, or antigraffiti task force member, trying in vain to collect infromation on graffiti writers on the internet......

really, dont you got better things to do....

maybe if they had as many task forces for preventing giant corps from raping working class people in the name of profit, ie: enron, savings and loan scandal, as they do out to prevent graffiti.....there would be less reasons to write graffiti...not that i write graffiti..the internet is the best place in the world to spin yarns about all your fantasies, which is all i have done on this site......

but you know, hey more arsenic in the drinking water, war in the name of oil intrests, schools going down hill, public transportation budgets being cut, the federal goverment undermining the medical will of the voting majority....im so glad everything is peachy keen here...would you like a side a bacon with your hot plate of hypocrisy?

And why is it its easier for minors to get guns than it is art supplies?

oh yeah, i forgot, powerfull corrupt lobbyists in a congress run by greed.





haha this is defy.. hahahahaha

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i dont hate anyone defy....im just in really foul mood.

and marlboro red hogged all the hating today, so i dont even feel like hating on anyone...except boogie hands, but i know hes not showing up cause he knows i want to hate on him, in a funny good natured way, i can only read someones qoute they are fucking my girlfriend so many times before it bugs...

no i dont hate you defy, your young, dont waste to much time on the net....its not that good for you.....reality is out there guy...or if you are gonna spend this much time on the net, dont jock a pointless internet click so hard....that does not make you cool.

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i find this board as a huge joke, thats why i post alot of stupid things, belive me, i dont stay home all day and post my ass off, ill come on at 12 am and leave at 3 am. i usually just post 2-10 word replies thats it, or start an alpha battle.

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then at least bring shit up thats interesting..belive it or not, message boards foster really interesting disscussion when people articulate interesting topics for discussion in a intelligent matter, making the time spent here more mentally stimulating that spending 4 hours in front of a tv set. yah dig?

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