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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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well kids

when got in a fight tonite :mad:

so it goes something like this...

my girl and me are walking through the mall, i wanted to buy her something nice. she wanted to go to fredericks of hollywood and i wasnt about to complain. so were walking through the mall and as were going in the entrance to fredericks these two blink 182 lookin motherfuckers say some shit like 'i wouldnt even want to see her in some lingerie'

now keep in mind my girl is not fat and is not ugly, so this comment kinda caught me offguard. i turned around to see who the fuck said such a thing and i see these two fuckheads laughing. my girl tells me not to do anything, and the two shitfaces start laughing and saying 'oh hes not gonna do shit, his girl wont let him' im fuckin livid pissed at this point, so i start walking towards them cracking my knuckles. these kids have some fucking balls cause they didnt move. i get up in the bigger kids face and ask him what the fuck his problem is. he says its cause im a bitch. now keep in mind i dont know who the fuck these kids are.

then he says 'come on pussy, try some shit you dont know who i am'

i say 'yea i dont know who you are and i really dont give a fuck either'

i take a step back and give this kid a hard right to his nose, i heard that shit break and he started gushing blood all over the floor and he curls up in a little ball. at this point there is a little crowd gathered around us, but im not paying much attention. the second kid then screams some shit at me and comes at me trying to rip the piercing out of my lip. he doesnt succeed (thank god) and then he tries to pull that hug shit while trying to punch me in the ribs, he gets a few good hits in (my ribs fuckin hurt now!) until i threw him off, he immediately starts back trying to hit me, i hit him as hard as i could in the stomach and he starts weezing and shit. by now the crowd is getting pretty fucking big and i can hear this black kid yelling 'oh shit that white boy be fuckin them fools up'

i give a little laugh as i feel a fist go into the side of my ear, fucking pain and a half! my plug falls out of my earlobe and rolls away somewhere. im fuckin pissed now, my ribs hurt, my ear hurts and i lost a plug which cost me a pretty penny. so when the kid comes at me again i punch him in the throat. he starts gasping for air and im just looking around at all the people who have gathered around us. it was fuckin nuts. security then grabs me and pulls me away, i dont fight it. they said they were gonna call the cops but they didnt, i just explained the situation. and when they brought the little shits in (thank god they were 18) they had to say they were sorry for bothering me and my girl, and i had to agree never to come near them if i see them again.

i guess i got away with alot seeing as how i very well could be in jail right now for assault. but im still pissed about the incident, and we never got to go into fredericks. i swear if i see those little fucks again they best keep their mouths shut.

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well,well, well....look at what we have here..............awe fuck....nevermind....What's up Nightriders?.......the owls hootin'........I'm drunk again....which should come to no suprise..........well.....since I'm here I decided I would give a shout to you cats...........my physical form is about to collapse.........later days,better ways.............

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Since I rhymed tonight on open mic I thought I would share some quick shit I typed with no mic only the keyboard I be bored stiff for I must go smoke another cancer stick and uplift my through rhymes combined as time permits.......I typed some quick junk over in the "new" "keystyle" thread......hahaha....I love messin' around with wordplay......it's fun sometimes........later y'all.........

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Originally posted by WhenOne

the second kid then screams some shit at me and comes at me trying to rip the piercing out of my lip.


i can't help picture some fag running towards you flailing his arms like windmills with a goofy face going to rip the piercing off like some girl.

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Originally posted by Pistol


i can't help picture some fag running towards you flailing his arms like windmills with a goofy face going to rip the piercing off like some girl.


it actually did go something like that

like milhouse when he attacked bart

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Originally posted by WhenOne

well kids

when got in a fight tonite :mad:

haha... way to go white boy...

i really hate fights, but some people are just idiots and have it coming...

oh, and when, be glad you only lost yer plug... last fight i was in they hit my ear, pull out my plug, and tear my lobe... it bled all over the place, was infected the next day, and is the reason i'm back down to 0 gauge from 5/8in...

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vinyl junkie is fuckin outta here... after 2 weekends of doing absolutely shit, and then most of today dooing homewerk, i am headed out of town to go get loaded...


after about 2 1/2 hours on public transit i can look forward to about 2 1/2 days of solid drunkeness...


later kids... see ya if i survive...



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